oo Official Niketalk HOLIDAY BEARD Thread oo ...Update : FINAL PICS

hahaha im in this like swimwear!

dont mind my girl....it was the easiest pic to grab from my flickr.

ps..some of yall looking like serial killers though.

a couple of you I would take out for a nice steak and seafood dinner though...
Originally Posted by AJChick23

ps..some of yall looking like serial killers though. just saying.

a couple of you I would take out for a nice seafood dinner though...just saying.

damn hunni im taken.....

I can't grow a full beard yet, but any excuse not to manicure my face is alright with me.

I'll be back with starter pics
hate ya'll

can only grow the 'stache and the chin hairs...and they dont even connect.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

hate ya'll

can only grow the 'stache and the chin hairs...and they dont even connect.

you are not missing out on much, its actually a pain in the *[email protected]
we just have to work with it, rather than going to the barber every 2 days trying to fight it.
The Art of Shaving isn't cheap, but you can get the stuff on sale when they're just trying to move product.

I swear by the stuff, though, no beard....stupid work
I work from home so you already know that I NEVER shave.

Only time you catch me clean shaven is when I go on business trips, weddings, funerals
or anything work related that requires me to be in the office with the Boss and management.

Those above mentioned occur a dozen times a year at most.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

The Art of Shaving isn't cheap, but you can get the stuff on sale when they're just trying to move product.

I swear by the stuff, though, no beard....stupid work

QFT but worth every single penny and dime
Thanks for this thread 206,

I haven't shaved since Thanksgiving so this'll be good...I'm def down, I tried to grow out my beard once last year, but it came out crappy...Iremember when it got too long it was (as someone said before - pubey and curly)

So I just took some pics, I'll update progress every 3 or 4 days



I was thinkin about goin crazy just for the hell of it and gettin my Walt Clyde/Steve Harvey on and coppin this


Excuse my griminess...I JUST woke up when I took this pic

I ain't cuttin $@%* til next year. I'll come back and update this in about a month. Happy growing everyone
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