I think there are more of these than DB foams. Seems like these are everywhere in NY. And honestly reseller price is fairly low - I've been saying these will sell for $500-$600 for a week - people told me I was crazy and they would be 1000+ -blah blah blah. These should bottom out around $450-$500 after the hype settles.

I've seen a few sell for $500-$600 in NYC BSOT groups.
you think I would be able to trade DS space jams for these?

ima try and go after one of those Kobe preludes and use em as trade bait for these or the Oregon 5s if I strike out
That's why prices are starting to dip...

This was a shoe 99% of the people bought to resell, one dude local sold a 13 for $450...

just let em keep on dipping

like someone said before if you not a duck fan or foam fan then why even bother

oh because they limited!!

hope the resellers get stuck with these

they will be trying to get rid of these for the low ASAP when them Prelude 6s and 7s roll aorund
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Prices will fall once kids get their pairs from NDC and start sweating the 250 price tag and the other 100-200 invested in bot life.

They'll want to make their money back quick and get desperate.
I kept telling you guys they will fall, so be patient. I already looking at 75 plus listing on ebay on my size and most of the auctions that ended have been relisted to bump their listing. 
just let em keep on dipping

like someone said before if you not a duck fan or foam fan then why even bother

oh because they limited!!

hope the resellers get stuck with these

they will be trying to get rid of these for the low ASAP when them Prelude 6s and 7s roll aorund
I hope so. Let these prices dip!
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