Penny Hardaway gay?

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Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Yeah Nako's Afrikan...but he's obsessed with white women.
He's quite a contradiction himself.

I really don't understand your deal with brothers dating outside their race.
I don't have a problem with it at all.

I love women of all ethnicities. my girlfriend is currently latina....but this man has never posted 1 black woman on this site. Not 1. I have seen him post dozens of pictures of females and not 1 black.

He calls Killer Mike, "Hate music"

Now if you have that type of aversion for females of your own race...maybe there is something going on with you.

Perhaps, he's the one with a phobia.
you see what you did there right?

you have a habit of saying stupid things. really stupid things. whenever someone calls you out on it you try to back track and claim you were taken out of context or misinterpreted. whenever you are then shown YOUR OWN quotes and asked to explain exactly what it is you did mean exactly, instead of simply saying "my bad that was dumb of me" or even better sticking to your guns and proclaiming "eff that, that is what i meant and that's how i feel!" you run for cover and try to snake your way out of confrontations by making a bunch of meaningless %@*$*%*% points, swearing to have "researched this fact" yourself (because apparently you have enough time on your hands to be an expert on EVERYTHING, swear that you have empirical evidence on a point (when anyone with half a brain can see that in fact you happened to peruse a Time magazine once, maybe stumbled upon a 9 minute youtube video, and have no $!%##@@ clue what you're talking about), and then when all else fails you reach into your internet time machine in the hopes of pulling up a "funny" completely unrelated happening in the hopes of garnering a few roast lulz and hopefully getting off the hook.

you're a joke.

"He said Killer Mike made hate music!!" Ok... and?

"He's Afrikan (i love the use of the k there by the way, real revolutionary of you -- you're hip and non-conformist and now we all know it) but he likes white girls!! He's never posted a picture of a Black woman on niketalk ever in his life!!!" So what?

Let's say hypothetically I WAS only attracted to Caucasian women. What's your point?

What does that have to do with the fact that you sounded like an idiot? You tried to backtrack, tripped up on your own %@*$*%*%, and now you're flailing in the dark.

For someone who waves his (because i can't use this word to describe you enough) pseudointellect around like a gun, you sure do love to sound dumb.
I love the smell of ether in the morning. This was really on point.
i find it very coincidental that this "rumor" comes out right after it was announced yesterday the Penny II's would be a limitedquickstrike releasing next week
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Yeah Nako's Afrikan...but he's obsessed with white women.
He's quite a contradiction himself.

I really don't understand your deal with brothers dating outside their race.
I don't have a problem with it at all.

I love women of all ethnicities. my girlfriend is currently latina....but this man has never posted 1 black woman on this site. Not 1. I have seen him post dozens of pictures of females and not 1 black.

He calls Killer Mike, "Hate music"

Now if you have that type of aversion for females of your own race...maybe there is something going on with you.

Perhaps, he's the one with a phobia.
you see what you did there right?

you have a habit of saying stupid things. really stupid things. whenever someone calls you out on it you try to back track and claim you were taken out of context or misinterpreted. whenever you are then shown YOUR OWN quotes and asked to explain exactly what it is you did mean exactly, instead of simply saying "my bad that was dumb of me" or even better sticking to your guns and proclaiming "eff that, that is what i meant and that's how i feel!" you run for cover and try to snake your way out of confrontations by making a bunch of meaningless %@*$*%*% points, swearing to have "researched this fact" yourself (because apparently you have enough time on your hands to be an expert on EVERYTHING, swear that you have empirical evidence on a point (when anyone with half a brain can see that in fact you happened to peruse a Time magazine once, maybe stumbled upon a 9 minute youtube video, and have no $!%##@@ clue what you're talking about), and then when all else fails you reach into your internet time machine in the hopes of pulling up a "funny" completely unrelated happening in the hopes of garnering a few roast lulz and hopefully getting off the hook.

you're a joke.

"He said Killer Mike made hate music!!" Ok... and?

"He's Afrikan (i love the use of the k there by the way, real revolutionary of you -- you're hip and non-conformist and now we all know it) but he likes white girls!! He's never posted a picture of a Black woman on niketalk ever in his life!!!" So what?

Let's say hypothetically I WAS only attracted to Caucasian women. What's your point?

What does that have to do with the fact that you sounded like an idiot? You tried to backtrack, tripped up on your own %@*$*%*%, and now you're flailing in the dark.

For someone who waves his (because i can't use this word to describe you enough) pseudointellect around like a gun, you sure do love to sound dumb.

And AllDayAllNight, yup that's Maja, I just got their new album last week.

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Yeah Nako's Afrikan...but he's obsessed with white women.
He's quite a contradiction himself.

I really don't understand your deal with brothers dating outside their race.
I don't have a problem with it at all.

I love women of all ethnicities. my girlfriend is currently latina....but this man has never posted 1 black woman on this site. Not 1. I have seen him post dozens of pictures of females and not 1 black.

He calls Killer Mike, "Hate music"

Now if you have that type of aversion for females of your own race...maybe there is something going on with you.

Perhaps, he's the one with a phobia.
you see what you did there right?

you have a habit of saying stupid things. really stupid things. whenever someone calls you out on it you try to back track and claim you were taken out of context or misinterpreted. whenever you are then shown YOUR OWN quotes and asked to explain exactly what it is you did mean exactly, instead of simply saying "my bad that was dumb of me" or even better sticking to your guns and proclaiming "eff that, that is what i meant and that's how i feel!" you run for cover and try to snake your way out of confrontations by making a bunch of meaningless %@*$*%*% points, swearing to have "researched this fact" yourself (because apparently you have enough time on your hands to be an expert on EVERYTHING, swear that you have empirical evidence on a point (when anyone with half a brain can see that in fact you happened to peruse a Time magazine once, maybe stumbled upon a 9 minute youtube video, and have no $!%##@@ clue what you're talking about), and then when all else fails you reach into your internet time machine in the hopes of pulling up a "funny" completely unrelated happening in the hopes of garnering a few roast lulz and hopefully getting off the hook.

you're a joke.

"He said Killer Mike made hate music!!" Ok... and?

"He's Afrikan (i love the use of the k there by the way, real revolutionary of you -- you're hip and non-conformist and now we all know it) but he likes white girls!! He's never posted a picture of a Black woman on niketalk ever in his life!!!" So what?

Let's say hypothetically I WAS only attracted to Caucasian women. What's your point?

What does that have to do with the fact that you sounded like an idiot? You tried to backtrack, tripped up on your own %@*$*%*%, and now you're flailing in the dark.

For someone who waves his (because i can't use this word to describe you enough) pseudointellect around like a gun, you sure do love to sound dumb.

And AllDayAllNight, yup that's Maja, I just got their new album last week.

You're a clown

I said that I finally lost all of my childhood said that my childhood was ruined....How is that the same?

Why would I rescind my statement, when I backed it up with evidence and an explanation that even my opposition accepted as feasible?

Ain't nobody running for cover cornball, this is an internet message board. Stop imagining things.

I don't claim to be an expert on everything but i'm not going to act stupid and sheepish to please peons like you. If I have knowledge on a topic and arelevant viewpoint, i'm going to make it known.

I don't read Time magazine unless another source uses it as a reference and I mainly search Youtube for music videos and different viewpoints on a topicthat I have already formulated an educated opinion on.

Where did I backtrack? Please show me... I didn't take back or attempt to correct anything in this thread. You sound like you're flailing in the darkwith all of these personal attacks.

If you're only attracted to caucasian got a mentality problem because the world is full of beautiful women on all backgrounds and hues.

I never claimed to be an intellectual or a "psuedointellectual" I guess i'll take that repeated classification as sometype of a compliment.
"He's Afrikan (i love the use of the k there by the way, real revolutionary of you -- you're hip and non-conformist and now we all know it) but he likes white girls!! He's never posted a picture of a Black woman on niketalk ever in his life!!!" So what?

And this is how you spot a self-hating negro. How are you Nigerian and you don't know that "K" is native to most native Afrikan languages and"c" is a European substitute? Its not about being revolutionary, is about being culturally and locally accurate. The sad part is you don't evenrespect your own culture.

Ole boy thought you were an "Asian geek"
. Don't be madat me...check yourself.
If I have knowledge on a topic and a relevant viewpoint, i'm going to make it known.
Thinking you have knowledge on a topic, and actually having the said knowledge are two different things.You say a lot of @%** that makes little to no sense and then back it up with $!%$+%#+ that makes no sense, just no one has called you on it until now.

Where did I backtrack? Please show me
After repeatedly having your argument refuted in that "I want my kids to grow up hood" thread you backtracked over and over. Redefiningyour opinion of a good upbringing from response to response.

I said that I finally lost all of my childhood said that my childhood was ruined....How is that the same?
It's comments like these that remind me why I don't argue with Haze. Mainly because I don't feel compelled to enlighten people on NT,I enjoy seeing them wallow in their own ignorance.

Ole boy thought you were an "Asian geek"
. Don't be mad at me...check yourself.
Yes, because how you type on the internet is always an accurate depiction of your real life persona. Got you.
I'm going to continue to live in my fantasy world like I never even seen this thread Edit: I'm not tryina choose sides cuz this has nothing to do withme but Huey P....YOU GOT MURKED!!! Do yourself a favor and ask the mods to ban your username for you. Nako went in on you like Achillies did Hector...killedyou and then dragged you around for everyone to see
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Yeah Nako's Afrikan...but he's obsessed with white women.
He's quite a contradiction himself.

I really don't understand your deal with brothers dating outside their race.
I don't have a problem with it at all.

I love women of all ethnicities. my girlfriend is currently latina....but this man has never posted 1 black woman on this site. Not 1. I have seen him post dozens of pictures of females and not 1 black.

He calls Killer Mike, "Hate music"

Now if you have that type of aversion for females of your own race...maybe there is something going on with you.

Perhaps, he's the one with a phobia.
you see what you did there right?

you have a habit of saying stupid things. really stupid things. whenever someone calls you out on it you try to back track and claim you were taken out of context or misinterpreted. whenever you are then shown YOUR OWN quotes and asked to explain exactly what it is you did mean exactly, instead of simply saying "my bad that was dumb of me" or even better sticking to your guns and proclaiming "eff that, that is what i meant and that's how i feel!" you run for cover and try to snake your way out of confrontations by making a bunch of meaningless %@*$*%*% points, swearing to have "researched this fact" yourself (because apparently you have enough time on your hands to be an expert on EVERYTHING, swear that you have empirical evidence on a point (when anyone with half a brain can see that in fact you happened to peruse a Time magazine once, maybe stumbled upon a 9 minute youtube video, and have no $!%##@@ clue what you're talking about), and then when all else fails you reach into your internet time machine in the hopes of pulling up a "funny" completely unrelated happening in the hopes of garnering a few roast lulz and hopefully getting off the hook.

you're a joke.

"He said Killer Mike made hate music!!" Ok... and?

"He's Afrikan (i love the use of the k there by the way, real revolutionary of you -- you're hip and non-conformist and now we all know it) but he likes white girls!! He's never posted a picture of a Black woman on niketalk ever in his life!!!" So what?

Let's say hypothetically I WAS only attracted to Caucasian women. What's your point?

What does that have to do with the fact that you sounded like an idiot? You tried to backtrack, tripped up on your own %@*$*%*%, and now you're flailing in the dark.

For someone who waves his (because i can't use this word to describe you enough) pseudointellect around like a gun, you sure do love to sound dumb.

And AllDayAllNight, yup that's Maja, I just got their new album last week.

i need that gif in high def
I never claimed to be an intellectual or a "psuedointellectual" I guess i'll take that repeated classification as sometype of a compliment.

you don't consider yourself an intellectual but constantly condescend out of self pity to other individuals to "read, and pick up a book"...Whenin fact most of the time I doubt you yourself have picked up many.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

If I have knowledge on a topic and a relevant viewpoint, i'm going to make it known.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Thinking[/color] you have knowledge on a topic, and actually having the said knowledge are two different things.You say a lot of %!$% that makes little to no sense and then back it up with *!$%+!%+ that makes no sense, just no one has called you on it until now.

Where did I backtrack? Please show me
After repeatedly having your argument refuted in that "I want my kids to grow up hood" thread you backtracked over and over. Redefining your opinion of a good upbringing from response to response.

I said that I finally lost all of my childhood said that my childhood was ruined....How is that the same?
It's comments like these that remind me why I don't argue with Haze. Mainly because I don't feel compelled to enlighten people on NT, I enjoy seeing them wallow in their own ignorance.

{Chappelle} The irony is killing me {Chappelle}

I go back and forth with plenty people on here, this isn't the first time some one has taken objection to my posts. Its not even the first time that Nakohas...You're just a scavenger for lulz and "ether".

It is what it is though. You and your enlightened anti-religion thread keep me entertained too. So I guess we're even.

I didn't backtrack on that hood post either...I tried to clarify my position for people who have never stepped foot in the hood before. What I said on page1 was the same thing as my final post. You can go re-read it if you're that eager. NT (lames) have a pack mentality, sometimes you just have to cut aconversation short and let people argue with themselves when they refuse to give and take in a discussion.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I never claimed to be an intellectual or a "psuedointellectual" I guess i'll take that repeated classification as sometype of a compliment.

you don't consider yourself an intellectual but constantly condescend out of self pity to other individuals to "read, and pick up a book"...When in fact most of the time I doubt you yourself have picked up many.

Exactly. I usually let Haze rant on and on about conspiracy theories and other things, mainly because I don't give a +*$%. It's when he's rantingon about why people are gay and using theories that make no sense or hypotheses with little to no facts to support them that I feel he needs to be curbed. Iliken him to an animal, when he's $%$+*+%# in the backyard in topics that I don't care about its all good, but when he tries to come in the livingroom- then its a problem.
You and your enlightened anti-religion thread keep me entertained too. So I guess we're even.
Difference is my arguments against religion mainly consist of facts and sources from said religion-not half baked theories and my personalopinion.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I never claimed to be an intellectual or a "psuedointellectual" I guess i'll take that repeated classification as sometype of a compliment.

you don't consider yourself an intellectual but constantly condescend out of self pity to other individuals to "read, and pick up a book"...When in fact most of the time I doubt you yourself have picked up many.

Exactly. I usually let Haze rant on and on about conspiracy theories and other things, mainly because I don't give a @#%@. It's when he's ranting on about why people are gay and using theories that make no sense or hypotheses with little to no facts to support them that I feel he needs to be curbed.

I mean it y'all are so enthusiastic about the subject, I would think that you would present a counter-argument on the topic instead of comingat me.

Y'all sounding like some "Haze" groupies right now.

And my son. Fall back.

Gotta an inbox full of PMs from this rat trying to soak up knowledge. Now he's throwing shots because he unknowingly got sonned by my alt SN.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Is this thread about Penny anymore?

Any official word?

Go to ST trust me....Not because I am blowing you off, but because the stories in that thread had me rolling.
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I never claimed to be an intellectual or a "psuedointellectual" I guess i'll take that repeated classification as sometype of a compliment.

you don't consider yourself an intellectual but constantly condescend out of self pity to other individuals to "read, and pick up a book"...When in fact most of the time I doubt you yourself have picked up many.

Exactly. I usually let Haze rant on and on about conspiracy theories and other things, mainly because I don't give a +*$%. It's when he's ranting on about why people are gay and using theories that make no sense or hypotheses with little to no facts to support them that I feel he needs to be curbed. I liken him to an animal, when he's $%$+*+%# in the backyard in topics that I don't care about its all good, but when he tries to come in the living room- then its a problem.
You and your enlightened anti-religion thread keep me entertained too. So I guess we're even.
Difference is my arguments against religion mainly consist of facts and sources from said religion-not half baked theories and my personal opinion.

That was a cute edit.

Good attempt at rallying up the hate

The animal line, really made you seem elite...
see how did I know your response would be full of duck and ruthless antics....I sent you one pm saying how I appreciated the idea of the thread onEnlightenment, and also on your original and honestly creative graphic ideas. Which I still stand by.

Here lies your biggest problem, you are so insecure that you immediately turn to being defensive.

I am not cosigning anyone, infact I am not even trying to put you on blast (you do that on your own).....I am just stating the obvious facts of that which arethat comments you make are often incorrect, and even mean spirited. People can call me out on anything they would like, but I never go with anything on thissite just for group mentality, or lulz

I am not even going to address that you called me a rat
and said you have stacks of pm's from me
Dude really? If anyone believes you on thatthey are as suspect as you are.

Fall back? Son? Dude where did you come from?

You sound like that guy in corporate with all those degrees yet has middle management written all over him. The guy that got all of his "knowledge"off of papers, and book reports he had to do in college, and in turn from reading 1 to 2 sources stumbled upon the idea that he was actually intellectuallysound.

I expected you to come back with empty bashing, because in the end that is all you are : emptiness.

But go ahead and continue making ignorant claims, and stating how I am "thirsting" of knowledge from you
....unlike you I know where my brain isat, and I don't need to say how smart I am on a message board to get giggles. Which you obviously thirst so much for seeing as though you just can'ttake being proven wrong. Take your L and go back to Afrika. Maybe then you might actually learn something first hand as opposed to wikipedia.

And you didn't "son" anyone. You are an idiot who actually believes the propaganda that individuals didn't fight over physical differencesprior to the 1300's.

NOt even mentioning your homophobia which is all but sickening for a man so "enlightened"
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Is this thread about Penny anymore?

Any official word?

Go to ST trust me....Not because I am blowing you off, but because the stories in that thread had me rolling.


But that Shaq story was
You knew I was gonna come back with something because you provoked it...and you've bee doing it in the last couple of threads that I have posted in. Atleast Nako keeps it real when we get into have the characteristics of a rat. Scavenging and looking for e-props.

You don't have the wit or calculating doucheness of just a rider and it shows.

How you know all this about me fam? I dont' 1 thing about you...except that you follow me around NT and send me fan-mail.

Take your L and go back to Afrika

When you make statements like this and pepper your posts with emoticons...theres really no need for a comeback.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

You knew I was gonna come back with something because you provoked it...and you've bee doing it in the last couple of threads that I have posted in. At least Nako keeps it real when we get into have the characteristics of a rat. Scavenging and looking for e-props.

You don't have the wit or calculating doucheness of just a rider and it shows.

How you know all this about me fam? I dont' 1 thing about you...except that you follow me around NT and send me fan-mail.

Take your L and go back to Afrika

When you make statements like this and pepper your posts with emoticons...theres really no need for a comeback.

I expected nothing less. E-Lame .....I follow you around on nt? really? You don't know me? I am a rider? Ouch Ouch and Ouch.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

And you didn't "son" anyone. You are an idiot who actually believes the propaganda that individuals didn't fight over physical differences prior to the 1300's.

NOt even mentioning your homophobia which is all but sickening for a man so "enlightened" still trying to come back from that thread you got sonned in months ago...Thats sad fam.

You really sound like a fan.

All jokes aside.
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