Osama Bin Laden is dead


my ma says they showed his body on the spanish station 

they be showing hung bodies from mexico all the time so...did they?
my ma says they showed his body on the spanish station 

they be showing hung bodies from mexico all the time so...did they?
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by cguy610

Can't come up with an intelligent retort, eh?

People are celebrating the fact that this mass murderer of innocent civilians was caught an brought to justice. 
I was trying to make a point.  Everyone copied the top quote, didn't check out the story underneath.


[h3]Graffiti on Portland mosque under investigation[/h3]http://www.pressherald.co...under-investigation.html

I was relieved with his death too.  Not only is Osama responsible for the deaths of more Muslims than Americans, but I was affected by 9/11 too.  I'm born n raised in NJ my dad was working 4 blocks away from the towers that day and I was scared for his life just like any other American would be.

Let me be clear when I say that all this excitement really does scare me as an American Muslim.  I understand relief, and praise, but I celebrate the death of no man.
And they misspelled "tomorrow".
Come on man, they were in a rush 
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by cguy610

Can't come up with an intelligent retort, eh?

People are celebrating the fact that this mass murderer of innocent civilians was caught an brought to justice. 
I was trying to make a point.  Everyone copied the top quote, didn't check out the story underneath.


[h3]Graffiti on Portland mosque under investigation[/h3]http://www.pressherald.co...under-investigation.html

I was relieved with his death too.  Not only is Osama responsible for the deaths of more Muslims than Americans, but I was affected by 9/11 too.  I'm born n raised in NJ my dad was working 4 blocks away from the towers that day and I was scared for his life just like any other American would be.

Let me be clear when I say that all this excitement really does scare me as an American Muslim.  I understand relief, and praise, but I celebrate the death of no man.
And they misspelled "tomorrow".
Come on man, they were in a rush 
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

anyone talkin about "i can't celebrate that mans death" or "who are we to judge him" are a bunch of keyboard make believe preachers. go say that garbage to someone who lost a loved in the attacks.

dudes are hypocrites. the cops that shot sean bell or oscar grant, i guess we shouldn't judge them either even though they committed disgusting acts right?
[Whoo Kid] PIZZLE POW! [/Whoo Kid]
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

anyone talkin about "i can't celebrate that mans death" or "who are we to judge him" are a bunch of keyboard make believe preachers. go say that garbage to someone who lost a loved in the attacks.

dudes are hypocrites. the cops that shot sean bell or oscar grant, i guess we shouldn't judge them either even though they committed disgusting acts right?
[Whoo Kid] PIZZLE POW! [/Whoo Kid]
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

There's some interesting discussions going on here regarding the extent of U.S. support for mujahedeens against the Soviets. The U.S. supported several Islamist groups in the region because they feared that Middle Eastern countries would turn to Communism and of course as we all know, some of the same Islamists that depended on U.S. support for all those decades ending up turning on the U.S. when they realized how influential America was in the region.

As for bin Ladin's death, it is definitely welcome news but the man was more of a symbolic figurehead than an actual threat to the U.S. and the West. Unfortunately terrorists will continue to strike until the following two aims are achieved:
-Western countries leave all Muslim soil completely
-All Muslim countries are ruled by sharia law

Bin Laden was just one of many people that shared these goals and I do not think we will see the end of terrorism or this ideological battle between the West and these Islamists anytime soon. The West knows that their presence in the region is one of the primary causes of terrorism however countries such as the U.S. have way too many economic interests in the Middle East to just get up and leave.
You make some good points but in the end it's hard not to draw the easiest conclusion that the U.S. is best off going against Team Raw and pulling out completely. Accept the L and move on. The Brits played the largest role in creating an Iraqi identity in the first place (no nation existed beforehand). The Brits also played a huge role in establishing an Israeli state. It's time to stop meddling in the business of others. We're not our brothers' makers. I sincerely hope this marks the end of the U.S. involvement in the middle east. They have their own things to deal with. Let them solve it themselves.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

There's some interesting discussions going on here regarding the extent of U.S. support for mujahedeens against the Soviets. The U.S. supported several Islamist groups in the region because they feared that Middle Eastern countries would turn to Communism and of course as we all know, some of the same Islamists that depended on U.S. support for all those decades ending up turning on the U.S. when they realized how influential America was in the region.

As for bin Ladin's death, it is definitely welcome news but the man was more of a symbolic figurehead than an actual threat to the U.S. and the West. Unfortunately terrorists will continue to strike until the following two aims are achieved:
-Western countries leave all Muslim soil completely
-All Muslim countries are ruled by sharia law

Bin Laden was just one of many people that shared these goals and I do not think we will see the end of terrorism or this ideological battle between the West and these Islamists anytime soon. The West knows that their presence in the region is one of the primary causes of terrorism however countries such as the U.S. have way too many economic interests in the Middle East to just get up and leave.
You make some good points but in the end it's hard not to draw the easiest conclusion that the U.S. is best off going against Team Raw and pulling out completely. Accept the L and move on. The Brits played the largest role in creating an Iraqi identity in the first place (no nation existed beforehand). The Brits also played a huge role in establishing an Israeli state. It's time to stop meddling in the business of others. We're not our brothers' makers. I sincerely hope this marks the end of the U.S. involvement in the middle east. They have their own things to deal with. Let them solve it themselves.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by WHPH10

This thread makes me sad.

You guys really care about this? Like this dude created some explosives visited the WTC, placed them, and blew them up himself and then ran back to his cave where he hid for 10 years.

Straight pathetic all I can say is you guys need to visit other countries and cultures.

Nice vid, and his cave was a mansion and dude wasn't hiding since he didn't do it

Did your professor tell you that too? So let me get this straight, youre defending him and you have the nerve to say "I wouldn't care if we lost another troop, we've lost thousands so one more won't make a difference"SMH, you have 0 sense
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by WHPH10

This thread makes me sad.

You guys really care about this? Like this dude created some explosives visited the WTC, placed them, and blew them up himself and then ran back to his cave where he hid for 10 years.

Straight pathetic all I can say is you guys need to visit other countries and cultures.

Nice vid, and his cave was a mansion and dude wasn't hiding since he didn't do it

Did your professor tell you that too? So let me get this straight, youre defending him and you have the nerve to say "I wouldn't care if we lost another troop, we've lost thousands so one more won't make a difference"SMH, you have 0 sense
glad he was dumped into the ocean. the only thing better would have been to feed him to wild pigs.
glad he was dumped into the ocean. the only thing better would have been to feed him to wild pigs.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden lived for the past five to six years in the compound deep inside Pakistan where the al Qaeda leader was killed by U.S. forces, President Barack Obama's counterterrorism adviser said on Tuesday.

Bin Laden, who was living in Afghanistan before a 2001 U.S.-led invasion helped topple its Taliban regime, was holed up in a compound in the military garrison town of Abbottabad in Pakistan before Sunday's operation to kill him.

"Well I think the latest information is that he was in this compound for the past five or six years and he had virtually no interaction with others outside that compound. But yet he seemed to be very active inside the compound," White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan said on the CBS Early Show program.

"And we know that he had released videos and audios. We know that he was in contact with some senior al Qaeda officials," Brennan added.

"So what we're trying to do now is to understand what he has been involved in over the past several years, exploit whatever information we were able to get at the compound and take that information and continue our efforts to destroy al Qaeda," Brennan added.


Either US intelligence is just as incompetent as it was in 2001 with even more funding during 2002-2011 then pre 2001 or they're lying.

Since we've been a superpower for over 60 years now, I'm going to say that our intelligence services aren't as incompetent as they claim to be.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Osama bin Laden lived for the past five to six years in the compound deep inside Pakistan where the al Qaeda leader was killed by U.S. forces, President Barack Obama's counterterrorism adviser said on Tuesday.

Bin Laden, who was living in Afghanistan before a 2001 U.S.-led invasion helped topple its Taliban regime, was holed up in a compound in the military garrison town of Abbottabad in Pakistan before Sunday's operation to kill him.

"Well I think the latest information is that he was in this compound for the past five or six years and he had virtually no interaction with others outside that compound. But yet he seemed to be very active inside the compound," White House counterterrorism chief John Brennan said on the CBS Early Show program.

"And we know that he had released videos and audios. We know that he was in contact with some senior al Qaeda officials," Brennan added.

"So what we're trying to do now is to understand what he has been involved in over the past several years, exploit whatever information we were able to get at the compound and take that information and continue our efforts to destroy al Qaeda," Brennan added.


Either US intelligence is just as incompetent as it was in 2001 with even more funding during 2002-2011 then pre 2001 or they're lying.

Since we've been a superpower for over 60 years now, I'm going to say that our intelligence services aren't as incompetent as they claim to be.
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