Osama Bin Laden is dead

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

why would they pay this dude any respect at all? damn let us see his body and throw it in a dump after.  

This is eaxctly what i'm thinking. Why should they pay him respect by honoring his way of life by burying him? Osama hated the Americans way of life and was responsible for the deaths of 1000's of Americans so why honor his way of life and respect him by burying him the way his religion believed he should be buried?THey say he's been buried in less than 24 hours after hsi death just to brainwash Americans into thinking he was just killed during Obamas time as president when in fact he's already been dead for years now. Perhaps he's been cremated years ago his body in ashes and we'll NEVER see a picture of Osama Bin Laden dead. NEVER.

I don't know what to believe. I thought he died back in 2001 due to his illness and kidney dyalisis. He was very ill.

From the beginning, the objective was to use 9/11 as a pretext for operating the first phase of the Middle East War, which consisted of the occupation and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. A large scale was theater is never planned in a short and sudden amount of time or a matter of a couple of weeks. It had been decided well in advance of 9/11.

It was only within hours of the attacks that Osama was quickly identified as the mastermind and architect of 9/11. Right after, the War on Terrorism was declared. Lies and full of media disinformation went into full gear. Using Osama as the main boogeyman to install fear into the populations in order for the Superpowers to gain control to extend their agendas in the name of National Security and for economic and imperialist expansions through war.

From the very outset and to this day, I think we will never officially know the full truth. To me, 9/11 was a pretext and justification to create this "outside enemy" and this War on Terrorism, as the cornerstone of the Bush administration's military doctrine, in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention to repeal the civil liberties and constitutional government in the U.S.

Without the bogeyman and this outside enemy, there could have been no War on Terrorism. The entire national security agenda would have had no leg to stand on and would have collapsed.Afterall, this man was a creation of the CIA.

Why did they not capture him alive and put him on trial like that Khaled dude? Would that have been to much of a spectacle? 

do you watch the news? he was shootin back, he wasn't going to come back to america to face trial.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

add more fuel to the fire....proof something happened yesterday?


this man recorded history and did not even know it 
the internet is an amazing place 
conspiracy theorist have never been right about anything.
conspirators are nothing more than people who have an external locus of control who get off on thinking that they are smarter than everyone else when in reality, couldn't be further from the truth.
the CIA are not known to release the full details of any mission; which is why you skeptics are having a hard time trying to put the pieces together.
even with photographic, DNA, and eye witness reports, conspirators will do their best denounce anything that contradicts their own beliefs.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

The Navy Seals that conducted this operation yesterday could have been giving live feeds on the internet from their helmet cams of them entering the mansion and shooting Bin Laden and some of you dudes still wouldn't believe it was Osama Bin Laden that they killed. 

Exactly. Even if they release pictures, I fully expect the first group of responses to be:
2) That's not even Bin Laden!
3) That picture was taken 7 years ago! He's been dead forever! I saw a video on YouTube that explained that 9/11 was caused by.... <blah blah blah>

For the little kids sitting behind their computers, with four or five VERY FACTUAL websites open and three YouTube videos playing simultaneously - you're going to need more than the pictures. And don't get me started on the DNA records... those are DEFINITELY fake!
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

why would they pay this dude any respect at all? damn let us see his body and throw it in a dump after.  

This is eaxctly what i'm thinking. Why should they pay him respect by honoring his way of life by burying him? Osama hated the Americans way of life and was responsible for the deaths of 1000's of Americans so why honor his way of life and respect him by burying him the way his religion believed he should be buried?THey say he's been buried in less than 24 hours after hsi death just to brainwash Americans into thinking he was just killed during Obamas time as president when in fact he's already been dead for years now. Perhaps he's been cremated years ago his body in ashes and we'll NEVER see a picture of Osama Bin Laden dead. NEVER.

I don't know what to believe. I thought he died back in 2001 due to his illness and kidney dyalisis. He was very ill.

From the beginning, the objective was to use 9/11 as a pretext for operating the first phase of the Middle East War, which consisted of the occupation and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. A large scale was theater is never planned in a short and sudden amount of time or a matter of a couple of weeks. It had been decided well in advance of 9/11.

It was only within hours of the attacks that Osama was quickly identified as the mastermind and architect of 9/11. Right after, the War on Terrorism was declared. Lies and full of media disinformation went into full gear. Using Osama as the main boogeyman to install fear into the populations in order for the Superpowers to gain control to extend their agendas in the name of National Security and for economic and imperialist expansions through war.

From the very outset and to this day, I think we will never officially know the full truth. To me, 9/11 was a pretext and justification to create this "outside enemy" and this War on Terrorism, as the cornerstone of the Bush administration's military doctrine, in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention to repeal the civil liberties and constitutional government in the U.S.

Without the bogeyman and this outside enemy, there could have been no War on Terrorism. The entire national security agenda would have had no leg to stand on and would have collapsed.Afterall, this man was a creation of the CIA.

Why did they not capture him alive and put him on trial like that Khaled dude? Would that have been to much of a spectacle? 

do you watch the news? he was shootin back, he wasn't going to come back to america to face trial.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

The Navy Seals that conducted this operation yesterday could have been giving live feeds on the internet from their helmet cams of them entering the mansion and shooting Bin Laden and some of you dudes still wouldn't believe it was Osama Bin Laden that they killed. 

Exactly. Even if they release pictures, I fully expect the first group of responses to be:
2) That's not even Bin Laden!
3) That picture was taken 7 years ago! He's been dead forever! I saw a video on YouTube that explained that 9/11 was caused by.... <blah blah blah>

For the little kids sitting behind their computers, with four or five VERY FACTUAL websites open and three YouTube videos playing simultaneously - you're going to need more than the pictures. And don't get me started on the DNA records... those are DEFINITELY fake!
conspiracy theorist have never been right about anything.
conspirators are nothing more than people who have an external locus of control who get off on thinking that they are smarter than everyone else when in reality, couldn't be further from the truth.
the CIA are not known to release the full details of any mission; which is why you skeptics are having a hard time trying to put the pieces together.
even with photographic, DNA, and eye witness reports, conspirators will do their best denounce anything that contradicts their own beliefs.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

add more fuel to the fire....proof something happened yesterday?


this man recorded history and did not even know it 
the internet is an amazing place 
read @ReallyVirtual tweets.....I really think the gov is not telling us EVERYTHING about the event

dudes twitter has been blowing up and sooooo many stations around the world are trying to get a interview with him

who would have thought TWITTER is the source that broke the news to OSAMA's death lol before the president & gov even knew......@ReallyVirtual did!
read @ReallyVirtual tweets.....I really think the gov is not telling us EVERYTHING about the event

dudes twitter has been blowing up and sooooo many stations around the world are trying to get a interview with him

who would have thought TWITTER is the source that broke the news to OSAMA's death lol before the president & gov even knew......@ReallyVirtual did!
Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

do you watch the news? he was shootin back, he wasn't going to come back to america to face trial.
Trust me, they could have easily caught him alive.

For example, that story about Saddam being found in a hole was a bunch of B.S. and fabricated to make the U.S. army look good. Saddam Hussein's lead Iraqi lawyer Kaleel Dolami confirms that he was not captured in the "spider hole". He was arrested at a friend's home when he was praying. He was drugged. He was beaten the first two days by a translator and an American soldier when he was arrested. They beat him in the face, they broke his leg, they whipped him. His left leg was broken by the people that arrested him. 

They could have easil drugged Osama by releasing chemical weapons that drugs you up and the you take the bodies for capture.

I would have liked to see him stand trial.

I am justweary of believing what the U.S. government feeds us due to their stringent agendas. How many times have they lied to the nation and the world to pursue their agendas?

Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

do you watch the news? he was shootin back, he wasn't going to come back to america to face trial.
Trust me, they could have easily caught him alive.

For example, that story about Saddam being found in a hole was a bunch of B.S. and fabricated to make the U.S. army look good. Saddam Hussein's lead Iraqi lawyer Kaleel Dolami confirms that he was not captured in the "spider hole". He was arrested at a friend's home when he was praying. He was drugged. He was beaten the first two days by a translator and an American soldier when he was arrested. They beat him in the face, they broke his leg, they whipped him. His left leg was broken by the people that arrested him. 

They could have easil drugged Osama by releasing chemical weapons that drugs you up and the you take the bodies for capture.

I would have liked to see him stand trial.

I am justweary of believing what the U.S. government feeds us due to their stringent agendas. How many times have they lied to the nation and the world to pursue their agendas?

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

This is eaxctly what i'm thinking. Why should they pay him respect by honoring his way of life by burying him? Osama hated the Americans way of life and was responsible for the deaths of 1000's of Americans so why honor his way of life and respect him by burying him the way his religion believed he should be buried?THey say he's been buried in less than 24 hours after hsi death just to brainwash Americans into thinking he was just killed during Obamas time as president when in fact he's already been dead for years now. Perhaps he's been cremated years ago his body in ashes and we'll NEVER see a picture of Osama Bin Laden dead. NEVER.

I don't know what to believe. I thought he died back in 2001 due to his illness and kidney dyalisis. He was very ill.

From the beginning, the objective was to use 9/11 as a pretext for operating the first phase of the Middle East War, which consisted of the occupation and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. A large scale was theater is never planned in a short and sudden amount of time or a matter of a couple of weeks. It had been decided well in advance of 9/11.

It was only within hours of the attacks that Osama was quickly identified as the mastermind and architect of 9/11. Right after, the War on Terrorism was declared. Lies and full of media disinformation went into full gear. Using Osama as the main boogeyman to install fear into the populations in order for the Superpowers to gain control to extend their agendas in the name of National Security and for economic and imperialist expansions through war.

From the very outset and to this day, I think we will never officially know the full truth. To me, 9/11 was a pretext and justification to create this "outside enemy" and this War on Terrorism, as the cornerstone of the Bush administration's military doctrine, in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention to repeal the civil liberties and constitutional government in the U.S.

Without the bogeyman and this outside enemy, there could have been no War on Terrorism. The entire national security agenda would have had no leg to stand on and would have collapsed.Afterall, this man was a creation of the CIA.

Why did they not capture him alive and put him on trial like that Khaled dude? Would that have been to much of a spectacle? 

/\ agree with much of this too and conflicted as well but...

we sent a seal team into known hostile territory... for the most wanted man on the planet... they were always only comin out with dead bodies... period
Why were we after Bin Laden in the first place though?
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

This is eaxctly what i'm thinking. Why should they pay him respect by honoring his way of life by burying him? Osama hated the Americans way of life and was responsible for the deaths of 1000's of Americans so why honor his way of life and respect him by burying him the way his religion believed he should be buried?THey say he's been buried in less than 24 hours after hsi death just to brainwash Americans into thinking he was just killed during Obamas time as president when in fact he's already been dead for years now. Perhaps he's been cremated years ago his body in ashes and we'll NEVER see a picture of Osama Bin Laden dead. NEVER.

I don't know what to believe. I thought he died back in 2001 due to his illness and kidney dyalisis. He was very ill.

From the beginning, the objective was to use 9/11 as a pretext for operating the first phase of the Middle East War, which consisted of the occupation and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. A large scale was theater is never planned in a short and sudden amount of time or a matter of a couple of weeks. It had been decided well in advance of 9/11.

It was only within hours of the attacks that Osama was quickly identified as the mastermind and architect of 9/11. Right after, the War on Terrorism was declared. Lies and full of media disinformation went into full gear. Using Osama as the main boogeyman to install fear into the populations in order for the Superpowers to gain control to extend their agendas in the name of National Security and for economic and imperialist expansions through war.

From the very outset and to this day, I think we will never officially know the full truth. To me, 9/11 was a pretext and justification to create this "outside enemy" and this War on Terrorism, as the cornerstone of the Bush administration's military doctrine, in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention to repeal the civil liberties and constitutional government in the U.S.

Without the bogeyman and this outside enemy, there could have been no War on Terrorism. The entire national security agenda would have had no leg to stand on and would have collapsed.Afterall, this man was a creation of the CIA.

Why did they not capture him alive and put him on trial like that Khaled dude? Would that have been to much of a spectacle? 

/\ agree with much of this too and conflicted as well but...

we sent a seal team into known hostile territory... for the most wanted man on the planet... they were always only comin out with dead bodies... period
Why were we after Bin Laden in the first place though?
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

do you watch the news? he was shootin back, he wasn't going to come back to america to face trial.
Trust me, they could have easily caught him alive.

For example, that story about Saddam being found in a hole was a bunch of B.S. and fabricated to make the U.S. army look good. Saddam Hussein's lead Iraqi lawyer Kaleel Dolami confirms that he was not captured in the "spider hole". He was arrested at a friend's home when he was praying. He was drugged. He was beaten the first two days by a translator and an American soldier when he was arrested. They beat him in the face, they broke his leg, they whipped him. His left leg was broken by the people that arrested him. 

The saddam story is a bunch of b.s. because his lawyer said so?

Must be true then, i guess.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

do you watch the news? he was shootin back, he wasn't going to come back to america to face trial.
Trust me, they could have easily caught him alive.

For example, that story about Saddam being found in a hole was a bunch of B.S. and fabricated to make the U.S. army look good. Saddam Hussein's lead Iraqi lawyer Kaleel Dolami confirms that he was not captured in the "spider hole". He was arrested at a friend's home when he was praying. He was drugged. He was beaten the first two days by a translator and an American soldier when he was arrested. They beat him in the face, they broke his leg, they whipped him. His left leg was broken by the people that arrested him. 

They could have easil drugged Osama by releasing chemical weapons that drugs you up and the you take the bodies for capture.

I would have liked to see him stand trial.

I am justweary of believing what the U.S. government feeds us due to their stringent agendas. How many times have they lied to the nation and the world to pursue their agendas?

Ah, so they broke his leg?


Must have been hard for him to walk the night he was captured.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

do you watch the news? he was shootin back, he wasn't going to come back to america to face trial.
Trust me, they could have easily caught him alive.

For example, that story about Saddam being found in a hole was a bunch of B.S. and fabricated to make the U.S. army look good. Saddam Hussein's lead Iraqi lawyer Kaleel Dolami confirms that he was not captured in the "spider hole". He was arrested at a friend's home when he was praying. He was drugged. He was beaten the first two days by a translator and an American soldier when he was arrested. They beat him in the face, they broke his leg, they whipped him. His left leg was broken by the people that arrested him. 

They could have easil drugged Osama by releasing chemical weapons that drugs you up and the you take the bodies for capture.

I would have liked to see him stand trial.

I am justweary of believing what the U.S. government feeds us due to their stringent agendas. How many times have they lied to the nation and the world to pursue their agendas?

Ah, so they broke his leg?


Must have been hard for him to walk the night he was captured.
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