Lol their PR game is tight. Much more effective with social media than pallywood. Got the "useful idiots" coming out in droves.

Khamenei talking about human rights :lol:

They truly found a demographic naive enough to believe it too. Do people really think that the supreme leader of Iran cares about black rights? :lol:

Just another way to gain sympathy from naive people
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The holiday activists moved on to Robin Williams and then the Missouri issue. They will be back once hamas doesn't get everything they want from peace talks and the issue gets hip again

As you can see by the length of the ISIS thread that issue isn't as trendy

The self hating Greenwald is impressing me with his determination by blaming israel for the kid that was killed in Missouri. Never quite understood how an openly gay man could be such supporter or hezbollah and hamas
see what I mean 
In first, Hamas official takes credit for kidnap and murder of Israeli teens

[quote name=url="/t/600484/palestinian-genocide-israeli-terrorism-awareness-thread/1380#post_21408612"]

A senior Hamas official admitted for the first time on Wednesday that the organization's armed wing, the Kassam Brigades, was behind the kidnapping and murder of Israeli teens Nafatli Fraenkel, Gil-Ad Shaer and Eyal Yifrah in the West Bank in June.

The Hamas official, Salah al-Aruri made the comments during a conference of Islamic clerics in Turkey. He praised the "heroic action of the Kassam Brigades who kidnapped three settlers in Hebron."

Israel has contended that Hamas was behind the kidnapping of the boys, a claim that Hamas had previously denied.

The two suspects in the kidnapping, Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha are Hebron-area Hamas operatives who remain at large.

The alleged mastermind of the kidnapping, Hussam Kawasame was arrested on July 11.

On Monday, Border Patrol officers demolished the homes of Hussam Kawasme and Abu Aysha and sealed off the home of Marwan Kawasme.

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Nobody stopped caring about innocent people dying. There's just nothing new to say. Israel plays it's game of victim, kills innocent people, uses the human shield excuse, won't lift its blockade, continues destroying homes and building up more illegal settlements, keeps taking and taking, has arrested well over 1000 Palestinian protestors within its country, kids keep dying, etc etc.

And you hard liners maintain you're inhumane stance and still can't admt Israel has been at fault for a single thing or should at the very least tweak some of its policies. So there's no point in further debating the issue.

Everyone knows what Isis is doing is wrong, there's no debate there for people to spread knowledge on the issue. People here were actively posting and spreading info to make others aware that all the garbage that we were taught growing up about Israel being "the good guy" defending itself against the evil terrorist Palestinians who hate them for no reason was just that, garbage. And guess what, it worked because popular opinion shifted like crazy over the issue despite the fact that we have an extremely pro-Israeli government and media. Even with giving out scholarship money and access to databases for Israeli students to spread propaganda online, Israel couldn't lobby it's way with money to change the truth that was spread through the internet.
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I wonder how much the media will report that Hamas did indeed kill the 3 teens. I guess the leader didn't get the memo that it was a made up Jew conspiracy false flag attack? Very curious to see if this gets buried on page 67
Hamas killed another 18 Palestinians who were supposedly collaborating with Israel. Public executions.

Several top Hamas members killed. One of them has been a target for a very lomg time and it's unknown if he was killed

4 year old Israeli killed by a mortar attack. I would expect things to escalate after that.
Palestinians Celebrate Gaza Cease-Fire -- But Will It Hold?

By Alessandria Masi  @alessandriam asi  a.m asi@ibtim
on August 2 6 2 01 4 8:09 PM

Palestinian Hamas militants hold their weapons as they celebrate what they said was a victory over Israel, following a cease-fire in Gaza City, Tuesday,
Aug. 26, 2014. Reuters/Moham m ed Salem
Palestinians took to the streets to celebrate a long-term cease-fire with Israel for the first time since the start of nearly two months of war that killed nearly
2,200 people. Hamas leaders, who have been hiding since the fighting began, appeared in public and held “victory” rallies around Gaza Tuesday, spouting
rhetoric that raises the possibility of renewed fighting.
A Hamas official told Palestinian media Israel agreed to open the Gaza border crossing, ending part of the blockade on the Gaza strip in effect since 2007.
Initial reports said the agreement did not allow for a seaport, an airport or the release of more Palestinian prisoners -- Hamas’ main demands.
"We're going to build our port and our airport, and if they attack our port, we will attack theirs and if they attack our airport, we will attack theirs -- again,"
Mahmud Al-Zahar, a senior member of the Hamas political wing told a crowd of thousands, Now Lebanon reported.
Palestinian Hamas militants hold their weapons as they celebrate with people what they said was a victory over Israel, following a ceasefire in Gaza City
August 26, 2014. REUTERS/Moham m ed Salem
At another rally, a senior Hamas official said the focus would be on both rebuilding Gaza and weapons.
"We will build and upgrade our arsenal to be ready for the coming battle, the battle of full liberation," Mahmoud Zahar said surrounded by Hamas gunmen,
the Associated Press reported.
Israeli politicians criticized the cease-fire suspending Operation Protective Edge, calling it a failure of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The terms agreed upon Tuesday “could have been reached months ago with moderates from the Palestinian Authority, not under Hamas fire and without
an unnecessary war, for which we're paying a heavy price in human lives, in both physical and mental casualties, and soon in an intolerable economic
price,” Meretz Chairwoman Zahava Gal-On told Haaretz. “The prime minister has made every possible political mistake over recent months, and he must
pay the price and go home."
Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar (C), appearing for the first time since the start of a seven-week conflict, hugs senior Islamic Jihad leader
Mohammed al-Hindi, during a rally by Palestinians celebrating what they said was a victory over Israel, following a ceasefire in Gaza City August 26, 2014.
REUTERS/Moham m ed Salem
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commended the cease-fire effort but added sustainable peace would come only after addressing the core problem:
Palestinian unity. While he did not say Hamas had to be removed, he urged formation of a Palestinian government led by the Palestine Liberation
Organization, currently led by Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas.
"Gaza must be brought back under one legitimate Palestinian government adhering to the PLO commitments; the blockade of Gaza must end; Israel's
legitimate security concerns must be addressed," Ban said in a statement.
A second round of negotiations will begin next month in Cairo, but for now, the cease-fire seemed to be holding. The buffer zone in the Gaza Strip has been
removed and, as it stands, the war that killed more than 2,100 Palestinians and 70 Israelis has ended.

Some "victory"

Hope it was worth it

"We will build and upgrade our arsenal to be ready for the coming battle" soooo see you at the next one? They could have agreed to this cease fire a month ago. They were simply running low on ammo
The whole Hamas admitting to kidnapping I think is a huge miscommunication or Hamas officials in Turkey that were trying to stir things up. Israel even admitted through their investigation back in late July Hamas bared no responsibility. If these supposed reports are true, Israeli government would have used it by now.
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Keep making excuses man. Its done. Hamas did it and continue to provoke conflict. Pathetic
The whole Hamas admitting to kidnapping I think is a huge miscommunication or Hamas officials in Turkey that were trying to stir things up. Israel even admitted through their investigation back in late July Hamas bared no responsibility. If these supposed reports are true, Israeli government would have used it by now.
Palestinian leader says Hamas caused prolonged war

[quote name=url="/t/600484/palestinian-genocide-israeli-terrorism-awareness-thread/1380#post_21487142"]

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Hamas on Friday for extending fighting with Israel in the Gaza Strip, casting doubt on the future of the Palestinian unity government that the Islamic militant group backs, while Israel's premier said the end of the war could mark resumption of peace talks with Abbas.

Benjamin Netanyahu stressed that it is still early to tell "if the new reality" would allow a political process to resume but said he is examining the possibility.

The remarks by the leaders come a few days after Israel and Hamas militants reached a truce after 50 bitter days of fighting.

More than 2,100 Palestinians were killed, including hundreds of civilians. Seventy one people on the Israeli side, including six civilians were killed.

Several Egyptian mediated cease-fire attempts during the conflict failed. Hamas eventually accepted almost the same truce offered at the beginning.

"It was possible for us to avoid all of that, 2,000 martyrs, 10,000 injured, 50,000 houses (destroyed)," Abbas told Palestine TV in remarks broadcast Friday. He said Hamas had insisted on discussing demands first before ending the war, which only served to prolong the violence needlessly.

View galleryCease-fire celebrated in Gaza
Palestinians hold a mock rocket and a model of a Hamas-made drone during a rally celebrating what th …
The war began after three Israeli teens were killed in the West Bank by Hamas operatives in June, prompting Israel to arrest hundreds of Hamas members there. Rocket fire from Gaza on Israeli cities then escalated and Israel launched a massive air and later ground campaign in retaliation. Fighting lasted almost two months.

Egyptian mediators tried early on to get the sides to agree to a ceasefire. Several temporary truces were broken by Gaza militants.

"The Egyptian formula was on the table on July 15th, it was backed by the Arab League, it was accepted by Israel but rejected by Hamas then and now more than a month later has belatedly been accepted by Hamas," Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said.

"As the dust clears from the conflict I'm sure many people in Gaza will be asking why did Hamas reject a month ago what it accepted today, and if it had accepted then what it accepted now, how much bloodshed could have been avoided."

The two sides agreed on Tuesday to an open-ended truce. The cease-fire brought an immediate end to the fighting but left key issues unresolved. Hamas immediately declared victory, even though it has very little to show for the war.

View galleryIsrael's Gaza offensive
Palestinians inspect the wreckage of a vehicle following an Israeli airstrike at the main street in …
While Israel agreed to loosen a long-standing blockade to allow humanitarian aid and reconstruction materials into Gaza, many of the border restrictions will remain in place. Hamas, meanwhile, rejected Israel's demands that it disarm.

These deeper matters are to be addressed in indirect talks in Egypt next month.

Abbas, whose Palestinian Authority formed a unity government backed by Hamas earlier this year questioned the future of that arrangement in the interview.

The unity government was meant to put an end to the animosity between the two Palestinian groups from when Hamas overran Gaza in 2007, ousting forces from the Fatah party, led by the Western-backed secular Abbas, in bloody street battles. Abbas has since governed only in parts of the West Bank, and Hamas has ruled Gaza.

Abbas is eager to regain a foothold in Gaza. With the international community shunning Hamas as a terrorist group, Abbas would be likely to operate Gaza's borders and oversee internationally funded reconstruction efforts.

"They (Hamas) have a shadow government, if this continues it means no unity. The test is coming soon. The government needs to do its job and handle everything," Abbas said. "I'm not saying everything needs to come to an end in one moment, this is a seven-year split that needs months or years," Abbas said.

Netanyahu, in an interview to channel 10 TV, said the end of the war with Hamas could mark the resumption of political negotiations with Abbas.

"There is today perhaps a reality that allows us to act in a way to promote our security interests and open a responsible political process based on the new reality. It is early to say that but it is not early to check it and I am checking it," Netanyahu said.

"I really hope we can cooperate with him (Abbas) in the political process," he said.

Netanyahu said Abbas "needs to choose between peace with Israel and Hamas."

"He (Abbas) understands this group (Hamas) was about to topple him, we exposed that," Netanyahu said. Earlier this month Israel said it had arrested nearly 100 Hamas operatives in the West Bank in an alleged plot to bring down Abbas.

U.S.-backed peace talks collapsed in April.

somebody finally beat the **** out of George Galloway :lol:

So you're laughing at the fact the guy spoke his own opinionated belief that nothing imported goods from Israel should be accepted, and you're glad he got beaten severely?

This more of an attack on the British democracy, and that he's being punished for speaking his own opinion, and you're jolly and happy that he finally got beaten by an Israeli supporter?

:smh: good to know where you stand..
No genius. He said it was an Israeli free zone. No tourists. No academics. Refuses to have a debate with an Israeli. That's not "sharing an opinion" that's hate speech.

What would happen if someone said they don't want any muslim tourists in their neighborhood? I'm sure you would be on your soap box crying

He's the epitome of a self important narcissistic slime ball. Supported many dictators and uses certain issues to keep himself in the lime light. If rush Limbaugh got his *** beat I would laugh too.
No genius. He said it was an Israeli free zone. No tourists. No academics. Refuses to have a debate with an Israeli. That's not "sharing an opinion" that's hate speech.

What would happen if someone said they don't want any muslim tourists in their neighborhood? I'm sure you would be on your soap box crying

View media item 1164333
""Welcome to Betar Checkpoint

This checkpoint is for the passage of Israelis only. It is forbidden to pass and/or drive a person through this checkpoint, who is not Israeli!"

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