Open Bar at a Job vol. Is it a Trap Edit: still got a job

I love corporate America functions.... Everyone gets trashed but there's always one to goes a little too far....

I usually get faded ... Cracks jokes with some managing directors, then try to scoop the shorty in the back who had a little too much to drink. If it ain't poppin leave early and hit a bar or lounge.

I'm quitting my job for new years so I'm going out with a bang for the "Christmas party".
Everyone should know their limits, just stay within. You can still enjoy yourself with a buzz. If you don't know how to stay within your limits, then thats a problem
Everyone should know their limits, just stay within. You can still enjoy yourself with a buzz. If you don't know how to stay within your limits, then thats a problem
Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

I never pass up an opportunity to get drunk with my co-workers. And we don't have "that guy", cause everybody is "that guy". Got a bunch of "those girls" too. NYC FTW!
I agree with this as well.  There are certain folks you can let loose with at work, but you just need to feel your way through and see who those people are.  I have "those girls" or "those wives"  but you just got to play your cards and not show your $%$% too much.  Its a learning experience. 

Also, the NY scene is much different from most.

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

I never pass up an opportunity to get drunk with my co-workers. And we don't have "that guy", cause everybody is "that guy". Got a bunch of "those girls" too. NYC FTW!
I agree with this as well.  There are certain folks you can let loose with at work, but you just need to feel your way through and see who those people are.  I have "those girls" or "those wives"  but you just got to play your cards and not show your $%$% too much.  Its a learning experience. 

Also, the NY scene is much different from most.

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Working in Media we have these all the time. The biggest/worst "That person" story i've heard is some girl blacking out and crapping her self on a white couch at the FOX upfronts a few years back.
HAHAHAHAHAHA.  My wife works in Media and you speak truth.  Somethin bout you Advertising folks man... drinking and work go hand in hand.  I swear they have keggers at her work atleast once a month to celebrate something or another. 

I was never "that guy" but I have somewhat acted the foo before when I go along with the wife to Media events.  One time we were at some Food & Wine Magazine event hosted at Spago in Beverly Hills.  After about 12 drinks in I happened to see Tom Colicchio (I'm a big Top Chef fan) just shootin the ++%$ with some people at the next table over so of course I make an #%% of myself by goin up like EH TOM! WASSUP!!!  Wife was not happy with me.

Worst Media related "That Guy" story I heard was when some rep invited a buncha people from a couple of different agencies for some wine tasting event up in Santa Barbara.  Unfortunately me and the wife missed it cause we had a wedding we had to go to, and I'm a bit disappointed that I missed the trainwreck that occurred.  The rep booked party buses to transport everyone from LA to SB and back.  Apparantly one of the guys from my wife's agency decided to hit the bottle of Jack HARD on the way up, hit the wine hard while there, and more drinking on the way back.  I guess this kid is a belligerent drunk and he started to break glasses in the party bus, started berating people, "whipped it out" and more.  I can't believe dude had the guts to show his face at work again.

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Working in Media we have these all the time. The biggest/worst "That person" story i've heard is some girl blacking out and crapping her self on a white couch at the FOX upfronts a few years back.
HAHAHAHAHAHA.  My wife works in Media and you speak truth.  Somethin bout you Advertising folks man... drinking and work go hand in hand.  I swear they have keggers at her work atleast once a month to celebrate something or another. 

I was never "that guy" but I have somewhat acted the foo before when I go along with the wife to Media events.  One time we were at some Food & Wine Magazine event hosted at Spago in Beverly Hills.  After about 12 drinks in I happened to see Tom Colicchio (I'm a big Top Chef fan) just shootin the ++%$ with some people at the next table over so of course I make an #%% of myself by goin up like EH TOM! WASSUP!!!  Wife was not happy with me.

Worst Media related "That Guy" story I heard was when some rep invited a buncha people from a couple of different agencies for some wine tasting event up in Santa Barbara.  Unfortunately me and the wife missed it cause we had a wedding we had to go to, and I'm a bit disappointed that I missed the trainwreck that occurred.  The rep booked party buses to transport everyone from LA to SB and back.  Apparantly one of the guys from my wife's agency decided to hit the bottle of Jack HARD on the way up, hit the wine hard while there, and more drinking on the way back.  I guess this kid is a belligerent drunk and he started to break glasses in the party bus, started berating people, "whipped it out" and more.  I can't believe dude had the guts to show his face at work again.

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

When working in corporate America, for me anyways, you basically have to lead a double life.

Co-Worker: "What did you do this weekend?"
Me: "Nothing much, low key weekend."

In reality, I blacked out Friday & Saturday night, hooked up with a 350 lb. wilderbeast and woke up in my own piss.

You can only let the people you work with know so much about you.
Definitely. You got to keep certain groups in different worlds.

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

When working in corporate America, for me anyways, you basically have to lead a double life.

Co-Worker: "What did you do this weekend?"
Me: "Nothing much, low key weekend."

In reality, I blacked out Friday & Saturday night, hooked up with a 350 lb. wilderbeast and woke up in my own piss.

You can only let the people you work with know so much about you.
Definitely. You got to keep certain groups in different worlds.

be "that guy"...

or...keep the same buzz riding all night and after the event invite coworkers and females from the bar to your house for a after set
be "that guy"...

or...keep the same buzz riding all night and after the event invite coworkers and females from the bar to your house for a after set
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

I never pass up an opportunity to get drunk with my co-workers. And we don't have "that guy", cause everybody is "that guy". Got a bunch of "those girls" too. NYC FTW!
I agree with this as well.  There are certain folks you can let loose with at work, but you just need to feel your way through and see who those people are.  I have "those girls" or "those wives"  but you just got to play your cards and not show your $%$% too much.  Its a learning experience. 

Also, the NY scene is much different from most.

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by Ricardo Malta

I never pass up an opportunity to get drunk with my co-workers. And we don't have "that guy", cause everybody is "that guy". Got a bunch of "those girls" too. NYC FTW!
I agree with this as well.  There are certain folks you can let loose with at work, but you just need to feel your way through and see who those people are.  I have "those girls" or "those wives"  but you just got to play your cards and not show your $%$% too much.  Its a learning experience. 

Also, the NY scene is much different from most.

Where you workin' at Marc?

We have monthly open bars for our job, everyone always act a fool lol
Where you workin' at Marc?

We have monthly open bars for our job, everyone always act a fool lol
i just happened to have a job function last night... needless to say we all were "that guy"
Luckily we're cool with the bosses so they were in on the shenanigans as well
i just happened to have a job function last night... needless to say we all were "that guy"
Luckily we're cool with the bosses so they were in on the shenanigans as well
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