Pardon my ignorance...why do people hate Jews?

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

You're right AMP and that certainly wasn't my intention.

I love all people but every group has a history, to deny that history instead of confronting it honestly and moving forward progressively only helps hate to simmer and the human family to remain feuding and at odds.

Jews have had and still have a disproportionate role in the exploitation of African communities. Thats pretty much undeniable.

Thats not a reason to hate because we have a lot of self-inflicted wounds as well. Every group is ultimately concerned and responsible for their own self-preservation at this time... but if we are to move forward as a unified human race, the truth needs to be laid out on the table so that cooperation and equality can flourish.

Of course you meant you meant to be misleading.

That 70% number only bears weight when compared to the percentage of wealthy non Jews who owned slaves. The reason being, like Penny stated, that most Jews who were in America at that time were wealthy.

How many wealthy Gentiles owned slaves in America? You think that number is 30%?
Do I really need to go further into this discussion and speak on the fact that the majority of shareholders in the Dutch West India Company wereJewish and the vast number of actual recorded slave ships, which psychically carried Africans to America, were Jewish owned...hence the reason for the largewealth base amongst the comparatively small southern Jewish population?

There was a lot more that I could have said if I wanted to take this discussion into another direction but thats not my intention.

These discussions, especially one with this type of title, can get very ugly and counter-productive on NT (and everywhere else) so i'd rather not to reallygo in historically right now.
i too have wondered this. i never understood the insult of calling people a jew.
all my jewish friends are good people.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

QFT. Part of the reason my father and I come into conflict is a lot is because I refuse to support Israel at all right now in any circumstance, and I guess for my Father, considering he grew up in the BX in the 1950's he is much more connected to his Jewish identity, so it's hard for him to come to terms with even though he is admitting more and more how much they have been !%#@@%% up. Until we see the faults of our own selves/ethnicites is is impossible to be able to see everybody in an equal life and see nationality/race for the construction that it is.
I think its on our generation to break the mold but human pride and ego often make that hard.
Originally Posted by KIDFLY SniperElite007

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Don Cheto wrote:

They killed Jesus
Jesus was a JEW

Even though the "They killed Jesus" argument has been addressed on the first page. Jesus being a Jew himself isn't really a point.For someone working under the thought that Jews killed Jesus, Jesus being a Jew himself wouldn't mean anything when it comes to fueling their hatred ifanything it may add to it.

PPL who call Jews Jesus killers have such a skewed outlook since who they believe he was and everything I couldn't even make a proper comparison butit'd be like if black ppl were hated for killing MLK or someone along those lines. The fact that MLK is black is irrelevant cuz the main focus is on whothe person that died is.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by KIDFLY SniperElite007

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Don Cheto wrote:

They killed Jesus
Jesus was a JEW
Even though the "They killed Jesus" argument has been addressed on the first page. Jesus being a Jew himself isn't really a point. For someone working under the thought that Jews killed Jesus, Jesus being a Jew himself wouldn't mean anything when it comes to fueling their hatred if anything it may add to it.

PPL who call Jews Jesus killers have such a skewed outlook since who they believe he was and everything I couldn't even make a proper comparison but it'd be like if black ppl were hated for killing MLK or someone along those lines. The fact that MLK is black is irrelevant cuz the main focus is on who the person that died is not what he is.

EDIT - I have no idea why yuku made me quote this *@@$ or when this happened
Originally Posted by GG0tti

Historians have classified six explanations as to why people hate the Jews:

  1. Economic -- "We hate Jews because they possess too much wealth and power."
  2. Chosen People -- "We hate Jews because they arrogantly claim that they are the chosen people."
  3. Scapegoat -- "Jews are a convenient group to single out and blame for our troubles."
  4. Deicide -- "We hate Jews because they killed Jesus."
  5. Outsiders, -- "We hate Jews because they are different than us." (The dislike of the unlike.)
  6. Racial Theory -- "We hate Jews because they are an inferior race."

As we examine the explanations,
we must ask -- Are they the causes for anti-Semitism or excuses for Anti-Semitism? The difference? If one takes away the cause, then anti-Semitism should no longer exist. If one can show a contradiction to the explanation, it demonstrates that the "cause" is not a reason, it is just an excuse. Let's look at some contradictions:
  1. Economic -- The Jews of 17th- 20th century Poland and Russia were dirt poor, had no influence and yet they were hated.
  2. Chosen People -- a) In the late 19th century, the Jews of Germany denied "Choseness." And then they worked on assimilation. Yet, the holocaust started there. b) Christians and Moslems profess to being the "Chosen people," yet, the world and the anti-Semites tolerate them.
  3. Scapegoat -- Any group must already be hated to be an effective scapegoat. The Scapegoat Theory does not then cause anti-Semitism. Rather, anti-Semitism is what makes the Jews a convenient scapegoat target. Hitler's ranting and ravings would not be taken seriously if he said, "It's the bicycle riders and the midgets who are destroying our society."
  4. Deicide -- a) the Christian Bible says the Romans killed Jesus, though Jews are mentioned as accomplices (claims that Jews killed Jesus came several hundred years later). How come the accomplices are persecuted and there isn't an anti-Roman movement through history? b) Jesus himself said, "Forgive them [i.e., the Jews], for they know not what they do." The Second Vatican Council in 1963 officially exonerated the Jews as the killers of Jesus. Neither statement of Christian belief lessened anti-Semitism.
  5. Outsiders -- With the Enlightenment in the late 18th century, many Jews rushed to assimilate. Anti-Semitism should have stopped. Instead, for example, with the Nazis came the cry, in essence: "We hate you, not because you're different, but because you're trying to become like us! We cannot allow you to infect the Aryan race with your inferior genes."
  6. Racial Theory -- The overriding problem with this theory is that it is self-contradictory: Jews are not a race. Anyone can become a Jew - and members of every race, creed and color in the world have done so at one time or another.

and /thread
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by KIDFLY SniperElite007

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Don Cheto wrote:

They killed Jesus
Jesus was a JEW
Even though the "They killed Jesus" argument has been addressed on the first page. Jesus being a Jew himself isn't really a point. For someone working under the thought that Jews killed Jesus, Jesus being a Jew himself wouldn't mean anything when it comes to fueling their hatred if anything it may add to it.

PPL who call Jews Jesus killers have such a skewed outlook since who they believe he was and everything I couldn't even make a proper comparison but it'd be like if black ppl were hated for killing MLK or someone along those lines. The fact that MLK is black is irrelevant cuz the main focus is on who the person that died is not what he is.

Jesusnever died. He is still alive.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

You're right AMP and that certainly wasn't my intention.

I love all people but every group has a history, to deny that history instead of confronting it honestly and moving forward progressively only helps hate to simmer and the human family to remain feuding and at odds.

Jews have had and still have a disproportionate role in the exploitation of African communities. Thats pretty much undeniable.

Thats not a reason to hate because we have a lot of self-inflicted wounds as well. Every group is ultimately concerned and responsible for their own self-preservation at this time... but if we are to move forward as a unified human race, the truth needs to be laid out on the table so that cooperation and equality can flourish.

Of course you meant you meant to be misleading.

That 70% number only bears weight when compared to the percentage of wealthy non Jews who owned slaves. The reason being, like Penny stated, that most Jews who were in America at that time were wealthy.

How many wealthy Gentiles owned slaves in America? You think that number is 30%?
Do I really need to go further into this discussion and speak on the fact that the majority of shareholders in the Dutch West India Company were Jewish and the vast number of actual recorded slave ships, which psychically carried Africans to America, were Jewish owned...hence the reason for the large wealth base amongst the comparatively small southern Jewish population?

There was a lot more that I could have said if I wanted to take this discussion into another direction but thats not my intention.

These discussions, especially one with this type of title, can get very ugly and counter-productive on NT (and everywhere else) so i'd rather not to really go in historically right now.
Still, what is your point?
Do you think all of the world's Jewry was wealthy during the early 19th century?

Jews from Western Europe were many more times wealthier than Jews who lived in the East (Eastern Europe, Near East, Asia, etc.) but they were the minority of world Jewry. So again, if that argument were to bear any weight we'd have to know what percentage of Jewsparticipated in the slave trade compared to all of the world's Jewry.

Most of the Jews who lived in America resided in New Amsterdam and yes, they were a wealthy minority in that city. Who, but the wealthy, kept slaves at thattime or dealt in the slave trade?
Im not trying to be racist or anything.... I just remembered this clip from family guy...
Originally Posted by Grand Hustle It

Because their scumbag thieve coniving racists cheap and terrorists. Thats why.

Jews got into modern finance because the Vatican wanted to appear as if they didn't deal with modern banking (because they prohibited it amongstChristians; The Templars were pretty damn good bankers though-- you can thank them for inventing the check) so they had the Jews do it. Killed two birds withone stone.
The Vatican got the benefits of modern banking and they could scapegoat the Jews for economic problems.

So..... you should take your complaints to the Vatican.
it's hilarious that people think "israel" is the answer to the question the OP asked. israel is a baby, jews been getting hated for thousands ofyears.

And haze you're numbers were insinuating that the majority of slave owners/traders were jewish, that's why i took offense. Because it simply isn'taccurate. i don't even know why you brought it up in this thread considering it has little to zero to do with the reason that jews are hated world wideconsidering so many people are ignorant on the subject.

And I do not share your sentiments that the jews set back the black race more than any other, even though they've had a hand in exploiting a bunch ofrappers. you continue to overlook the fact that Jews are one of the most liberal groups in America (more than blacks just ask homosexuals), and marched withmany black men and women for civil rights. It's a damn shame that black and jews have become so distant when most bigots lump us together. We are still abunch of N___ and dirty jews to most of the world.

The civil civil rights activists killed n missisipi in 1964, what color were they? one black and two Jews. So you can pretend like the big bad Jews spent alltheir time exploiting the black man but it simply isn't right. We have a shared history at times in America whether you choose to believe it or not.
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