Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by kash55


[h1]This Is Obama and His Team Watching Operation Kill Osama[/h1]
This image shows President Barack Obama and the members of the national security team in the Situation Room of the White House on May 1, as the operation was happening. Hillary Clinton actually looks genuinely horrified.

Of course, even while the Secretary of State's face—and everyone else's—is quite telling, we don't know the exact moment of the operation. Are they reacting to the actual killing or just some other moment of the action? We will never know. The White House is just saying that they are "receiving an update":
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, along with members of the national security team, receive an update on the mission against Osama bin Laden in the Situation Room of the White House, May 1, 2011. Please note: a classified document seen in this photograph has been obscured.

 times a million .

Barack face is def. 
 .  I feel em .  Mad Black Ops s--t .
The only thing that strikes me as strange.. is this was done on May 1st.

This is the day they declared Hitlers death and its also May Day.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i understand getting all perspectives but you are linking articles from one really extreme viewpoint. like i said, if he was ill or died years ago, GW would have been all over it. it would have completely changed his legacy as president. it was probably the most important thing he wanted to accomplish and it would have simultaneously kept a republican in the white house after his 2nd term was up.

I think the exact opposite. The main point of keeping Osama alive was to keep him as the boogeyman to manipulate the masses and create fear. Let's say Osama died back in 2001 from kidney failure, what would be the justification in continuing the war in Afghanistan and then lying about the WMDs and the links to Saddam with Al Qaeda to get into Iraq to get control of the natural resources and place pro-American regimes in those countries for geopolitical interests and power? Then the public would be like, ok, Osama's dead, pull out. Why do you think Bush was re-elected? He used the fear tactic of the War on Terrorism, Al Qaeda and Osama.

If this is not true and it was all fabricated in capturing Osama (maybe if he died a decade ago later in the following years, due to the dwindling U.S. dollar and how much these wars put them in massive deficits, now they can have some sort of exit for the troops. The American public has had enough of the wars too and not as much support for them like a decade ago.

If there was no 9/11, they would not have been as easily to get public acceptance to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Using Osama as the boogeyman and the pretext of 9/11 for the justification of wars is how they were able to fool the world and the American masses for support for the wars and to continue the wars to gain their economic means and interests.

Just playing devil's advocate.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i understand getting all perspectives but you are linking articles from one really extreme viewpoint. like i said, if he was ill or died years ago, GW would have been all over it. it would have completely changed his legacy as president. it was probably the most important thing he wanted to accomplish and it would have simultaneously kept a republican in the white house after his 2nd term was up.

I think the exact opposite. The main point of keeping Osama alive was to keep him as the boogeyman to manipulate the masses and create fear. Let's say Osama died back in 2001 from kidney failure, what would be the justification in continuing the war in Afghanistan and then lying about the WMDs and the links to Saddam with Al Qaeda to get into Iraq to get control of the natural resources and place pro-American regimes in those countries for geopolitical interests and power? Then the public would be like, ok, Osama's dead, pull out. Why do you think Bush was re-elected? He used the fear tactic of the War on Terrorism, Al Qaeda and Osama.

If this is not true and it was all fabricated in capturing Osama (maybe if he died a decade ago later in the following years, due to the dwindling U.S. dollar and how much these wars put them in massive deficits, now they can have some sort of exit for the troops. The American public has had enough of the wars too and not as much support for them like a decade ago.

If there was no 9/11, they would not have been as easily to get public acceptance to go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. Using Osama as the boogeyman and the pretext of 9/11 for the justification of wars is how they were able to fool the world and the American masses for support for the wars and to continue the wars to gain their economic means and interests.

Just playing devil's advocate.
The only thing that strikes me as strange.. is this was done on May 1st.

This is the day they declared Hitlers death and its also May Day.
Originally Posted by devv

Dudes need to stop using Saddaam as an example, he was executed by his own people.

Also the burial at sea was a combination of things.... they didnt want Osama to have a burial site where people ( his followers could worship, no country would accept his body, they wanted to give him a traditional muslim burial.

I never so much ignorance in a thread in my life. "They should have threw flash bangs and captured him"..really.

Put Call of Duty down

Dudes really talking about flash grenades in here

COD=/=Real life.
Originally Posted by devv

Dudes need to stop using Saddaam as an example, he was executed by his own people.

Also the burial at sea was a combination of things.... they didnt want Osama to have a burial site where people ( his followers could worship, no country would accept his body, they wanted to give him a traditional muslim burial.

I never so much ignorance in a thread in my life. "They should have threw flash bangs and captured him"..really.

Put Call of Duty down

Dudes really talking about flash grenades in here

COD=/=Real life.
osama has more lives than a cat

kidney disease (this is way back in early 00's) and  Bhutto's claim that he was killed.

I still think he was dead years ago. I have fam in the middle east  and they told me alot of people believe he died along time ago.
Originally Posted by msaba07

i'm like this though ... everything is so clear now ...

we cut a deal with Pakistan ... they knew exactly where Osama was for years and were waiting on a time to get the most value out of their trade ... Obama needed something to jump start morale in our country among other things ... there was too much going against him and his approval rating was dropping dramatically ... this was the ace in the hole that wasnt worth bush W to use because, although public perception of him was bad, it wasnt bad enough to save the last years of a presidency ... it would have been pointless ...

this just strengthens the "pawn" argument put forth by so many, to which i have previously disregarded ... something isn't right ... dont be surprised if it comes out that we have exchanged money, arms, intelligence etc... with Pakistan ...

and o by the way, you think he would have addressed that birth certificate issue in the week leading up to killing Osama? or do you think it's more likely that the operation was already carried out and he KNEW we had gotten him and he KNEW he would have the DNA results sometime this weekend ...
Don't expect people to think critically on this. 
Jingoism and patriotic fervor are just an easier route.

Bin Laden's been dead for a while now. Dead as in IRRELEVANT. 

What does this change? As it comes to the bigger picture, nothing has changed. Al Qeada was never a centralized organization. The markets proved that this changed nothing. 

If it took 9 years and hundreds of billions of USD to kill 1 man then what do other terrorists have to be afraid of? 

There is no way that Pakistan and the US didn't know where he was. Pakistan may have known specifically but the US def knew in general. 

Which means that he wasn't important enough to kill until now. 

also notable on the timing:

USD futures were rapidly approaching the low of 2008. Gold and Silver were going parabolic and if the USD broke the lows this week then commodities would've blown sky high. 

Perfect timing. Lucky  Obama I guess.
Originally Posted by msaba07

i'm like this though ... everything is so clear now ...

we cut a deal with Pakistan ... they knew exactly where Osama was for years and were waiting on a time to get the most value out of their trade ... Obama needed something to jump start morale in our country among other things ... there was too much going against him and his approval rating was dropping dramatically ... this was the ace in the hole that wasnt worth bush W to use because, although public perception of him was bad, it wasnt bad enough to save the last years of a presidency ... it would have been pointless ...

this just strengthens the "pawn" argument put forth by so many, to which i have previously disregarded ... something isn't right ... dont be surprised if it comes out that we have exchanged money, arms, intelligence etc... with Pakistan ...

and o by the way, you think he would have addressed that birth certificate issue in the week leading up to killing Osama? or do you think it's more likely that the operation was already carried out and he KNEW we had gotten him and he KNEW he would have the DNA results sometime this weekend ...
Don't expect people to think critically on this. 
Jingoism and patriotic fervor are just an easier route.

Bin Laden's been dead for a while now. Dead as in IRRELEVANT. 

What does this change? As it comes to the bigger picture, nothing has changed. Al Qeada was never a centralized organization. The markets proved that this changed nothing. 

If it took 9 years and hundreds of billions of USD to kill 1 man then what do other terrorists have to be afraid of? 

There is no way that Pakistan and the US didn't know where he was. Pakistan may have known specifically but the US def knew in general. 

Which means that he wasn't important enough to kill until now. 

also notable on the timing:

USD futures were rapidly approaching the low of 2008. Gold and Silver were going parabolic and if the USD broke the lows this week then commodities would've blown sky high. 

Perfect timing. Lucky  Obama I guess.
osama has more lives than a cat

kidney disease (this is way back in early 00's) and  Bhutto's claim that he was killed.

I still think he was dead years ago. I have fam in the middle east  and they told me alot of people believe he died along time ago.
It is absolutely crazy what I am seeing on TV. Celebrations in various places. That is exactly what they wanted us to do. We are all puppets and they are laughing in their sleep. I'm not talking bad guys from far off lands here, im talking about the people whos salaries we pay.

Good critical thinking these last few pages.
In all of this, I just find it odd to see Christian people on tv say that they are happy another human is going to rot in hell.
In all of this, I just find it odd to see Christian people on tv say that they are happy another human is going to rot in hell.
It is absolutely crazy what I am seeing on TV. Celebrations in various places. That is exactly what they wanted us to do. We are all puppets and they are laughing in their sleep. I'm not talking bad guys from far off lands here, im talking about the people whos salaries we pay.

Good critical thinking these last few pages.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

It is absolutely crazy what I am seeing on TV. Celebrations in various places. That is exactly what they wanted us to do. We are all puppets and they are laughing in their sleep. I'm not talking bad guys from far off lands here, im talking about the people whos salaries we pay.

Good critical thinking these last few pages.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

It is absolutely crazy what I am seeing on TV. Celebrations in various places. That is exactly what they wanted us to do. We are all puppets and they are laughing in their sleep. I'm not talking bad guys from far off lands here, im talking about the people whos salaries we pay.

Good critical thinking these last few pages.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In all of this, I just find it odd to see Christian people on tv say that they are happy another human is going to rot in hell.
It's not only christians, muslims too. But yea I agree with you.
All in all, how are we different that the terrorists? They kill, they celebrate, we kill, we celebrate.... never ending cycle. One has to out-do the other.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In all of this, I just find it odd to see Christian people on tv say that they are happy another human is going to rot in hell.
It's not only christians, muslims too. But yea I agree with you.
All in all, how are we different that the terrorists? They kill, they celebrate, we kill, we celebrate.... never ending cycle. One has to out-do the other.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

It is absolutely crazy what I am seeing on TV. Celebrations in various places. That is exactly what they wanted us to do. We are all puppets and they are laughing in their sleep. I'm not talking bad guys from far off lands here, im talking about the people whos salaries we pay.

Good critical thinking these last few pages.

How you know?
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

It is absolutely crazy what I am seeing on TV. Celebrations in various places. That is exactly what they wanted us to do. We are all puppets and they are laughing in their sleep. I'm not talking bad guys from far off lands here, im talking about the people whos salaries we pay.

Good critical thinking these last few pages.

How you know?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In all of this, I just find it odd to see Christian people on tv say that they are happy another human is going to rot in hell.
No matter what you do, what you believe, religious or not, there will always be a group of people who will be a bad representation of others.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

In all of this, I just find it odd to see Christian people on tv say that they are happy another human is going to rot in hell.
No matter what you do, what you believe, religious or not, there will always be a group of people who will be a bad representation of others.
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