Paying for a girl's movie ticket..

C'mon son.

It's $12. $17 tops.

if youre courting (talking) you pay for up to the first two. when its official, either do every other (with the person not paying for the tickets getting the concessions). they pay for twilight movies every time though. ill be damned if i pay to see some vampire movie that doesnt involve wesley snipes, kate beckinsale (sp) and lots of violence.
I never paid her way into a movie, still got action. I'm admittedly too much of a cheap@%! to NOT go dutch...matter a fact Ive had chicks offer to pay for ME, never took it tho
If you're trying to date her, you pay if you invite her. She pays if she's inviting. If she lets you pay and she KNOWS she wouldnt date you, she's basically playing you.
I never paid her way into a movie, still got action. I'm admittedly too much of a cheap@%! to NOT go dutch...matter a fact Ive had chicks offer to pay for ME, never took it tho
If she invites me, ill wait till she gets her money out to pay for her ticket and tell her i got it.

like cmon, #%* is 12 bucks?
if i invite, I'm paying. If it's something i really wanna see, i'm paying early so i dont have to worry if she got tickets or not.
It's only $22...not that big of a deal.
Now today, Toy Story hit me for $40

IMAX 3D prices
Went on a date the other day she payed after my card was declined cause it wasn't signed. Got to second base that night then she said she had to get up early for work.
She never called me back. later heard she told her friend she thought I was cheap.

not going all the way cause she thought I was cheap. give it up first then ignore me.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by toast1985

Not that big of a deal. If I initiate, I pay. I often sit back to see if she is willing to make a move at all.

what if she doesnt? you did initiate...

just asking...
I'm going to pay regardless, I just want to gauge her reaction. Some girls extend for their wallets, some just sit there like
if it's a date, yeah of course i'll pay. the difference is, i think some of you guys are paying when you're just hanging out with a girl. hanging out is different from an actual date.

a girl who i hadnt seen in a while hit me up to see Get Him To The Greek this weekend (hilarious movie btw
).. i'm gonna go, but i'm def not paying for her bc she's not my gf, nor are we really leading up to that right now.
I never had to pay for own my movie ticket, I've always had guys pay. If I go on a date with a guy and he doesn't even offer to pay for me I don't think I would go on another date with him again.
If you invite, you should probably pay.

If she has any sense, she'll at least offer to pay for the snacks.
I normally pay, even if she INVITES me

ill never have her pay for me..unless shes just a JO

first time me and this JO went to the movies she paid for me, the following week she wanted ME to pay, and i kept telling her in the car (yea she drove me too
) that i didn't have my wallet, and she didn't believe me till we actually got there...hell no i wasn't going to pay for her

i brought her home still afterwards
anyone know if AE is doing the thing again where if you try on jeans you get a movie ticket and if you buy them you get two?

they did it the last two years...
wouldn't do it unless its a date, but if ur just tryin to watch a movie and the friend happens to be a girl, i wouldn't pay.

on the other hand if im goin with my girl, best believe she in there for free..
If it's the first date = Yea

Me and my girl alternate. One of us pays for the tickets and the other pays for the food after the movie.
its only $12
i pay everytime, even if its just a friend (female of course).
im not tryna save every broad i take out, but chivalry kicks in a lot when im out with a female.
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