Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

do you watch the news? he was shootin back, he wasn't going to come back to america to face trial.
Trust me, they could have easily caught him alive.

For example, that story about Saddam being found in a hole was a bunch of B.S. and fabricated to make the U.S. army look good. Saddam Hussein's lead Iraqi lawyer Kaleel Dolami confirms that he was not captured in the "spider hole". He was arrested at a friend's home when he was praying. He was drugged. He was beaten the first two days by a translator and an American soldier when he was arrested. They beat him in the face, they broke his leg, they whipped him. His left leg was broken by the people that arrested him. 

The saddam story is a bunch of b.s. because his lawyer said so?

Must be true then, i guess.

Why did they not capture him alive and put him on trial like that Khaled dude? Would that have been to much of a spectacle? 

Are you serious??  I suggest you go speak to any military personnel that have conducted actual combat missions and tell me if you still feel the same way after posing that question.  Special U.S. Navy Seals storm a mansion housing Osama Bin Laden, #1 on the FBI's most wanted list with 18 foot concrete walls, barbed wire, and personal security for him with bullets flying and you actually think Osama Bin Laden was just going to give up quietly without firing bullets back at the U.S. forces.  Sorry champ but it doesn't and didn't work that way.

For the little kids sitting behind their computers, with four or five VERY FACTUAL websites open and three YouTube videos playing simultaneously - you're going to need more than the pictures. And don't get me started on the DNA records... those are DEFINITELY fake!

Sad but true.  I guess that's just the way things are going to be now with just about anything nowadays.  Nobody is going to believe things unless they are there and see it for themselves.  Folks will be saying......."Osama Bin Laden ain't dead, ........I wasn't there........I didn't see it.  The Royal Wedding didn't happen last week..........I wasn't there........I didn't see it.  The San Antonio Spurs didn't lose in the 1st round of the playoffs..........I wasn't there.......I didn't see it:"

Why did they not capture him alive and put him on trial like that Khaled dude? Would that have been to much of a spectacle? 

Are you serious??  I suggest you go speak to any military personnel that have conducted actual combat missions and tell me if you still feel the same way after posing that question.  Special U.S. Navy Seals storm a mansion housing Osama Bin Laden, #1 on the FBI's most wanted list with 18 foot concrete walls, barbed wire, and personal security for him with bullets flying and you actually think Osama Bin Laden was just going to give up quietly without firing bullets back at the U.S. forces.  Sorry champ but it doesn't and didn't work that way.

For the little kids sitting behind their computers, with four or five VERY FACTUAL websites open and three YouTube videos playing simultaneously - you're going to need more than the pictures. And don't get me started on the DNA records... those are DEFINITELY fake!

Sad but true.  I guess that's just the way things are going to be now with just about anything nowadays.  Nobody is going to believe things unless they are there and see it for themselves.  Folks will be saying......."Osama Bin Laden ain't dead, ........I wasn't there........I didn't see it.  The Royal Wedding didn't happen last week..........I wasn't there........I didn't see it.  The San Antonio Spurs didn't lose in the 1st round of the playoffs..........I wasn't there.......I didn't see it:"

Navy Seals could have easily let off a flash grenade or a gas grenade then captured him alive

it dont make since.....Why not capture him prove to us its really him! have him face trail then do what you feel AFTER the fact........kinda makes me believe this is just a big hoopla
I'm really trying to understand why they tossed him at sea. Makes no sense. why couldn't they keep his body for further analysis? Pictures, ect.? It doesn't seem it was for religious respects.

And if this was a story where Osama was captured, I really would have liked to have him interrogated.

I'm glad its done. I don't need extra pics or helmet POV cams from the shoot out, Its just very underwhelming that they would toss his body in the ocean.

anyone else feel this way?
Navy Seals could have easily let off a flash grenade or a gas grenade then captured him alive

it dont make since.....Why not capture him prove to us its really him! have him face trail then do what you feel AFTER the fact........kinda makes me believe this is just a big hoopla
I'm really trying to understand why they tossed him at sea. Makes no sense. why couldn't they keep his body for further analysis? Pictures, ect.? It doesn't seem it was for religious respects.

And if this was a story where Osama was captured, I really would have liked to have him interrogated.

I'm glad its done. I don't need extra pics or helmet POV cams from the shoot out, Its just very underwhelming that they would toss his body in the ocean.

anyone else feel this way?
Originally Posted by lexflex81

Originally Posted by Tunnel Vision

Originally Posted by PoloLax

I think many of you are having trouble understanding the significance of this event.

Osama Bin Laden isn't a mythical character, he is as real as they come. He wasn't the one carrying out the attacks, but you better believe he was a key figure in persuading individuals to believe in his ideology of destroying the West. On top of being a figurehead, I hope many of you understand the amount of money this man had, he was extremely wealthy and helped finance Al-Qaeda, most likely until his death.

Bin Laden was a key conspirator with Khalid Sheik Mohamad and helped carry out the first WTC bombing and the Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania as well as the USS Cole bombing. While Bin Laden man not have been part of the physical attacks, he was a key mastermind, architect and financier of those attacks.

He helped carry out the attack on Sept. 11th, killing thousands and thousands of Americans, innocent civilians who didn't deserve to the die they way they did. For many of you, I understand saying you can't celebrate the death of anyone, regardless of what they did. This man killed so many Americans in such a dispicable and heartless way and then boasted about it in videos and on the internet. His followers and supporters danced in the streets, buring OUR flag and chanting death to Americans. The same who say they can't celebrate a man's death regardless, try having a son or daughter in the Pentagon or WTC and then see an internet video of Bin Laden celebrating and calling for more deaths. If you had a loved one who was murdered in cold blood and was as innocent as they come, you better believe justice would want to be served, and I'm not talking about free meals and shelter for life.

I don't really care if you want to celebrate his death or not, but to many of you saying this is US propaganda and the US is ##+*$* up for doing something along these lines, please realize that this man caused many peoples lives to drastically change in an instant. If he didn't play a part in any of this, or he was a "mythical" figure" as some of you are saying, keep those comments to yourself. This man was just as responsible for the deaths of Americans as the men who drove the planes into the WTC and Pentagon.

As for the burial. I don't believe what we did was right, but I UNDERSTAND why we did it. We are not at war with Islam, we are at war with Extremism. If we don't honor the traditions of the Islamic faith, it makes the US look worse than we already do. However, the difference between regular Islamic people and Extremist Islam is that followers of the Islamic faith should understand if we don't follow traditions on this one, on the world's most dangerous man, he doesn't deserve tradition burial because any follower of God, Allah, whatever, understand that you don't carry out the attacks that this man did.

All very true

I really don't see how the US thinks it has the moral high ground when they, though for example installing and financing puppet regimes, have been responsible for as much (if not more) death and destruction as Bin Laden.

What's the difference if it's a guy in a cave financing terrorists acts or a government (secretly) funding a dictatorship. Only difference is that the government moves in silence and the terrorist acts are much more "spectacular" (geared towards media coverage if you will). You could even argue (theoretically) that the US is much more cowardly in this respect, because it hides it's dealings in the shadows.

Don't get me wrong, I do not condone either of the examples I just gave, but it makes me sick to my stomach to hear some people talking about the "ah did you see how the muslims were dancing in the street after 9-11, so disrespectful" (also then assuming ALL muslims feel the same) and then pretty much turn around and do exactly the same when they hear Bin Laden's been killed. 

To me it's disheartening that people such as yourselves don't believe in your country or government. Let's be real, after 9/11, everyone was onboard to fight a war, everyone was feeling patriotic and everyone was  "American". The simple fact is, over the years as the war raged on with nothing to show and our economy tanked, that sense of patriotism was eiliminated quickly. It's only when times are good do people want to wave the flag, but when times are bad, some would rather have no association at all with this great nation.

At the end of the day it's my belief that the United States of America is still the greatest nation in the world with the most opporuntity and freedom. While it's hard to believe sometimes, this country is still great even with $4/gallon gas and politicians who are too greedy for their own good. At the end of the day, it's my belief that there are still elected officials who will do anything it takes for the good of the country and it's citizens. At the end of the day, I will trust my government before I trust conspiracy theorists or other governments around the globe, because at the end of the day, if our country IS INFACT covering up events and is doing dispacable things behind our backs, then I believe it happens in just about every other form of government around the globe as well.

Now, do I agree that we have funded puppet regimes before? Yes, hell it's know that we funded the Mujahdeen against the Soviets in Afghanistan back in the 80s. We didn't know at the time who Bin Laden was. And to a recent poster saying all this Bin Laden +#!# happened after 9/11 to start a war in the Middle East. Please. We were after Bin Laden back in the Clinton Administration and that is known as a fact. He was responsible for bombings years before 9/11, so think before you speak. (lexflex, this wasn't directed to you). Back to the puppet regimes, yes we've funded some horrific regimes who have carried out horrific acts, but once again is that because we actually knew what was taking place? Was it for the betterment of our country? Who knows. I'm not in a position to defend something I, and MOST of the world have little to no information on.

Also, lexflex, I understand what you saying about celebrations. I never once said all Muslims danced in the street after 9/11. I never once said or implied that. Were there people who did? Absolutely. Here's the differece though, If we went into this raid on Osama's compound and ended up bombing the whole town of Abottabad killing 3,000 innocent civilians, do you think we would be chearing in the streets about it? How about the innocent civilians that America has killed in the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Do we dance around in the streets at those? We do not. We dance around when someone who killed the lives of thousands of Americans and who has been on a hide and seek mission for 10 years since.
Originally Posted by lexflex81

Originally Posted by Tunnel Vision

Originally Posted by PoloLax

I think many of you are having trouble understanding the significance of this event.

Osama Bin Laden isn't a mythical character, he is as real as they come. He wasn't the one carrying out the attacks, but you better believe he was a key figure in persuading individuals to believe in his ideology of destroying the West. On top of being a figurehead, I hope many of you understand the amount of money this man had, he was extremely wealthy and helped finance Al-Qaeda, most likely until his death.

Bin Laden was a key conspirator with Khalid Sheik Mohamad and helped carry out the first WTC bombing and the Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania as well as the USS Cole bombing. While Bin Laden man not have been part of the physical attacks, he was a key mastermind, architect and financier of those attacks.

He helped carry out the attack on Sept. 11th, killing thousands and thousands of Americans, innocent civilians who didn't deserve to the die they way they did. For many of you, I understand saying you can't celebrate the death of anyone, regardless of what they did. This man killed so many Americans in such a dispicable and heartless way and then boasted about it in videos and on the internet. His followers and supporters danced in the streets, buring OUR flag and chanting death to Americans. The same who say they can't celebrate a man's death regardless, try having a son or daughter in the Pentagon or WTC and then see an internet video of Bin Laden celebrating and calling for more deaths. If you had a loved one who was murdered in cold blood and was as innocent as they come, you better believe justice would want to be served, and I'm not talking about free meals and shelter for life.

I don't really care if you want to celebrate his death or not, but to many of you saying this is US propaganda and the US is ##+*$* up for doing something along these lines, please realize that this man caused many peoples lives to drastically change in an instant. If he didn't play a part in any of this, or he was a "mythical" figure" as some of you are saying, keep those comments to yourself. This man was just as responsible for the deaths of Americans as the men who drove the planes into the WTC and Pentagon.

As for the burial. I don't believe what we did was right, but I UNDERSTAND why we did it. We are not at war with Islam, we are at war with Extremism. If we don't honor the traditions of the Islamic faith, it makes the US look worse than we already do. However, the difference between regular Islamic people and Extremist Islam is that followers of the Islamic faith should understand if we don't follow traditions on this one, on the world's most dangerous man, he doesn't deserve tradition burial because any follower of God, Allah, whatever, understand that you don't carry out the attacks that this man did.

All very true

I really don't see how the US thinks it has the moral high ground when they, though for example installing and financing puppet regimes, have been responsible for as much (if not more) death and destruction as Bin Laden.

What's the difference if it's a guy in a cave financing terrorists acts or a government (secretly) funding a dictatorship. Only difference is that the government moves in silence and the terrorist acts are much more "spectacular" (geared towards media coverage if you will). You could even argue (theoretically) that the US is much more cowardly in this respect, because it hides it's dealings in the shadows.

Don't get me wrong, I do not condone either of the examples I just gave, but it makes me sick to my stomach to hear some people talking about the "ah did you see how the muslims were dancing in the street after 9-11, so disrespectful" (also then assuming ALL muslims feel the same) and then pretty much turn around and do exactly the same when they hear Bin Laden's been killed. 

To me it's disheartening that people such as yourselves don't believe in your country or government. Let's be real, after 9/11, everyone was onboard to fight a war, everyone was feeling patriotic and everyone was  "American". The simple fact is, over the years as the war raged on with nothing to show and our economy tanked, that sense of patriotism was eiliminated quickly. It's only when times are good do people want to wave the flag, but when times are bad, some would rather have no association at all with this great nation.

At the end of the day it's my belief that the United States of America is still the greatest nation in the world with the most opporuntity and freedom. While it's hard to believe sometimes, this country is still great even with $4/gallon gas and politicians who are too greedy for their own good. At the end of the day, it's my belief that there are still elected officials who will do anything it takes for the good of the country and it's citizens. At the end of the day, I will trust my government before I trust conspiracy theorists or other governments around the globe, because at the end of the day, if our country IS INFACT covering up events and is doing dispacable things behind our backs, then I believe it happens in just about every other form of government around the globe as well.

Now, do I agree that we have funded puppet regimes before? Yes, hell it's know that we funded the Mujahdeen against the Soviets in Afghanistan back in the 80s. We didn't know at the time who Bin Laden was. And to a recent poster saying all this Bin Laden +#!# happened after 9/11 to start a war in the Middle East. Please. We were after Bin Laden back in the Clinton Administration and that is known as a fact. He was responsible for bombings years before 9/11, so think before you speak. (lexflex, this wasn't directed to you). Back to the puppet regimes, yes we've funded some horrific regimes who have carried out horrific acts, but once again is that because we actually knew what was taking place? Was it for the betterment of our country? Who knows. I'm not in a position to defend something I, and MOST of the world have little to no information on.

Also, lexflex, I understand what you saying about celebrations. I never once said all Muslims danced in the street after 9/11. I never once said or implied that. Were there people who did? Absolutely. Here's the differece though, If we went into this raid on Osama's compound and ended up bombing the whole town of Abottabad killing 3,000 innocent civilians, do you think we would be chearing in the streets about it? How about the innocent civilians that America has killed in the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Do we dance around in the streets at those? We do not. We dance around when someone who killed the lives of thousands of Americans and who has been on a hide and seek mission for 10 years since.
The only house on the block, which was 8x larger than any other dwelling in the surrounding area, to burn their trash? I mean, are they really expecting us to believe this sort of thing?
The only house on the block, which was 8x larger than any other dwelling in the surrounding area, to burn their trash? I mean, are they really expecting us to believe this sort of thing?
some of yall asking for way too much, you really think Osama could have been aprehended alive? especially after a helicopter crashed into the compound, there's no snatch and grab going down after that

Ain't any of yall seen 24? Terrorists aren't being taken alive

I still want to see some pictures or footage though just for further confirmation, but I think he is definitely dead
some of yall asking for way too much, you really think Osama could have been aprehended alive? especially after a helicopter crashed into the compound, there's no snatch and grab going down after that

Ain't any of yall seen 24? Terrorists aren't being taken alive

I still want to see some pictures or footage though just for further confirmation, but I think he is definitely dead
Define BADASS : SEAL Team Six Unit. Infiltration, Mission objective, Extraction in < 40 min; Team Casualties = 0. WIN. I'm already excited for the Discovery channel/History channel specials on the operation. GOOD RIDDANCE! to that waste of life bin laden.
Define BADASS : SEAL Team Six Unit. Infiltration, Mission objective, Extraction in < 40 min; Team Casualties = 0. WIN. I'm already excited for the Discovery channel/History channel specials on the operation. GOOD RIDDANCE! to that waste of life bin laden.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Why did they not capture him alive and put him on trial like that Khaled dude? Would that have been to much of a spectacle? 

Are you serious??  I suggest you go speak to any military personnel that have conducted actual combat missions and tell me if you still feel the same way after posing that question.  Special U.S. Navy Seals storm a mansion housing Osama Bin Laden, #1 on the FBI's most wanted list with 18 foot concrete walls, barbed wire, and personal security for him with bullets flying and you actually think Osama Bin Laden was just going to give up quietly without firing bullets back at the U.S. forces.  Sorry champ but it doesn't and didn't work that way.

For the little kids sitting behind their computers, with four or five VERY FACTUAL websites open and three YouTube videos playing simultaneously - you're going to need more than the pictures. And don't get me started on the DNA records... those are DEFINITELY fake!

Sad but true.  I guess that's just the way things are going to be now with just about anything nowadays.  Nobody is going to believe things unless they are there and see it for themselves.  Folks will be saying......."Osama Bin Laden ain't dead, ........I wasn't there........I didn't see it.  The Royal Wedding didn't happen last week..........I wasn't there........I didn't see it.  The San Antonio Spurs didn't lose in the 1st round of the playoffs..........I wasn't there.......I didn't see it:"


Co-sign everything u and University of Nike said....

*Is dude REALLY asking if it would have been too much of a spectacle if Bin Laden was put on trail?  Seriously??????? 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Why did they not capture him alive and put him on trial like that Khaled dude? Would that have been to much of a spectacle? 

Are you serious??  I suggest you go speak to any military personnel that have conducted actual combat missions and tell me if you still feel the same way after posing that question.  Special U.S. Navy Seals storm a mansion housing Osama Bin Laden, #1 on the FBI's most wanted list with 18 foot concrete walls, barbed wire, and personal security for him with bullets flying and you actually think Osama Bin Laden was just going to give up quietly without firing bullets back at the U.S. forces.  Sorry champ but it doesn't and didn't work that way.

For the little kids sitting behind their computers, with four or five VERY FACTUAL websites open and three YouTube videos playing simultaneously - you're going to need more than the pictures. And don't get me started on the DNA records... those are DEFINITELY fake!

Sad but true.  I guess that's just the way things are going to be now with just about anything nowadays.  Nobody is going to believe things unless they are there and see it for themselves.  Folks will be saying......."Osama Bin Laden ain't dead, ........I wasn't there........I didn't see it.  The Royal Wedding didn't happen last week..........I wasn't there........I didn't see it.  The San Antonio Spurs didn't lose in the 1st round of the playoffs..........I wasn't there.......I didn't see it:"


Co-sign everything u and University of Nike said....

*Is dude REALLY asking if it would have been too much of a spectacle if Bin Laden was put on trail?  Seriously??????? 
Well, you choose to believe the U.S. version of the story. I will choose to believe the lawyer's story and other reports I read because they make more sense to me. He was definitely drugged. I will stick to believe the spider hole story was all fabricated to use it as a humilitation technique. There are some reports that he put up a firefight at the friend's house. The story from the U.S. as that he was caught in that spider hole and came out saying "I want to negotiate"?
If you know Saddam Hussein, that's not him. He was defiant as they come. Just like his sons, he would put up a fight.

Some other reports indicated that the friend who was harbouring him told of his whereabouts to get the bounty money which was millons.
Well, you choose to believe the U.S. version of the story. I will choose to believe the lawyer's story and other reports I read because they make more sense to me. He was definitely drugged. I will stick to believe the spider hole story was all fabricated to use it as a humilitation technique. There are some reports that he put up a firefight at the friend's house. The story from the U.S. as that he was caught in that spider hole and came out saying "I want to negotiate"?
If you know Saddam Hussein, that's not him. He was defiant as they come. Just like his sons, he would put up a fight.

Some other reports indicated that the friend who was harbouring him told of his whereabouts to get the bounty money which was millons.
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