oo Official Niketalk HOLIDAY BEARD Thread oo ...Update : FINAL PICS

Originally Posted by Nawth21

Mines coming in nicely.

I started rocking the goatee with chinstrap combo.

I normally don't connect the goatee. But I guess it's Winter time.
AC4Three wrote:
I don't know how you stand having a beard that long. My neck gets really itchy when I don't shave for about 5 days...
[Arnold Schwarzenegger]It's cause you have sensitive little girly skin[/Arnold Schwarzenegger]
That is me! I know, I know a female that doesn't cross the street when I walk by is a rarity in itself let alone a female that will actually touch me
Originally Posted by kash55

AC4Three wrote:
I don't know how you stand having a beard that long. My neck gets really itchy when I don't shave for about 5 days...
[Arnold Schwarzenegger]It's cause you have sensitive little girly skin[/Arnold Schwarzenegger]

At least I don't complain about irritation from shaving. You tricked me into buy nancy-boy creams like Aqua Velva!
Just for the record, and to bump this thread, this is what i use to groom my beard.






In that order.
the andis doesn't get it short enough that you need to use a razor after?
i think i've used a razor maybe 2 times in the last year..

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

That is me! I know, I know a female that doesn't cross the street when I walk by is a rarity in itself let alone a female that will actually touch me
i knew it was you

plus i creeped out your photobucket
Originally Posted by JBug88

the andis doesn't get it short enough that you need to use a razor after?
i think i've used a razor maybe 2 times in the last year..

Nope, i like it baby butt smooth. I only use the Andis outliners for the back of the beard near the ears, and for the mustache. Everything else isby razor.
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