Paging all young bucks... (or anyone who dated somebody older when they were younger)

Jun 12, 2002
would you get into a relationship with a 23 year old if you were 18? Or would they just be a bash and dash. This young guy really seems to like me buthe's just so young, I feel like a cradle robber if I continue talking to him
I'm 20 Years old, and I have a 16 year old jumpoff.


Is that disgusting or Legal in Massachusetts?
See where it takes you..albeit you'll prolly just end up dating him.

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I'm 20 Years old, and I have a 16 year old jumpoff.


Is that disgusting or Legal in Massachusetts?

How is a 4 year difference disgusting? Its not like she's 12.
just be realistic about your relationship expectations given the age disparity...not to mention the disparity with respect to your station in life.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

just be realistic about your relationship expectations given the age disparity...not to mention the disparity with respect to your station in life.

^ Yup. Sometimes despite physical attraction, the maturity of some folks aren't justified. When I was younger, definitely dated a lot more older girls justbecause girls in my age didn't have their goals in life together (still kinda true to this day). So as long as the person knows, what they want out of lifeand your on the same page beside the bedroom manners. Then give it a shot and try not to pull the "Ageism" card (being discriminatory withoutconsidering experience).
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

just be realistic about your relationship expectations given the age disparity...not to mention the disparity with respect to your station in life.

^ Yup. Sometimes despite physical attraction, the maturity of some folks aren't justified. When I was younger, definitely dated a lot more older girls just because girls in my age didn't have their goals in life together (still kinda true to this day). So as long as the person knows, what they want out of life and your on the same page beside the bedroom manners. Then give it a shot and try not to pull the "Ageism" card (being discriminatory without considering experience).

thats good advice, def will follow
Starting school early and then skipping a grade has pretty much made it mandatory that I date older if I wanted to date within my grade. While I've neverbeen at that age gap, I've always found that relationships are to be had with older and more mature women rather than girls my age or younger.

But that's just my experience.
i dated a guy who was 24 when i was 18.. first serious relationship (with a guy) & it lasted a little less than a yr.
despite the 6 year age difference, we still made it work. i say you give it a shot.. you never know what could come of it. if all else fails, at least you walkaway with yet another experience in life.
I was 18 dating a 21 year was nice, but we were at two different stages. She's about to graduate college I was just getting started, and she wasreally looking for someone to be with when I was the exact opposite. obviously didn't work out but the sex was bomb
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I'm 20 Years old, and I have a 16 year old jumpoff.


Is that disgusting or Legal in Massachusetts?

How is a 4 year difference disgusting? Its not like she's 12.

I see where he's coming from because I'm 20 too and there is way bigger difference from 20-16 to something like 30-26.
Yeah some 16 year old girls are bad as hell, but they are much more immature than a 20 year old grown man.
So yeah bro, I don't think it's disgusting but you being with her can be seen as you taking advantage of her immaturity, feel me?
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

just be realistic about your relationship expectations given the age disparity...not to mention the disparity with respect to your station in life.

^ Yup. Sometimes despite physical attraction, the maturity of some folks aren't justified. When I was younger, definitely dated a lot more older girls just because girls in my age didn't have their goals in life together (still kinda true to this day). So as long as the person knows, what they want out of life and your on the same page beside the bedroom manners. Then give it a shot and try not to pull the "Ageism" card (being discriminatory without considering experience).
son im glad you said this. im 20 now and ive been only talking to older females since i was like 16. most girls say "oh im rocking thecradle" or "damn i like you a lot but you're too young"..ill sometimes get "yea you act really mature for your age"

i honestly believe two mates CAN coincide with each other regardless of the age difference.
What kind of lame #!* 23 year old woman needs to get smashed by an 18 year old.

LMAO... More power to you though.
Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

Originally Posted by nbirn2103

What kind of lame #!* 23 year old woman needs to get smashed by an 18 year old.

LMAO... More power to you though.

I was also thinking that it makes me look desperate but he keeps pursuing me, and he's really cute and looks like he has A LOT of energy.
Looks like you just want to smash didnt mention anything about his personality, just the physical..just beat and bounce
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

What kind of lame #!* 23 year old woman needs to get smashed by an 18 year old.

LMAO... More power to you though.

I was also thinking that it makes me look desperate but he keeps pursuing me, and he's really cute and looks like he has A LOT of energy.

but I don't *need*
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

Originally Posted by nbirn2103

What kind of lame #!* 23 year old woman needs to get smashed by an 18 year old.

LMAO... More power to you though.

I was also thinking that it makes me look desperate but he keeps pursuing me, and he's really cute and looks like he has A LOT of energy.
Looks like you just want to smash didnt mention anything about his personality, just the physical..just beat and bounce

he's so hot and cold with his personality. When he talks though I really like him but he gets into these weird moods where he doesnt talk. He seems moody.We haven't hung out much at all, just one time outside of work so I don't really know him. Kind of trying to but I think its better I just back off
I'm 20 and my husband is 25. We have some issues sometimes, and I swear I think it's just cuz I'm younger. But we get through it.

Go for it, if you like the kid... I mean guy.

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

I'm 20 and my husband is 25. We have some issues sometimes, and I swear I think it's just cuz I'm younger. But we get through it.

Go for it, if you like the kid... I mean guy.

yea i remember you said you were 20..still find that hard to believe
I feel like a girl with an older boyfriend is not a big deal but a 20 something girl with a teenage boyfriend is a little weird.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

I feel like a girl with an older boyfriend is not a big deal but a 20 something girl with a teenage boyfriend is a little weird.

yeah I feel you, I don't even know why that is
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