Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by CherryJ23

o wow Im sorry Navy Seal whatever the point is he was there and was part of the capture of Osama like I said believe me or not. I swear these NTers
The military team that killed Osama Bin Laden is an elite special forces group unofficially called Seal Team 6.
Officially, the team's name is classified and not available to the public, technically there is no team 6. A Tier-One counter-terrorism force similar to the Army's elusive Delta group, Team 6's mission rarely make it to paper much less the newspaper.

It shows how important the publicity about Bin Laden's killing is to the U.S. that this morning, Team 6 is front page news.

The members of Team 6 are all "black" operatives. They exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification and often outside the boundaries of international law. To maintain plausible deniability in case they are caught, records of black operations are rarely, if ever, kept.

There are no names available for current Team 6 members, but the CIA does recruit heavily from their numbers for their Special Operations Group, so it makes sense that they were chosen to work with the CIA on this mission.



plagiarism isnt cash
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by CherryJ23

o wow Im sorry Navy Seal whatever the point is he was there and was part of the capture of Osama like I said believe me or not. I swear these NTers
The military team that killed Osama Bin Laden is an elite special forces group unofficially called Seal Team 6.
Officially, the team's name is classified and not available to the public, technically there is no team 6. A Tier-One counter-terrorism force similar to the Army's elusive Delta group, Team 6's mission rarely make it to paper much less the newspaper.

It shows how important the publicity about Bin Laden's killing is to the U.S. that this morning, Team 6 is front page news.

The members of Team 6 are all "black" operatives. They exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification and often outside the boundaries of international law. To maintain plausible deniability in case they are caught, records of black operations are rarely, if ever, kept.

There are no names available for current Team 6 members, but the CIA does recruit heavily from their numbers for their Special Operations Group, so it makes sense that they were chosen to work with the CIA on this mission.



plagiarism isnt cash
Originally Posted by RawSheed

why is that map/photo picture on the laptop blurred out?

It's probably sensitive info. It looks like a satellite aerial photo
Originally Posted by RawSheed

why is that map/photo picture on the laptop blurred out?

It's probably sensitive info. It looks like a satellite aerial photo
NightWatch 20110502


For the Night of 1 May 2011

Pakistan-US: Comment: Bin Laden and a son are dead, killed in a firefight by US Navy SEALS carried in two helicopters to Abbottabad, Pakistan, just 35 miles north of Islamabad. The US commandos took custody of his body to prove he is dead and got away safely.

News services quoted unidentified US officials that the body was prepared for burial according to the Muslim ritual. Readers might wonder who gave such an order and why.

The Abbottabad location is important for two reasons. Bin Laden could not have lived in a compound in Abbottabad without official Pakistani government sustenance. Abbottabad is an upscale area and a garrison town, but not so large as to be impersonal. Bin Laden was living in protected luxury. Many people had to know that and probably will come forward in a little time.

On 7 December 2001, Bin Laden escaped from the tunnels in Tora Bora, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with the help of a local warlord named Hazrat Ali, who betrayed US forces who had hired him to help capture bin Laden and is now a member of the Afghan Parliament for Nangarhar. Bin Laden and his gang crossed the Tora Bora mountains to Parachinar, Pakistan, where a Pakistan Army brigade was deployed to ensure his capture if he crossed the border. They failed, of course. He headed east to Kohat, another Army garrison town and disappeared.

The distance from Kohat to Abbottabad is several hundred kilometers by road, but the two towns are part of the Pakistan Army network of garrison towns in the northwest. Bin laden reportedly moved around in the northwest, but one inference is that bin Laden has been in the safe keeping of the Pakistan Army for a decade. The news reports suggest the compound was specially built for him and his enterprise, which had to have been subsidized by Pakistan and, through Pakistan, by US aid to Pakistan.

Secondly, his compound could not have been attacked from Afghanistan, him killed and his body taken by US Navy SEALs flying US helicopters so close to Islamabad without official Pakistani government cooperation. The US insisted Pakistan played no part in the operation and that the team flew from Afghanistan. That clearly is a cover story for Pakistani public consumption to try to avert overwhelming anti-Pakistan and anti-US demonstrations, which are probably inevitable in any event.

Abottabad is not some remote village on the border. It is a large town in eastern Pakistan, on the main road to Kargil and the north as well as to Muzaffarabad and Pakistani Kashmir to the east. It is northeast - towards India - of Islamabad and within the Pakistan air defense intercept zone for the national capital which is protected by the Pakistani integrated air defense system. Nothing can fly in that region without detection and without permission from the Pakistan Air Force, even from Afghanistan.

The conclusion is inescapable that the Pakistan Army protected bin Laden and recently decided to give him up, rather than sacrifice the Army's relationship with the US. The terms are not known as yet, but there certainly is a trade in which bin Laden was sacrificed. The trade might involve an end to US drone attacks across the border, which humiliate the Pakistan Army, or a new coordination regime for drone attacks into Pakistan.

Bin Laden was a hero in Pakistan. He stood up to the United States and lived …for ten years. Readers should expect an enormous backlash against Americans.

If the Pakistan civilian government survives, it will be because of the cover story that the US acted unilaterally. If the cover story works, on the surface, the US and Pakistani relationship will appear in the international media to take a nose dive. That will not be the truth, though few Pakistanis will know the truth. If the cover story is not believed, the government will not likely survive. There will be investigations by the National Assembly.

One lesson of analysis of terrorist behavior is that terrorists are most vulnerable when they move about. A month or so ago, Asia Times online published a report about bin Laden's movements in the border regions. Those reports look credible. Abottabad has good access to the western border and bin Laden had Pakistani protection. Movement to the border would have posed no major problems, but movement always increases the risk of detection.

Bin Laden was killed with two couriers, whose fate is not reported. The point is that this operation had to have inside help. The increased contacts and movements woould have increased the circle of people who knew bin Laden's location and, thus, the likelihood of a serious security breach, especially by low-paid staff.

A final point is that the operation appears to have been a success primarily of human source intelligence and special forces operations, not the drone program, though every asset probably had some role. Bin Laden's mansion compound was too near Islamabad for any armed drone attacks.

Afghanistan: Comment: The death of bin Laden will put to the test whether the Taliban and anti-Afghan government fighting groups are an extension of al Qaida or home grown rebels. The NightWatch hypothesis is that bin Laden's death will have little to no impact on the fighting in Afghanistan. If that hypothesis proves accurate, then the anti-Kabul fight will clarify as a Pashtun uprising that is not connected to al Qaida in any substantive way.

Similarly, if the Pakistani Taliban continue their terrorist fight against the government in Islamabad, that also will undermine the AF/PAK linkage. In other words, decapitation of al Qaida will not make Afghanistan or Pakistan more secure. It is a victory of justice visited on a mass murderer. The myth of the bin Laden narrative as the root of America's security problems should die with bin Laden.
NightWatch 20110502


For the Night of 1 May 2011

Pakistan-US: Comment: Bin Laden and a son are dead, killed in a firefight by US Navy SEALS carried in two helicopters to Abbottabad, Pakistan, just 35 miles north of Islamabad. The US commandos took custody of his body to prove he is dead and got away safely.

News services quoted unidentified US officials that the body was prepared for burial according to the Muslim ritual. Readers might wonder who gave such an order and why.

The Abbottabad location is important for two reasons. Bin Laden could not have lived in a compound in Abbottabad without official Pakistani government sustenance. Abbottabad is an upscale area and a garrison town, but not so large as to be impersonal. Bin Laden was living in protected luxury. Many people had to know that and probably will come forward in a little time.

On 7 December 2001, Bin Laden escaped from the tunnels in Tora Bora, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, with the help of a local warlord named Hazrat Ali, who betrayed US forces who had hired him to help capture bin Laden and is now a member of the Afghan Parliament for Nangarhar. Bin Laden and his gang crossed the Tora Bora mountains to Parachinar, Pakistan, where a Pakistan Army brigade was deployed to ensure his capture if he crossed the border. They failed, of course. He headed east to Kohat, another Army garrison town and disappeared.

The distance from Kohat to Abbottabad is several hundred kilometers by road, but the two towns are part of the Pakistan Army network of garrison towns in the northwest. Bin laden reportedly moved around in the northwest, but one inference is that bin Laden has been in the safe keeping of the Pakistan Army for a decade. The news reports suggest the compound was specially built for him and his enterprise, which had to have been subsidized by Pakistan and, through Pakistan, by US aid to Pakistan.

Secondly, his compound could not have been attacked from Afghanistan, him killed and his body taken by US Navy SEALs flying US helicopters so close to Islamabad without official Pakistani government cooperation. The US insisted Pakistan played no part in the operation and that the team flew from Afghanistan. That clearly is a cover story for Pakistani public consumption to try to avert overwhelming anti-Pakistan and anti-US demonstrations, which are probably inevitable in any event.

Abottabad is not some remote village on the border. It is a large town in eastern Pakistan, on the main road to Kargil and the north as well as to Muzaffarabad and Pakistani Kashmir to the east. It is northeast - towards India - of Islamabad and within the Pakistan air defense intercept zone for the national capital which is protected by the Pakistani integrated air defense system. Nothing can fly in that region without detection and without permission from the Pakistan Air Force, even from Afghanistan.

The conclusion is inescapable that the Pakistan Army protected bin Laden and recently decided to give him up, rather than sacrifice the Army's relationship with the US. The terms are not known as yet, but there certainly is a trade in which bin Laden was sacrificed. The trade might involve an end to US drone attacks across the border, which humiliate the Pakistan Army, or a new coordination regime for drone attacks into Pakistan.

Bin Laden was a hero in Pakistan. He stood up to the United States and lived …for ten years. Readers should expect an enormous backlash against Americans.

If the Pakistan civilian government survives, it will be because of the cover story that the US acted unilaterally. If the cover story works, on the surface, the US and Pakistani relationship will appear in the international media to take a nose dive. That will not be the truth, though few Pakistanis will know the truth. If the cover story is not believed, the government will not likely survive. There will be investigations by the National Assembly.

One lesson of analysis of terrorist behavior is that terrorists are most vulnerable when they move about. A month or so ago, Asia Times online published a report about bin Laden's movements in the border regions. Those reports look credible. Abottabad has good access to the western border and bin Laden had Pakistani protection. Movement to the border would have posed no major problems, but movement always increases the risk of detection.

Bin Laden was killed with two couriers, whose fate is not reported. The point is that this operation had to have inside help. The increased contacts and movements woould have increased the circle of people who knew bin Laden's location and, thus, the likelihood of a serious security breach, especially by low-paid staff.

A final point is that the operation appears to have been a success primarily of human source intelligence and special forces operations, not the drone program, though every asset probably had some role. Bin Laden's mansion compound was too near Islamabad for any armed drone attacks.

Afghanistan: Comment: The death of bin Laden will put to the test whether the Taliban and anti-Afghan government fighting groups are an extension of al Qaida or home grown rebels. The NightWatch hypothesis is that bin Laden's death will have little to no impact on the fighting in Afghanistan. If that hypothesis proves accurate, then the anti-Kabul fight will clarify as a Pashtun uprising that is not connected to al Qaida in any substantive way.

Similarly, if the Pakistani Taliban continue their terrorist fight against the government in Islamabad, that also will undermine the AF/PAK linkage. In other words, decapitation of al Qaida will not make Afghanistan or Pakistan more secure. It is a victory of justice visited on a mass murderer. The myth of the bin Laden narrative as the root of America's security problems should die with bin Laden.
Originally Posted by Young Safari

The only thing that strikes me as strange.. is this was done on May 1st.

This is the day they declared Hitlers death and its also May Day.

God forbid in this worlds short history things happen on the same day
Originally Posted by Young Safari

The only thing that strikes me as strange.. is this was done on May 1st.

This is the day they declared Hitlers death and its also May Day.

God forbid in this worlds short history things happen on the same day
I just dont believe it, its way too convenient, too coincidental with the election year, his birth certificate finally revealed, tv appearances. No, theres something under the surface.
I agree with that burial, whether it abided to Muslim tradition or not. The last thing they should have done was to bury him somewhere on land where he can be found. If keeping his body wasn't an option, I think that was the right thing to do.

The conspiracy theories are dumb. No matter when it happened, there's always some stupid people who think of some outrageous ideas. It's never that complicated.
I just dont believe it, its way too convenient, too coincidental with the election year, his birth certificate finally revealed, tv appearances. No, theres something under the surface.
I agree with that burial, whether it abided to Muslim tradition or not. The last thing they should have done was to bury him somewhere on land where he can be found. If keeping his body wasn't an option, I think that was the right thing to do.

The conspiracy theories are dumb. No matter when it happened, there's always some stupid people who think of some outrageous ideas. It's never that complicated.
finally, that evil prick is put to rest for good.
he will be welcomed down under with full colors...
finally, that evil prick is put to rest for good.
he will be welcomed down under with full colors...
if youre 100% sure we killed osama on may 1-- you pulled the trigger
if youre 100% sure we planned every detail of some conspiracy--you made the blueprint

whatever you choose to believe. you dont know.

thats the end of it.
if youre 100% sure we killed osama on may 1-- you pulled the trigger
if youre 100% sure we planned every detail of some conspiracy--you made the blueprint

whatever you choose to believe. you dont know.

thats the end of it.
That picture is ill.
I'll admit that I, like most everyone else, have no idea what really happened.
But a picture speaks a thousand words. The looks on the faces of the people in that room, do not look rehersed. Esp Obama, and Hillary
That picture is ill.
I'll admit that I, like most everyone else, have no idea what really happened.
But a picture speaks a thousand words. The looks on the faces of the people in that room, do not look rehersed. Esp Obama, and Hillary
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