oo Official Niketalk HOLIDAY BEARD Thread oo ...Update : FINAL PICS

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I don't like beards on guys.

Too bad I got that Amish beard. AKA "Neard" or neck beard. I still grow it though.
Very nice men, I like I like. I am very impressed with the artwork with some of the beards in here. I find nice shapeed up beards on men sexy, especiallythe ones who can pull it off well.

Keep this thread going.

oo206ooo - You can post more pics for viewing pleasure please, thanks.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

That is me! I know, I know a female that doesn't cross the street when I walk by is a rarity in itself let alone a female that will actually touch me
I thought u were black.

I'm playing
^ You got that DJ Khaled joint goin though, i bet if you grew it all out it'd be ill.
Shoot me! Ya'll put me to shame. This is me after a week and half, only shaving my neckline. Pops and all my 5 uncles on mom's side have full beards.

For the time being (hoping I can grow a beard one day) I just rock the goatee here and there to make me feel like a man.
when i grow it out i get mistaken for the taliban

im joining the movement though, i gotta get it lower on my neck ........
damn i missed this thread a couple days ago when i shaved it off. here are couple of mine from previous times however they are mainly short unlike my mostrecent one.




as you can see my goatee doesnt really connect to my beard yet..but hey im only 20 i got time.
Im goin for this one next been plannin to do it for a min i just gotta resist the urge to cut the hair on my neck after 2 days its fine but once it firststarts its itchier than a #%%@$!
yo 206, how do you fade man?

I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up. I've been cleaning it up, but I haven't messed with the length for a month now.
When youre fading make sure to take advantage of the side lever to extend and shorten the length.

And dont get too carried away tryin to blend a 1/8" into a 1". Take baby steps.

(if your barber is pretty decent, grow the length out for a while and have him blend it the first time, and just pay attention to how he does it.)
sorryforthe small pic i had the grimey beard it got longer than that but my job made cut it

trimmed up her but im growing it backout im tryin to get that kimbo beard lol i like the grimey look
I wished my company allowed facial hair. I had a nice 4 day old beard by Saturday because of the long weekend. Now it's gone
Originally Posted by oo206oo

SWOBOY, i comb mine in the morning. Its not usuallly necessary until its gets to a decent length. But it does help, you do it long enough and it kinda "trains" your beard to grow the way you want it.

(comb it in the same direction it grows, if possible, it'll be more likely to lay down flat)

when you was younger, did your beard have somewhat of a "whorl"
kinda like your head has somewhere
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I don't like beards on guys.


206 stays rocking the beard, props. I have rocked some decent beards in my day, but unfortunately my current job is not a beard friendly workplace. Alas, Icannot join in on this December beard growing endeavor but I support all my NT brethren that do participate.

Some of my past beards:
I'm not one to brag but aside from oo206oo and now ComradeSS (and perhapsone or two others) I may have one of the best beards on NT.

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