You've confirmed they're Palestinian? How? It could easily be a group of left wing hippies who wants to take it back to Israel by defacing Jewish property, or patriots from any of Israel's enemies who's simply taking advantage of the current public opinion of Israel. The same can also be said for a bunch of right-wing nuts who want to take advantage of the opportunity and force Jews out of their country.

Don't be so naive.
You've confirmed they're Palestinian? How? It could easily be a group of left wing hippies who wants to take it back to Israel by defacing Jewish property, or patriots from any of Israel's enemies who's simply taking advantage of the current public opinion of Israel. The same can also be said for a bunch of right-wing nuts who want to take advantage of the opportunity and force Jews out of their country.

Don't be so naive.
Naive how? You do realize all but a few are very critical of Israel over this conflict, and some of them might want to take their criticism past venting on reddit.
How recent are these pictures? They're clearly before this conflict and might even be before the multi million dollar dome. Again, compared to the damage that IDF has waged in less than a month, this is mere child's play.

What makes you say they are all clearly before this conflict? Do you not think these rockets do ANY damage in Israel? All those pictures but the 3rd one are from this conflict. Do you want to see more from THIS conflict?

View media item 1121361

View media item 1121363

View media item 1121365

Theres more, but it doesn't really matter. You still justify the rocket attacks because Israel has the Iron Dome.
Again, I'm not justifying any of Hamas' actions what I can't justify is the hypocrisy of Israel by doing the exact same thing on a bigger scale to Hamas in order to curtail these supposed attacks that hinder Israel's existence.
Again, I'm not justifying any of Hamas' actions what I can't justify is the hypocrisy of Israel by doing the exact same thing on a bigger scale to Hamas in order to curtail these supposed attacks that hinder Israel's existence.

Hypocrisy? Are they supposed to just let rockets fly into civilians houses without doing anything about it? Or have underground tunnels that lead into their territory with purposes of killing civilians? What would you want your government to do? Not fire back because that would be hypocritical?
Again, I'm not justifying any of Hamas' actions what I can't justify is the hypocrisy of Israel by doing the exact same thing on a bigger scale to Hamas in order to curtail these supposed attacks that hinder Israel's existence.

Hypocrisy? Are they supposed to just let rockets fly into civilians houses without doing anything about it? Or have underground tunnels that lead into their territory with purposes of killing civilians? What would you want your government to do? Not fire back because that would be hypocritical?
Not to murder innocent civilians in the pretext of protecting innocent civilians.
10 rockets fired into Israel within the past half hour. Sure looks like they want peace and to keep the Gaza citizens safe. Do they think Israel will not retaliate?
Naive how? You do realize all but a few are very critical of Israel over this conflict, and some of them might want to take their criticism past venting on reddit.

All but a few? You're talking out of your ***.

Outside of the 95% approval rating of the IDF in Israel ( which was manipulated like a mutha), and a handful of world leaders who want to take the PC route, where else do you see unconditional support for Israel?
Outside of the 95% approval rating of the IDF in Israel ( which was manipulated like a mutha), and a handful of world leaders who want to take the PC route, where else do you see unconditional support for Israel?

Besides a handful of world leaders......

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Not to murder innocent civilians in the pretext of protecting innocent civilians.

It's inevitable in war unfortunately. Any government will do what is in the best interest of THEIR own civilians to protect them.

lol how is this in the best interest of Israelis? You've just brought up whats going up in Europe over this conflict, you also realize that its only reinforcing the hate that young Palestinians already have for Israel right? If this persists, we're going to end up with a generation that will make up a more ruthless version of Hamas.
Outside of the 95% approval rating of the IDF in Israel ( which was manipulated like a mutha), and a handful of world leaders who want to take the PC route, where else do you see unconditional support for Israel?

Besides a handful of world leaders......

You right, I meant to add besides yourself and the good ol folks at Fox news. Thanks for catching my mistake. *repped*
Listen. You can't be that stupid to think that Israel won't fire back. I don't care if they have the iron dome. No other country would sit around while rockets were fired into it.

So now it continues.
In that whole giant post you wrote, NOT ONE CRITICISM OF HAMAS. :lol: talking about educate yourselves when you drop John Stewart and Stephen Colberts names every other post. they have a comedy show that panders to liberal college kids. Entertaining show but it ends there.

bottle rockets? I'm sorry the aid that Hamas receives doesn't buy them better weapons. Let me weep for that injustice. Let me apologize to Rezla Aslan for Israelis not dying enough.

guess what? Jeremy Bowen was either pressured by hamas (they control the area and you better not ******* report anything against their narrative), tricked by hamas or lying. The guy that shot this footage was scared to post it until he left. Hamas runs the country are you that naive that there is an open press?!

Rageh Omaar - fundamental change in #hamas tactic poses strategic challenge to israel- you never see ANY #hamas fighters or armed men in streets in #Gaza

Rageh Omaar- no tv image at all of any #hamas militants during conflict - inevitably all one sees is the people paying the price - palestinian civilians

Rageh Omaar- no evidence at all how many #hamas fighters, commanders etc..killed - no funerals for them or any info - #hamas learnt from #hezbollah

get it through your heads. Hamas WANTS yes WANTS as may dead civilians as possible. the people you are trying to help

3000 people died o 9/11 I dodn't hear the word genocie. there are more Palestinians alive now than there were 40 years ago. israel must suck at this genocide thing
And the Muslim brotherhood and Hamas are the beacons of hope and all that is right with the world? iran's neighbors want them to have a nuke? Gaza is in much worse shape than the west bank because who is in charge?

I posted that to highlight that this isn't just about the Palestinians and this conflict wIll continue. It's very complicated and full of power struggles. All I did was post the article. Anything after that is stuff you assumed I meant because I didn't write anything.

You are stuck on the good guy bad guy narrative. Why would me posting that lead you to think I believe Saudi Arabia is the moral high authority I dunno. I do know that Hamas isn't either and has pissed off alot of otherrors Arab nations.
An interviewer asked an Israeli, was it journalist or military? ??, why they never show pictures of them fighting against them, or real live pics from all their military since supposedly they use population as human shields. The guy responds, it is because Hamas will shoot at us. Yes shoot you at your drones Lolooooool

It is because they are lying and cannot prove the human shields b.s. with live pictures.

If Israel wants to use the lie and propaganda of human shields, which is the most illogical argument and bull, then in this context, so does Israel.

Why would reporters lie about no human shields or seeing Hamas fighters amongst civilians in the same vincity where Civilians en masse get slaughtered by israel? Because Hamas forces them? Looooool as if Hamas controls western media. It's the other way around, that's why Some reporters have been fired or stripped of their duties, for reporting the truth since the news media would get hounded and threatened by pro Israeli lobbyists.
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Listen. You can't be that stupid to think that Israel won't fire back. I don't care if they have the iron dome. No other country would sit around while rockets were fired into it.

So now it continues.

No population would suffer a brutal systemic population, military attacks, and killings of its civilians and not fight back. You know Hamas responded to Israeli shelling right? Israel shelled first, Hamas responded. But of course, you just take the Israeli narrative and lie.
Listen. You can't be that stupid to think that Israel won't fire back. I don't care if they have the iron dome. No other country would sit around while rockets were fired into it.

So now it continues.

Thats because no other country provokes these attacks, in order to shift these people further away in order to build more settlements all the while covering it up as a Savage vs. Civil society conflict.
An interviewer asked an Israeli, was it journalist or military? ??, why they never show pictures of them fighting against them, or real live pics from all their military since supposedly they use population as human shields. The guy responds, it is because Hamas will shoot at us. Yes shoot you at your drones Lolooooool

It is because they are lying and cannot prove the human shields b.s. with live pictures.

If Israel wants to use the lie and propaganda of human shields, which is the most illogical argument and bull, then in this context, so does Israel.

Why would reporters lie about no human shields or seeing Hamas fighters amongst civilians in the same vincity where Civilians en masse get slaughtered by israel? Because Hamas forces them? Looooool as if Hamas controls western media. It's the other way around, that's why Some reporters have been fired or stripped of their duties, for reporting the truth since the news media would get hounded and threatened by pro Israeli lobbyists.

Theres a reason why videos started coming out from journalist once they left Gaza. If they release any pictures or videos depicting anything bad about Hamas, they would be dead.
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First of all, it was not Hamas who broke this ceasefire as the Israeli - western media outlets are reporting per usual. It was Israel. Israel opening fire at Gazans inspecting a destroyed park in Shujeiya park on the second day of the ceasefire doesn't count?

Just look at the last sentence of that article, MY GOD. If true it only confirms what anyone with a brain has been saying the entire time.
This has pretty much how that human shield conclusion came about.

IDF: Makes an announcement, giving civilians 5 minutes to leave everything they own because their town is about to get bombed.
Hamas: Makes an announcement telling civilians to run for cover in their homes
IDF: Hamas is using civilians as human shields.

Talk about looking at the glass half empty.
First of all, it was not Hamas who broke this ceasefire as the Israeli - western media outlets are reporting per usual. It was Israel. Israel opening fire at Gazans inspecting a destroyed park in Shujeiya park on the second day of the ceasefire doesn't count?

Palestinians approaching soldiers in a security zone, and the IDF fires warning shots in the air. Who knows, they could have had suicide belts attached to them. "Survived the gun fire by a miracle" with shots fired in the air?

I have a hard time this what broke the cease-fire, where there were no injuries. What did those people think would happen to them when they approached soldiers in a security zone?
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This has pretty much how that human shield conclusion came about.

IDF: Makes an announcement, giving civilians 5 minutes to leave everything they own because their town is about to get bombed.
Hamas: Makes an announcement telling civilians to run for cover in their homes
IDF: Hamas is using civilians as human shields.

Talk about looking at the glass half empty.

Yeah, let's forget about the videos of rocket launchers near UN schools, and Hamas shooting from hospitals, schools and cemeteries. Does Hamas wear a uniform in battle? Do they not store rockets in houses and other places they shouldn't be? And a Hamas spokesman mention how effective the human shield policy is.
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That entire website is full on pro Palestine. Look at it. Most reports are that Hamas didn't want to extend talks because israel wouldn't give into the demands.

Where's your response to the Finnish reporter who showed rocket fire from a hospital. By accident of course that goes against the wanted narrative

They are hedquartered in a damn hospital and people are barely reporting on it. Not just sending a rocket. That is their HQ. Beneath Al shifa hospital and inside. It's a ******* comand post

Where are the pictures of hamas fighters? You think they don't exist?
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Theres a reason why videos started coming out from journalist once they left Gaza. If they release any pictures or videos depicting anything bad about Hamas, they would be dead.
Since you love to oversimplify things, let me break it down for you. In the aftermath of the Holocaust, Israel declared Gaza as their land which Palestinians were already living on. Israel moved in and took over more and more land. Israel, with the help of U.S. taxpayer money, basically blockades and controls borders of Palestinians. In every major conflict between the two, Palestinians were killed in disproportionate numbers (an understatement).

2008 Casualties:
View media item 1121695
2012 Casualties:
View media item 1121712
2014 Casualties (thus far):
View media item 1121699
Also, 1 out of 5 people killed since the beginning of the conflict has been a Palestinian child. When you see these numbers, it's hard to ignore. Hate to use antagonistic language when having a civilized discussion, but it seems you are being a bit naïve. How "IDF killing a bunch of innocent people" gets spun into "Hamas rockets force Israel to protect itself" is beyond me sometimes, but that's the tired *** narrative that some people eat up all day everyday (i.e. Fox News demographic).
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