Paying for a girl's movie ticket..

depends on how serious you guys are and what yall have done date wise before that. but if its the first time round and yall are just talkin then dont pay. but if yall have been talkin for awhile and have been out on occasions but never to the movies, then I would offer to pay.
My GF doesn't like it but i do it anyways. She's a boss chick

She always spots me for gas/food though.
Idk, we alternate..
my girlfriend was supposed to pay for me tonight for my bday. but supposedly she forgot her wallet at my house
i had to pay for her today and then she got a lot of stuff at the cunsession stand

50$ total
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

All you dudes saying that you don't pay are lying, you just want to be able to say it and make this face
to impress niketalkers

#NTStandards, she wants me to pay for her movie ticket, *doublepumpfakebehindthebackbouncepassthroughthelegs*
Not that big of a deal. If I initiate, I pay. I often sit back to see if she is willing to make a move at all.
I agree for the most part but lets be honest how often do most girls initiate? 

All you dudes saying that you don't pay are lying, you just want to be able to say it and make this face
to impress niketalkers
Don't know about all but I don't at first and had no problem from chicks.  Hell when we further down the road in the relationship I have no problem doing but not at first.  Now if its a friend I don't mind paying.
Originally Posted by cocolicious

I never had to pay for own my movie ticket, I've always had guys pay. If I go on a date with a guy and he doesn't even offer to pay for me I don't think I would go on another date with him again.
Originally Posted by aepps20

No wonder NT has so many lady problems.
what kind of question is this?
Depends on your situation, but if its during beginning stages of dating I think I would go dutch...movies are expensive dude..... 
!@#$ that i sneak em in real talk. you wont catch me paying for nothinf for a girl, unless its a bottle
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Not on the first date imo

kiddin me?

 I hate when a girl don't offer even though I rather be paying, its just nice to see if she's got manners and got her own.
You kidding me?

Why wouldn't you pay for her ticket?
You obviously like her enuff to ask her out...then why not pay?

I should hope you aint takin a J.O. to the movies...
Originally Posted by ricky robot

Originally Posted by cocolicious

I never had to pay for own my movie ticket, I've always had guys pay. If I go on a date with a guy and he doesn't even offer to pay for me I don't think I would go on another date with him again.

I agree. If its a first date and he asked me out and he didn't pay there would be no second date. I'd offer to go dutch but a real gentleman would insist on it being his treat.

Usually me and my dude alternate though. Whichever one doesn't pay for the tickets pays for the food.
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