Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Just watched Middle Eastern news on our Arab satellite. They went around in Egypt asking local people what they think of Osama's death. Each one said they don't believe it and that whether Osama has been dead years ago or this is all fake for American government and Israeli government intentions to propagate some certain agenda. 

Thanks for the different perspective. I assumed most in the middle east ('cept Israel obviously) would say this was staged/fake/etc., but I was hoping for better. There's no trust between nations or cultures at all, on either side really. I still remember seeing a special in Iraq that was a similar "on the streets" interview segment and one of the questions asked was if The Elders of Zion book was authentic and true or not and every person answered with an emphatic yes. So much hate, misinformation and distrust out there.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Just watched Middle Eastern news on our Arab satellite. They went around in Egypt asking local people what they think of Osama's death. Each one said they don't believe it and that whether Osama has been dead years ago or this is all fake for American government and Israeli government intentions to propagate some certain agenda. 

Thanks for the different perspective. I assumed most in the middle east ('cept Israel obviously) would say this was staged/fake/etc., but I was hoping for better. There's no trust between nations or cultures at all, on either side really. I still remember seeing a special in Iraq that was a similar "on the streets" interview segment and one of the questions asked was if The Elders of Zion book was authentic and true or not and every person answered with an emphatic yes. So much hate, misinformation and distrust out there.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LarryEastwood

Something seems a little fishy about this Bin Laden thing. When caught Saddam they "released" the video of him getting executed. Bin laden died,we dident get any pictures and the dude is already buried at sea? Hmmmmm and if bin laden was the "real culprit" of 911 why did we go after Saddam so hard like it was his fault? Anybody with 2 ears and 2 eyes can see something is not right here. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I am growing kinda skeptic of what the true mission is over there
they? the US gov didnt release that video. Saddam was executed by his own people.

U.S. did release a video of Saddam after his capture to authenticate that they captured him. The U.S. military were the ones that killed his sons in a firefight and showed footage of their dead bodies.

Just watched Middle Eastern news on our Arab satellite. They went around in Egypt asking local people what they think of Osama's death. Each one said they don't believe it and that whether Osama has been dead years ago or this is all fake for American government and Israeli government intentions to propagate some certain agenda. 

The OP i quoted was specifically talking about the execution.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by LarryEastwood

Something seems a little fishy about this Bin Laden thing. When caught Saddam they "released" the video of him getting executed. Bin laden died,we dident get any pictures and the dude is already buried at sea? Hmmmmm and if bin laden was the "real culprit" of 911 why did we go after Saddam so hard like it was his fault? Anybody with 2 ears and 2 eyes can see something is not right here. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I am growing kinda skeptic of what the true mission is over there
they? the US gov didnt release that video. Saddam was executed by his own people.

U.S. did release a video of Saddam after his capture to authenticate that they captured him. The U.S. military were the ones that killed his sons in a firefight and showed footage of their dead bodies.

Just watched Middle Eastern news on our Arab satellite. They went around in Egypt asking local people what they think of Osama's death. Each one said they don't believe it and that whether Osama has been dead years ago or this is all fake for American government and Israeli government intentions to propagate some certain agenda. 

The OP i quoted was specifically talking about the execution.
Hazeleyed Honey wrote:
Just some food for thought...

Osama bin Laden’s Second Death

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Global Research, May 2, 2011

If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool’s joke this morning’s headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility of Americans.

Think about it. What are the chances that a person allegedly suffering from kidney disease and requiring dialysis and, in addition, afflicted with diabetes and low blood pressure, survived in mountain hideaways for a decade? If bin Laden was able to acquire dialysis equipment and medical care that his condition required, would not the shipment of dialysis equipment point to his location? Why did it take ten years to find him?

Consider also the claims, repeated by a triumphalist US media celebrating bin Laden’s death, that “bin Laden used his millions to bankroll terrorist training camps in Sudan, the Philippines, and Afghanistan, sending ‘holy warriors’ to foment revolution and fight with fundamentalist Muslim forces across North Africa, in Chechnya, Tajikistan and Bosnia.
Hazeleyed Honey wrote:
Just some food for thought...

Osama bin Laden’s Second Death

by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Global Research, May 2, 2011

If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool’s joke this morning’s headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility of Americans.

Think about it. What are the chances that a person allegedly suffering from kidney disease and requiring dialysis and, in addition, afflicted with diabetes and low blood pressure, survived in mountain hideaways for a decade? If bin Laden was able to acquire dialysis equipment and medical care that his condition required, would not the shipment of dialysis equipment point to his location? Why did it take ten years to find him?

Consider also the claims, repeated by a triumphalist US media celebrating bin Laden’s death, that “bin Laden used his millions to bankroll terrorist training camps in Sudan, the Philippines, and Afghanistan, sending ‘holy warriors’ to foment revolution and fight with fundamentalist Muslim forces across North Africa, in Chechnya, Tajikistan and Bosnia.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Just some food for thought...

naive to think Obama did this to boost his popularity and that they had been waiting for an excuse while fully knowing his whereabouts. you dont think that GW would have had this dude killed before his last term was up if they "knew his whereabouts"? dumb. no matter when he ultimately died, conspiracy theorists were always going to point to some current event as an "excuse" to finally have osama killed. Clinton had the ultimate excuse to get it done and divert attention, he attempted and failed. If that doesnt show that this guy was always in hiding, what will?
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Just some food for thought...

naive to think Obama did this to boost his popularity and that they had been waiting for an excuse while fully knowing his whereabouts. you dont think that GW would have had this dude killed before his last term was up if they "knew his whereabouts"? dumb. no matter when he ultimately died, conspiracy theorists were always going to point to some current event as an "excuse" to finally have osama killed. Clinton had the ultimate excuse to get it done and divert attention, he attempted and failed. If that doesnt show that this guy was always in hiding, what will?

I don't even know why you post. I guarantee 99% of your post is you marking through everything someone typed.

I don't even know why you post. I guarantee 99% of your post is you marking through everything someone typed.
i'm like this though ... everything is so clear now ...

we cut a deal with Pakistan ... they knew exactly where Osama was for years and were waiting on a time to get the most value out of their trade ... Obama needed something to jump start morale in our country among other things ... there was too much going against him and his approval rating was dropping dramatically ... this was the ace in the hole that wasnt worth bush W to use because, although public perception of him was bad, it wasnt bad enough to save the last years of a presidency ... it would have been pointless ...

this just strengthens the "pawn" argument put forth by so many, to which i have previously disregarded ... something isn't right ... dont be surprised if it comes out that we have exchanged money, arms, intelligence etc... with Pakistan ...

and o by the way, you think he would have addressed that birth certificate issue in the week leading up to killing Osama? or do you think it's more likely that the operation was already carried out and he KNEW we had gotten him and he KNEW he would have the DNA results sometime this weekend ...
i'm like this though ... everything is so clear now ...

we cut a deal with Pakistan ... they knew exactly where Osama was for years and were waiting on a time to get the most value out of their trade ... Obama needed something to jump start morale in our country among other things ... there was too much going against him and his approval rating was dropping dramatically ... this was the ace in the hole that wasnt worth bush W to use because, although public perception of him was bad, it wasnt bad enough to save the last years of a presidency ... it would have been pointless ...

this just strengthens the "pawn" argument put forth by so many, to which i have previously disregarded ... something isn't right ... dont be surprised if it comes out that we have exchanged money, arms, intelligence etc... with Pakistan ...

and o by the way, you think he would have addressed that birth certificate issue in the week leading up to killing Osama? or do you think it's more likely that the operation was already carried out and he KNEW we had gotten him and he KNEW he would have the DNA results sometime this weekend ...
We could completely get rid of the national debt if they put the siege tape on PPV for $54.99 this Saturday night
have Dana white promote it on spike tv... Problem solved.
We could completely get rid of the national debt if they put the siege tape on PPV for $54.99 this Saturday night
have Dana white promote it on spike tv... Problem solved.
So all the people in the picture are acting this all out?... NT is crazy with these conspiracy theories. We just don't know all the facts and will never know all the facts. No matter what additional info is released (play-by-play video, pics...etc) you will NEVER be happy. 
Get over it.
So all the people in the picture are acting this all out?... NT is crazy with these conspiracy theories. We just don't know all the facts and will never know all the facts. No matter what additional info is released (play-by-play video, pics...etc) you will NEVER be happy. 
Get over it.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

naive to think Obama did this to boost his popularity and that they had been waiting for an excuse while fully knowing his whereabouts. you dont think that GW would have had this dude killed before his last term was up if they "knew his whereabouts"? dumb. no matter when he ultimately died, conspiracy theorists were always going to point to some current event as an "excuse" to finally have osama killed. Clinton had the ultimate excuse to get it done and divert attention, he attempted and failed. If that doesnt show that this guy was always in hiding, what will?
In the articles they mentioned other theories on why this could be facricated by Obama's administration rather than him just wanting to boost his popularity. The articles basically argue that he was very deathly ill from a while ago and died years ago.

Like I said, I just like to read both sides, and do not take everything at face value. It is good always to be well rounded in taking in all theories and possibilities.

Like I mentioned, I do take what the U.S. government tends to dish out very lightly at times. Not like they haven't lied or manipulated the masses to create wars for their own economic agendas and interests.

I don't know what to believe really. It could be anything at this point, true or not.    
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

naive to think Obama did this to boost his popularity and that they had been waiting for an excuse while fully knowing his whereabouts. you dont think that GW would have had this dude killed before his last term was up if they "knew his whereabouts"? dumb. no matter when he ultimately died, conspiracy theorists were always going to point to some current event as an "excuse" to finally have osama killed. Clinton had the ultimate excuse to get it done and divert attention, he attempted and failed. If that doesnt show that this guy was always in hiding, what will?
In the articles they mentioned other theories on why this could be facricated by Obama's administration rather than him just wanting to boost his popularity. The articles basically argue that he was very deathly ill from a while ago and died years ago.

Like I said, I just like to read both sides, and do not take everything at face value. It is good always to be well rounded in taking in all theories and possibilities.

Like I mentioned, I do take what the U.S. government tends to dish out very lightly at times. Not like they haven't lied or manipulated the masses to create wars for their own economic agendas and interests.

I don't know what to believe really. It could be anything at this point, true or not.    
i understand getting all perspectives but you are linking articles from one really extreme viewpoint. like i said, if he was ill or died years ago, GW would have been all over it. it would have completely changed his legacy as president. it was probably the most important thing he wanted to accomplish and it would have simultaneously kept a republican in the white house after his 2nd term was up.
i understand getting all perspectives but you are linking articles from one really extreme viewpoint. like i said, if he was ill or died years ago, GW would have been all over it. it would have completely changed his legacy as president. it was probably the most important thing he wanted to accomplish and it would have simultaneously kept a republican in the white house after his 2nd term was up.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by kash55


[h1]This Is Obama and His Team Watching Operation Kill Osama[/h1]
This image shows President Barack Obama and the members of the national security team in the Situation Room of the White House on May 1, as the operation was happening. Hillary Clinton actually looks genuinely horrified.

Of course, even while the Secretary of State's face—and everyone else's—is quite telling, we don't know the exact moment of the operation. Are they reacting to the actual killing or just some other moment of the action? We will never know. The White House is just saying that they are "receiving an update":
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011. Please note: a classified document seen in this photograph has been obscured.

 times a million .

Barack face is def. 
 .  I feel em .  Mad Black Ops s--t .
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