Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

This movie was boring as hell and not scary at all. 90% of the movie was two people talking about boring ****.

Here's an idea: keep the lights on and close the damn door!! At least they could know something was coming into the room.

I agree with you on the last line, I'm like I don't know anyone who sleeps with the door open & if you're so scared leave the light on.
It's a MOVIE
!!! Some of you over think stuff way too much. I thought the movie was alright. Went in with zero expectations and didn't pay to see it, so yeah.
I loved the movie but they were trying to make it based on a true story type of thing and that part just pisses me off
I watched the movie on my computer, so I saw the OG ending....I just watched the theatrical ending, and it was somewhat better than the OG ending. Still tho,the movie is overrated.
og was disappointing to me, just saw it with my roommate
her and i pretty much figured it out; i'll see the '09 one later this week i guess
On the alternate ending, notice the light comes on in the room down the hall, does that mean the demon leaves? Or comes out and notices there isn'tanything it can do?
ending i saw was when the chick crawled up to her bf's body & smelled it & looked creepily @ the camera & attacked.

needless to say, i had a turrble night's sleep.
Movie was terrible until the end, which even that was just ok. The acting alone made the movie bad, on top of other things. Not to mention the fact that thisdude gets out of bed, is scared for his wife and gotta run downstairs, but not before he grabs his camera! who does that? I was hoping it'd be good sincehe from my area too.
Saw the movie, on dvd lol, It was ok, wasnt as scary as I tohught it was, maybe cuz i saw it on dvd. The ending was ok (cops shot her), really want to see the3rd ending in which she slits her throat
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by torontoRaptor15

This movie was boring as hell and not scary at all. 90% of the movie was two people talking about boring ****.

Here's an idea: keep the lights on and close the damn door!! At least they could know something was coming into the room.

I agree with you on the last line, I'm like I don't know anyone who sleeps with the door open & if you're so scared leave the light on.
It's a MOVIE
!!! Some of you over think stuff way too much. I thought the movie was alright. Went in with zero expectations and didn't pay to see it, so yeah.
I can ignore most things when I'm watching a movie but when people really do stupid **** that doesn't make any sense, it ruins it for me. There's just no reasonable explanation why they would be so blatantly stupid. Plus, having her sleep right next to the door every night and not evenswitching sides
BDW who the hell sleeps with the lights off every single night, when they're being haunted by ghosts
. And my man Mica seemed hell bent on making his gfs fears worse by bringing inOujia boards and showing her vids of exorcisms gone wrong. He may single handedly be the most annoying character I've seen in any movie.
saw the movie last night not going to lie it was ok! imo
i wasn't expecting her to get possesed and the guy to die! i flinched when she threw
the guy to the camera and yelled s*** when she came towards the camera with that face lol!!!
didn't lose any sleep though!
I can't even comprehend how this was scary to anyone. Like really that one person dying in the last 5 minutes scared you that much? You reallydidn't see that coming? I mean one of the people living with the damn ghost wasn't scared, and I must say he had his reasons. A damn ghost that has toturn on lights while going upstairs, then turns them back off, knocks on your door and runs, like that %!%% is a lot more annoying then it is scary. Idon't know maybe you have to go into the movie with a fear on the subject itself to actually understand how scary it is. I never found ghost to be all thatscary to begin with, even if they are real they seem a lot more interesting then terrifying to me.
^i got into the movie at the end and it just got me off guard. its called having fun
no offense to anyone here but u guys seem to dull relax and just enjoy the movie.
I loved this movie. Its not as scary as all the hype it gets but nonetheless its a great movie.
it doesnt even make sense why the demon made her kill Mikah, the whole time it had been messing with her life, burning their house down. It never attackedother people, so why the hell did it kill Mikah at the end.

I dont know, the lack of a logical plot that made sense, and COMPLETELY stupid characters made this movie so dumb to me. It was cool having shorty clinging onto me for a lil bit, but I could make that happen anyway, so I wish I had seen toy story 3D or something that would have been halfway entertaining.

Whats worse is Im genuinely interested in demons, ghosts, satanism, all that and this movie just ignores any sort of information out there on those subjectsand invents dumb $!#@ instead.
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