Paying for a girl's movie ticket..

Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Originally Posted by ricky robot

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I never had to pay for own my movie ticket, I've always had guys pay. If I go on a date with a guy and he doesn't even offer to pay for me I don't think I would go on another date with him again.

I agree. If its a first date and he asked me out and he didn't pay there would be no second date. I'd offer to go dutch but a real gentleman would insist on it being his treat.

Usually me and my dude alternate though. Whichever one doesn't pay for the tickets pays for the food.


I pay because I think it's what a guy should do.

Girls saying that they won't go out on a second date because a guy didn't pay kinda makes you sound like a ho though.
I agree with the notion of going dutch...but as a man you should insist on paying for the tickets....just the mere notion that she tried telling you should doesn't mind to pay for her ticket/paying for both tickets is a very good sign.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Not that big of a deal. If I initiate, I pay. I often sit back to see if she is willing to make a move at all.
I agree for the most part but lets be honest how often do most girls initiate? 

All you dudes saying that you don't pay are lying, you just want to be able to say it and make this face
to impress niketalkers
Don't know about all but I don't at first and had no problem from chicks.  Hell when we further down the road in the relationship I have no problem doing but not at first.  Now if its a friend I don't mind paying.

To be honest...within the last year, I've had at least two girls extend to take care of the bill...whether they were going to take care of themselves, or both, not sure because I usually step in at that point.
^^ That's why I put most because I went out with girls that not only said that to sound good but actually paid. Sometimes girls front saying that just because they know dudes going to step in feeling good that she tried to pay. Like I said further along I don't mind paying but at first we are both trying to know each other I don't feel like I should have to pay for that.
Originally Posted by DimSum9

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Not on the first date imo

kiddin me?

 I hate when a girl don't offer even though I rather be paying, its just nice to see if she's got manners and got her own.

her own?

a ticket is like 8- 12/13 dollars...who doesn't have that?

i personally don't mind paying cuz if i'm goin out w/you i obviously like you and i wouldn't want you to think i was taking advantage of you or using you...

even going out w/some of my friends we'll pay for each other...if we go bowling one will pay if we go to the movies after the other will pay or if we eat...
I don't even care anymore. These movie tickets prices growing exponentially for no doggone reason don't even wanna go to the movies
everyone saying the ticket is only $10... isnt it only $10 to the girl as well???
People being stingy for movie tickets on 1st dates.

For starters that's a horrible 1st date idea since you can't get any convo going, unless you do dinner prior.

Secondly, you cheapos need to get jobs and stop %$#@$%^&.

A nice fancy dinner I could understand because I wouldn't go that route on a 1st date (gives off the wrong impression), but a single movie ticket?
Holy crap. Even back when I was making $7 an hour like 10 years ago, I would take girls to the movies and didn't mind paying.

If you got issues taking a girl to the movies, you shouldn't even be in the dating game. A damn fast food meal is like $10 nowadays w/drink.
i usually say "i'll get the tickets if you get the snacks"
60% of the time, it works every time
Originally Posted by jplikejayz

i usually say "i'll get the tickets if you get the snacks"
60% of the time, it works every time

this is the compromise...she wont say no
Originally Posted by Weekend Girl

Originally Posted by ricky robot

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I never had to pay for own my movie ticket, I've always had guys pay. If I go on a date with a guy and he doesn't even offer to pay for me I don't think I would go on another date with him again.

I agree. If its a first date and he asked me out and he didn't pay there would be no second date. I'd offer to go dutch but a real gentleman would insist on it being his treat.

Usually me and my dude alternate though. Whichever one doesn't pay for the tickets pays for the food.
this is how I approach it. I always go with the intent to pay, that's just how I am and I don't mind treating. I look for her to offer to pay her own way though at least if I didn't already say I had it prior...once you assume I'm always paying I assume you're always looking for money, and that movie ticket is the only thing you'll get from me.

usually I don't have any problems though, I don't take any girl out to see a movie or anything, usually I have an idea of how they are before we go anywhere and don't waste my time.
Originally Posted by NachoBroadway

Originally Posted by Star Scream

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

.... If you can not expend 12$ just to show some gratitude that someone would even go out w/ your bum ***, get a better job.

WHAT TYPE OF LOGIC IS THIS?? you're basically paying money for a girl's time. showing gratitude that a girl is going out with you? where they do that at?
I do, with no problem. i mean i can only think of 2 girls ive went to the movies with and shoot they were my girl at the time. i mean i no the whole "stop simping" thing but its $7 here (still a lot for a movie, i know yall pay more) but i mean its 7$!
Damn we got some cheap @%+$#% in NT. We spend money on dumber things, Why not on a girl?
Movie tickets are like $10 here..
i'm tryna grab something to eat after, or before

Guess i'm gonna offer to pay for her ticket..

This is no JO, btw
Damn. Times surely are tough if this even a question. Cheap/broke !@% dudes on this board I see. If you can't afford/are too cheap to pay for a girl's movie ticket then you shouldn't be dating. Stick to jumpoffs.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

I do, with no problem. i mean i can only think of 2 girls ive went to the movies with and shoot they were my girl at the time. i mean i no the whole "stop simping" thing but its $7 here (still a lot for a movie, i know yall pay more) but i mean its 7$!
yes, but its just 7$ for the girl ALSO!

if i said "hey Oprah, lets see a movie this weekend" i wouldn't expect her to pay for me. i dont feel like i'm entitled to anyone else's money, and no one should feel like they are entitled to my money either.

now, obviously if a girl didnt have money to pay i would cover her. but i'm not just gonna be like "don't worry, i got this" to every girl i go to the movies with, and they shouldnt expect it.
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