Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by iLike Turtles


I love this photo

looking at Barack and Hilary's faces gives me the chills cause it looks like some serious *+%$ was going down at that moment

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by TonyReali

You're trying way too hard, brah.
Can't come up with an intelligent retort, eh?

People are celebrating the fact that this mass murderer of innocent civilians was caught an brought to justice. 
I was trying to make a point.  Everyone copied the top quote, didn't check out the story underneath.

[h3]Graffiti on Portland mosque under investigation[/h3]http://www.pressherald.co...under-investigation.html

I was relieved with his death too.  Not only is Osama responsible for the deaths of more Muslims than Americans, but I was affected by 9/11 too.  I'm born n raised in NJ my dad was working 4 blocks away from the towers that day and I was scared for his life just like any other American would be.

Let me be clear when I say that all this excitement really does scare me as an American Muslim.  I understand relief, and praise, but I celebrate the death of no man.

I'd agree with you under most circumstances but anybody who kills innocent men,women and kids deserves to die in my opinion. 

Also, I think many of these same people would celebrate if they had captured Osama instead of killed him, I know I would. 

I get the feeling that many people disagreeing are doing so just to be different because I have never seen such compassion towards such a mass murderer, ever.  Especially, one that was responsible for the deaths of innocent Muslims also.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by TonyReali

You're trying way too hard, brah.
Can't come up with an intelligent retort, eh?

People are celebrating the fact that this mass murderer of innocent civilians was caught an brought to justice. 
I was trying to make a point.  Everyone copied the top quote, didn't check out the story underneath.

[h3]Graffiti on Portland mosque under investigation[/h3]http://www.pressherald.co...under-investigation.html

I was relieved with his death too.  Not only is Osama responsible for the deaths of more Muslims than Americans, but I was affected by 9/11 too.  I'm born n raised in NJ my dad was working 4 blocks away from the towers that day and I was scared for his life just like any other American would be.

Let me be clear when I say that all this excitement really does scare me as an American Muslim.  I understand relief, and praise, but I celebrate the death of no man.

I'd agree with you under most circumstances but anybody who kills innocent men,women and kids deserves to die in my opinion. 

Also, I think many of these same people would celebrate if they had captured Osama instead of killed him, I know I would. 

I get the feeling that many people disagreeing are doing so just to be different because I have never seen such compassion towards such a mass murderer, ever.  Especially, one that was responsible for the deaths of innocent Muslims also.
Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

I love this photo

looking at Barack and Hilary's faces gives me the chills cause it looks like some serious *+%$ was going down at that moment

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day
Originally Posted by msaba07

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Looking at the compound, it looks more like a prison. Wouldn't be surprised if the guards were there to keep Bin Laden from leaving and not as protection. 
It could've been that Bin Laden was basically told by the Paskitanis that either he keeps his a ss there or start hopping across half the world and get killed fairly quickly. The Saudi's and Pakistani's have close ties and the Bin Laden family is part of the Saudi elite. There might've been a deal struck there between the Saudis and Pakistan. 

The US surely knew one way or another what was going on. Maybe they were collecting intel all this time. No reason to kill him then. 

A reason to kill him would be that they saw the intel trail running cold in the near future and OBL at that compound would've outlived his usefulness. 

Maybe he was dying? Might as well use OBL the same way that he used America. The ultimate irony? 

Here is my theory, for what it's worth:

Obama was on the run in Afghanistan after 9/11 and upon crossing over into Pakistan he was captured ... Ask yourself, what good would it have done for Pakistan to admit they got Bin Laden? They held him in abeyance, so to speak, waiting until the U.S. wanted him bad enough to overpay for him ... He was held against his will, but also protected from any and every threat ... Meanwhile around 2003, Bush would have "killed him" if it wasnt for the Saudi's striking a deal that prolonged  the situation, buying OBL some time to "conduct more terrorist attacks" or simply live ... It wasnt worth the price for Bush to get him anyway because he was getting re-elected ... Saudi's give money for building that compound and Pakistan gets to protect their second greatest asset besides oil ...

Fast forward to 2007 and we sign a new deal with Pakistan giving them even more money in an effort to "fight terrorism" aka o by the way, we still want OBL at some point ... By this time it was useless for Bush or McCain to pull the Osama card because a democrat was going to win regardless due to the economy and war ... they almost ensure an Obama victory by choosing Palin as VP, while at the same time forecasting an environment where her "fresh face" will be needed to oppose Obama's policies ... everyone knows that the majority of the country does not support Obama the policy maker, but rather Obama the face and voice ...

Fast forward to the end of 2010 ... Obama's charm is finally wearing off  and the country is going to hell ... unemployment isnt getting much better, gas and commodity prices are rising, Obama's approval is getting lower and lower ... tensions are rising all across the globe, everyone is looking at the Libya situation and casting a bad shadow on Obama's handling of it ... there's no way in hell he can get re-elected because he is so weak on foreign policy ... 

O, by the way Pakistan, you need someone like the U.S. on your side in the coming years because Saudi Arabia is amping up their oil production and GE is making billion dollar deals with them ... Saudi Arabia is obviously on the same page as us when it comes to Iran (albeit for different reasons) ... So, Pakistan, you with us or against us? You want us to stop the drones? You want us to keep pumping money into your economy? We want your oil, yes, but you understand we can take it if we want to ... You need us more than we need you, but we just so happened to be willing to trade NOW, when our country is spiraling ... Sooooooooooo time to play the OBL card ... We will be "fighting" in print for a while but it will all blow over soon enough ...

i dunno, there's so much to process it's hard to really wrap my head around all the details ... so many back door deals and possibilities ...
The first sentence in your theory already ruins it....
 just kidding, i've almost done the same thing too
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

look, All you guys that is judging Osama bin laden without meeting the guy needs to sit down. To say stuff like "to hell with that scumbag" makes you sound very ignorant. You don't know if he really commited the crime the American government accused him of. I'm not defending the guy but all I'm saying is I live by only god can judge me and I wouldn't want anyone to judge me before meeting me.

I love the USA and I'm very patriotic but I'm not sure if the US government is showing me that same patriotism back. I'm very skeptical about anything a white congressman say on TV and I'm trying to be as unbiased and open-minded as possible.


What Blaze just said = Mindblown
. I always thought of this

And people having a parade for someone's death
, No matter who it was I still couldn't celebrate it, I'm sure they celebrated when they hit us so we're just looking as bad as them doing it.
Originally Posted by msaba07

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Looking at the compound, it looks more like a prison. Wouldn't be surprised if the guards were there to keep Bin Laden from leaving and not as protection. 
It could've been that Bin Laden was basically told by the Paskitanis that either he keeps his a ss there or start hopping across half the world and get killed fairly quickly. The Saudi's and Pakistani's have close ties and the Bin Laden family is part of the Saudi elite. There might've been a deal struck there between the Saudis and Pakistan. 

The US surely knew one way or another what was going on. Maybe they were collecting intel all this time. No reason to kill him then. 

A reason to kill him would be that they saw the intel trail running cold in the near future and OBL at that compound would've outlived his usefulness. 

Maybe he was dying? Might as well use OBL the same way that he used America. The ultimate irony? 

Here is my theory, for what it's worth:

Obama was on the run in Afghanistan after 9/11 and upon crossing over into Pakistan he was captured ... Ask yourself, what good would it have done for Pakistan to admit they got Bin Laden? They held him in abeyance, so to speak, waiting until the U.S. wanted him bad enough to overpay for him ... He was held against his will, but also protected from any and every threat ... Meanwhile around 2003, Bush would have "killed him" if it wasnt for the Saudi's striking a deal that prolonged  the situation, buying OBL some time to "conduct more terrorist attacks" or simply live ... It wasnt worth the price for Bush to get him anyway because he was getting re-elected ... Saudi's give money for building that compound and Pakistan gets to protect their second greatest asset besides oil ...

Fast forward to 2007 and we sign a new deal with Pakistan giving them even more money in an effort to "fight terrorism" aka o by the way, we still want OBL at some point ... By this time it was useless for Bush or McCain to pull the Osama card because a democrat was going to win regardless due to the economy and war ... they almost ensure an Obama victory by choosing Palin as VP, while at the same time forecasting an environment where her "fresh face" will be needed to oppose Obama's policies ... everyone knows that the majority of the country does not support Obama the policy maker, but rather Obama the face and voice ...

Fast forward to the end of 2010 ... Obama's charm is finally wearing off  and the country is going to hell ... unemployment isnt getting much better, gas and commodity prices are rising, Obama's approval is getting lower and lower ... tensions are rising all across the globe, everyone is looking at the Libya situation and casting a bad shadow on Obama's handling of it ... there's no way in hell he can get re-elected because he is so weak on foreign policy ... 

O, by the way Pakistan, you need someone like the U.S. on your side in the coming years because Saudi Arabia is amping up their oil production and GE is making billion dollar deals with them ... Saudi Arabia is obviously on the same page as us when it comes to Iran (albeit for different reasons) ... So, Pakistan, you with us or against us? You want us to stop the drones? You want us to keep pumping money into your economy? We want your oil, yes, but you understand we can take it if we want to ... You need us more than we need you, but we just so happened to be willing to trade NOW, when our country is spiraling ... Sooooooooooo time to play the OBL card ... We will be "fighting" in print for a while but it will all blow over soon enough ...

i dunno, there's so much to process it's hard to really wrap my head around all the details ... so many back door deals and possibilities ...
The first sentence in your theory already ruins it....
 just kidding, i've almost done the same thing too
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

look, All you guys that is judging Osama bin laden without meeting the guy needs to sit down. To say stuff like "to hell with that scumbag" makes you sound very ignorant. You don't know if he really commited the crime the American government accused him of. I'm not defending the guy but all I'm saying is I live by only god can judge me and I wouldn't want anyone to judge me before meeting me.

I love the USA and I'm very patriotic but I'm not sure if the US government is showing me that same patriotism back. I'm very skeptical about anything a white congressman say on TV and I'm trying to be as unbiased and open-minded as possible.


What Blaze just said = Mindblown
. I always thought of this

And people having a parade for someone's death
, No matter who it was I still couldn't celebrate it, I'm sure they celebrated when they hit us so we're just looking as bad as them doing it.
anyone talkin about "i can't celebrate that mans death" or "who are we to judge him" are a bunch of keyboard make believe preachers. go say that garbage to someone who lost a loved in the attacks.

dudes are hypocrites. the cops that shot sean bell or oscar grant, i guess we shouldn't judge them either even though they committed disgusting acts right?
anyone talkin about "i can't celebrate that mans death" or "who are we to judge him" are a bunch of keyboard make believe preachers. go say that garbage to someone who lost a loved in the attacks.

dudes are hypocrites. the cops that shot sean bell or oscar grant, i guess we shouldn't judge them either even though they committed disgusting acts right?
Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers wrote:
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

[h6]"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
[/h6][h6]- Martin Luther King, Jr[/h6]

Do you use this quote anytime a murderer is brought to justice?  A trial would have resulted in his death anyways.  Should we let all murderers just roam free, foreign and domestic?

go tell this to the families of those who lost loved ones as a result of the 9/11 attacks and see what they tell you.

Quote is a fake.
Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers wrote:
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

[h6]"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."
[/h6][h6]- Martin Luther King, Jr[/h6]

Do you use this quote anytime a murderer is brought to justice?  A trial would have resulted in his death anyways.  Should we let all murderers just roam free, foreign and domestic?

go tell this to the families of those who lost loved ones as a result of the 9/11 attacks and see what they tell you.

Quote is a fake.
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

I love this photo

looking at Barack and Hilary's faces gives me the chills cause it looks like some serious *+%$ was going down at that moment

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day

joints chiefs..general..sec of defense...

yeah..they give a ***$ about what happened in the south.
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

I love this photo

looking at Barack and Hilary's faces gives me the chills cause it looks like some serious *+%$ was going down at that moment

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day

joints chiefs..general..sec of defense...

yeah..they give a ***$ about what happened in the south.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

look, All you guys that is judging Osama bin laden without meeting the guy needs to sit down. To say stuff like "to hell with that scumbag" makes you sound very ignorant. You don't know if he really commited the crime the American government accused him of. I'm not defending the guy but all I'm saying is I live by only god can judge me and I wouldn't want anyone to judge me before meeting me.

I love the USA and I'm very patriotic but I'm not sure if the US government is showing me that same patriotism back. I'm very skeptical about anything a white congressman say on TV and I'm trying to be as unbiased and open-minded as possible.


What Blaze just said = Mindblown
. I always thought of this

And people having a parade for someone's death
, No matter who it was I still couldn't celebrate it, I'm sure they celebrated when they hit us so we're just looking as bad as them doing it.
But to you a death doesn't matter, remember?
JD214 wrote:
So he was killed last week, I still don't see why we threw his body into the sea.

If I was in that military unit I would've waited for them to stop shooting and then gone in to capture him. If one of my soldiers would've died I wouldn't trip we already lost thousands of them, one more wouldn't make a difference.

Well that's just my point of view, I don't know what y'all think.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BlazeDHoisanDoi

look, All you guys that is judging Osama bin laden without meeting the guy needs to sit down. To say stuff like "to hell with that scumbag" makes you sound very ignorant. You don't know if he really commited the crime the American government accused him of. I'm not defending the guy but all I'm saying is I live by only god can judge me and I wouldn't want anyone to judge me before meeting me.

I love the USA and I'm very patriotic but I'm not sure if the US government is showing me that same patriotism back. I'm very skeptical about anything a white congressman say on TV and I'm trying to be as unbiased and open-minded as possible.


What Blaze just said = Mindblown
. I always thought of this

And people having a parade for someone's death
, No matter who it was I still couldn't celebrate it, I'm sure they celebrated when they hit us so we're just looking as bad as them doing it.
But to you a death doesn't matter, remember?
JD214 wrote:
So he was killed last week, I still don't see why we threw his body into the sea.

If I was in that military unit I would've waited for them to stop shooting and then gone in to capture him. If one of my soldiers would've died I wouldn't trip we already lost thousands of them, one more wouldn't make a difference.

Well that's just my point of view, I don't know what y'all think.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

He wasn't the founder of Al-Qaeda though. All evidence points to him being a financier during the Soviet-Afghan war but not a significant figure in the Mujahideen
effort against the Soviets. Sometime after the Persian Gulf war he became incensed and started organizing against the US. To call him the founder of Al-Qaeda is a misnomer though. The original founders of Al-Qaeda were the Saudis/Paskitan/ and US.
Al-Qaeda and Hamas are different. I didn't meant to equate them specifically. Israel has been going after various heads for decades now. One pops up right after another. 


What ? 

Saudis supplied the manpower and money. US supplied money,military intelligence, and arms. Pakista, via it's ISI, provided the training/ organization as well as weapons purchases with Saudi money.

To the Afghan mujahideen.

Let's not get confused here.

This is far different from claiming they founded "al-Qaeda". This is completely wrong. Little to no evidence exists that the US ever armed foreign fighters or worked with Bin Laden. The mujahideen in Afghanistan are not and were not the same thing as Al-Qaeda. The CIA certainly did arm the Afghan Mujahideen and some of these elements became the Taliban. Al-Qaeda has been mostly funded by rich donors, including bin Laden himself. There is no credible evidence that the CIA trained or gave money to foreign mujahideen (i.e. non-Afghans). Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed this in a book, and bin Laden claimed a similar story. There's been speculation to the contrary, but no credible evidence has surfaced and people in the know have said it didn't happen. Bin Laden had no need for Western money and certainly, even at that time, wouldn't have agreed to partner with the US. There are few things al-Qaeda & US agree on, and this is one of them. The ISI/al-Qaeda connection/sympathy is true, but they did not "create" al-Qaeda; and neither did the Saudi's (really, the SAUDI'S ? lol). Remember that al-Qaeda ideology and the mentality of its foreign fighters split off from many of the Afghans/ or less "radical" elements (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam most notably) and it was only at this time did al-Qaeda even begin to truly take shape.Why any of these nations would supposedly arm/train/found a group hell bent on their destruction I can't imagine. I'd love to see credible evidence showing otherwise, be it material aid or implanting the ideology (which one can argue IS what 'al-Qaeda' actually is) that any of these nations "founded" al-Qaeda.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

The first sentence in your theory already ruins it....
 just kidding, i've almost done the same thing too
the ONLY thing im absolutely unsure of is if/when Obama lived/died ... i can't figure out if this is a case of a homegrown defector or a grandiose fantasy plot ...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by tkthafm

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

He wasn't the founder of Al-Qaeda though. All evidence points to him being a financier during the Soviet-Afghan war but not a significant figure in the Mujahideen
effort against the Soviets. Sometime after the Persian Gulf war he became incensed and started organizing against the US. To call him the founder of Al-Qaeda is a misnomer though. The original founders of Al-Qaeda were the Saudis/Paskitan/ and US.
Al-Qaeda and Hamas are different. I didn't meant to equate them specifically. Israel has been going after various heads for decades now. One pops up right after another. 


What ? 

Saudis supplied the manpower and money. US supplied money,military intelligence, and arms. Pakista, via it's ISI, provided the training/ organization as well as weapons purchases with Saudi money.

To the Afghan mujahideen.

Let's not get confused here.

This is far different from claiming they founded "al-Qaeda". This is completely wrong. Little to no evidence exists that the US ever armed foreign fighters or worked with Bin Laden. The mujahideen in Afghanistan are not and were not the same thing as Al-Qaeda. The CIA certainly did arm the Afghan Mujahideen and some of these elements became the Taliban. Al-Qaeda has been mostly funded by rich donors, including bin Laden himself. There is no credible evidence that the CIA trained or gave money to foreign mujahideen (i.e. non-Afghans). Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed this in a book, and bin Laden claimed a similar story. There's been speculation to the contrary, but no credible evidence has surfaced and people in the know have said it didn't happen. Bin Laden had no need for Western money and certainly, even at that time, wouldn't have agreed to partner with the US. There are few things al-Qaeda & US agree on, and this is one of them. The ISI/al-Qaeda connection/sympathy is true, but they did not "create" al-Qaeda; and neither did the Saudi's (really, the SAUDI'S ? lol). Remember that al-Qaeda ideology and the mentality of its foreign fighters split off from many of the Afghans/ or less "radical" elements (Abdullah Yusuf Azzam most notably) and it was only at this time did al-Qaeda even begin to truly take shape.Why any of these nations would supposedly arm/train/found a group hell bent on their destruction I can't imagine. I'd love to see credible evidence showing otherwise, be it material aid or implanting the ideology (which one can argue IS what 'al-Qaeda' actually is) that any of these nations "founded" al-Qaeda.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

The first sentence in your theory already ruins it....
 just kidding, i've almost done the same thing too
the ONLY thing im absolutely unsure of is if/when Obama lived/died ... i can't figure out if this is a case of a homegrown defector or a grandiose fantasy plot ...
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

I love this photo

looking at Barack and Hilary's faces gives me the chills cause it looks like some serious *+%$ was going down at that moment

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day

joints chiefs..general..sec of defense...

yeah..they give a ***$ about what happened in the south.

Well since u put it that way it could of been the body of Gaddafi son they were viewing or the operations in Libya
Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by iLike Turtles

I love this photo

looking at Barack and Hilary's faces gives me the chills cause it looks like some serious *+%$ was going down at that moment

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day

joints chiefs..general..sec of defense...

yeah..they give a ***$ about what happened in the south.

Well since u put it that way it could of been the body of Gaddafi son they were viewing or the operations in Libya
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day

joints chiefs..general..sec of defense...

yeah..they give a ***$ about what happened in the south.

Well since u put it that way it could of been the body of Gaddafi son they were viewing or the operations in Libya

   couldve been aliens bro. HELLO?

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day

joints chiefs..general..sec of defense...

yeah..they give a ***$ about what happened in the south.

Well since u put it that way it could of been the body of Gaddafi son they were viewing or the operations in Libya

   couldve been aliens bro. HELLO?

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by BigUglyAmerican

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

How the F do I know if that's not a picture of what happened in Alabama the other day

joints chiefs..general..sec of defense...

yeah..they give a ***$ about what happened in the south.

Well since u put it that way it could of been the body of Gaddafi son they were viewing or the operations in Libya
That picture in front of Clinton is an aerial of the compound. That same picture has been shown all over the news.
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