PENNY Hardaway---- I DID NOT KNOW...

Mar 8, 2008
I seen alot of the retro Pennys including the IIs and the Half Cents and I always wondered to myself, what is the big deal with Penny Hardaway? Dont get mewrong... His shoes are nice, and the Penny IVs that i played basketball in were nice too... But everybody knows that to have a signature shoe sell, the playermust be a popular person with some kind of appeal...

I did some research to find why everybody liked Penny so much, and it comes to find out that ol' boy had some impressive numbers... Can anybody tell mehow he played? What style of play of any player in today's game mimic or reminds yall of Penny Hardaway? And can you older cats tell me about hispopularity. I can youtube all his commercials, but i wanna know what it was like when the shoes came out, and his games were on tv... How did you guys look atPenny? He had to be somebody if he can make a name for himself while Jordan was dominating everything, Gary Payton was a strong personality, and young gunslike KG, Kobe, and Iverson were coming into the league.

I'm 19, and just before I cared about basketball or shoes, Penny Hardaway was in his prime... not only on the court, but with popularity... I justwondered if yall could school me on what Penny Hardaway was all about...
Dude was like 5 or 6when penny was at his peak
im 25. back in the day penny>jordan for me. and i started playing basketball in 92 because of jordan so thats saying somthin.

till this day penny has dropped some dimes that i have yet to see from another pro
enyceking wrote:

im 25. back in the day penny>jordan for me. and i started playing basketball in 92 because of jordan so thats saying somthin.

till this day penny has dropped some dimes that i have yet to see from another pro

i was in middle school around the time penny came into the league, he used to be dope....the nba used to be dope then....there was so much talent during theearly-mid 90's that everyone paid attention to basketball. he was another player that in his prime matched up against MJ, during that era, anyone who couldtry to challenge MJ was an instant star....In those days you had drexler, penny, mitch richmond, john starks, glen rice, etc... goin against MJ...but to answeryour question, the style he had was kinda like early Kobe (cuz he was Shaq's teammate) and D-WADE, (he just didn't win a championship tho, but he wentto the finals and lost against the rockets), and the guy that reminds me of him is McGrady, (just as a guard, and to a little bit lower level) leaning moretowards d-wade cuz he KNEW that Shaq was the man on that team, he just wanted to get the ball to him
ehh...he wasnt bout !$!@. All you need to know is he almost�got his�wifey snatched up�by a 9 year old...

his style did not look like kobe or wade, cause penny was a pointguard..more like tmac. penny was t-mac's idol.. and it shows, the resemblance in game....also i think lebron is the evolution of penny..
you dont see it? the vision of seeing the open player before it happens, size 6'7 and 6'8.. lebron is bigger than penny... all around game, dunks,speed, hops... only penny had a better jumper, but lebron is working on that.. even lebron admitted that penny was one of his fav. players
yeah i wasn't knocking you, just wasn't seeing it but i think that's mainly because of how much power lebron plays with. he plays like he's alot bigger than he is, if that makes sense. penny seemed to rely more on speed and quicks than power, but then again, it's been a long time since i sawpenny play. but yeah, i guess i can see it now. lebron has that point guard vision and awareness.
When I think of Penny I think of a poor man's magic or like a scottie pippen but better, dude was a beast
He was the star in a budding Orlando system with up and coming big man Shaquille O'neal. He stood very tall for a point guard, 6'8", butdidn't lack any skills, very athletic also. I don't recall him being so aggressive on defense, he was tall, but he was slim so he couldn't body upon anyone. Because of his humble demeanor, he was adored by media and fans. He was rather softspoken, so the media tried to urge him to be more outspoken.Since they couldn't get him to come out of his shell, they created his alter ego: Lil Penny; a brash and sarcastic 1:16 replica of the real thing. This wasa hit amongst fans, they loved the contradictory collaboration.

After repeated injuries he didn't perform as well on the court, his fame diminished. He soon became one of the 'Lost' Legends of the League.
Basically, he had the most creative passing game of any 6'6+ guy ever in league history other than Magic and was a good enough scorer to have Jordan andPippen switching between guarding him in a playoff series and still score on both consistently.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by Clutchshooter

O-ver RA-ted.

*Clap-Clap clapclapclap*

O-ver RA-ted.

*Clap-Clap clapclapclap*

O-ver RA-ted.

*Clap-Clap clapclapclap*

SMH. I sorry but when penny was healthy dude was a straight up beast, injuries killed his career. Dude had great handle, post up game, long range shot, crazy first step and could Jump out of the gym. Pippen could not even slow him down, and only GP was a better one on one defender that Pippen at the time. Penny's game was beautiful to look at it was not just off balanced threes, a few crazy dunks and tons of traveling.
A guard shooting over 50% from the field while scoring 20+ a game as the number 2 behind Shaq is overrated? I mean really? Damn I don't seeLebron, Kobe, Wade, or any other current guard who scores 20+ a game shoot over 50%. Did I forget to mention that what they call defensive teams nowwouldn't stand and compare to defensive teams in the mid to late 90s. Common, sure Penny was part of the Nike hype. But dude was one of the best in thatera. If it wasn't for dumb Magic surgeons who screwed up Grant Hill's career too. Dude would have ended up being a HoFer probably.
even though he was skinny and all, he still posted up a lot for a point guard.. he was one of the few guards that had apost up game.. back then him and gp had a post up game..
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