Out the military!! vol: let's get high!

Feb 23, 2007
Like the title says, out after 9 years in the Navy! Feels good! Now pass the blunt.
I served my country, 3 deployments and countless hours protecting YOUR *@# and getting treated like $%+$. Oh, and im going to school, I got a job already. YeahI represent well. Check yourself homie...
Shoot, my military buddies STAYED lifted just while being home on leave.

One dude just got out a few months ago, he was a seabee.
Originally Posted by EastCoast09

2 more years smh...
Stay up homie.. It's a good feeling when your done. My advice, keep your #*$% straight while your in, you got a *@+*@@%* of benefits coming towardsyou if you just act right for a bit.
Check the R.O.C. and you'll realize why these stupid "Drug glorification" posts are prohibited.
My dude that just got out, already bought a $400,000 brand new house.

The military def has its benefits.
Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Check the R.O.C. and you'll realize why these stupid "Drug glorification" posts are prohibited.
Your acting as if I'm gonna go out and slang drugs for a livin'. Chill homie.
Originally Posted by oo206oo

My dude that just got out, already bought a $400,000 brand new house.

The military def has its benefits.
yeah, as soon as I get some employment history with my new job, imma go ahead and handle business. Cali homes are ridiculous though.. $$$
Originally Posted by EastCoast09

^I dunno how he did that.. atleast I know the army doesnt treat us to 400,000 dollar houses..

dude no branch of the military's gonna give you a 400k crib.
I mean, of course you gotta pay, but VA Loans lock the rate in at about 5% with no money down..
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