People speeding up to NOT let you merge UNAPPRECIATION....

Originally Posted by doosta45

I do all of this.

Me and my ex used to always speed up whenever a car was trying to go around us. They'd be behind us and try to pass on the right. We'd speed up, then match speeds with them so they can't get over. They eventually have to get over behind us again then try to pass again. Then we do the samething again. It only works well if you got a fast car. V8 FTW.

I would merge all the way to the far lane just to go past you only to merge back in front of you for doing some *!%% like that.

Originally Posted by doosta45

i do this on occasion also. when somebody is tailgating, ill hit the brakes unexpectedly. usually they back off, some do some dont. this one lady in a ML mercedes was tailgating like a mother. i did the gas brake dip dip on her, she almost hit me. she then continues to tailgate, i do it again. almost hits me. still tailgates, i do it a third time, and she finally hits me.
dumb broad. i only do this when we going slow though, aint trying to do this when we pushing 40+

While I don't this perse` I will slow down to a snails pace in a heartbeat if someone attempts to tailgate me as a means of getting me to move or drivedifferently. Point blank period I'm not about to be bullied in any shape form or fashion.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I hate this *%@!....folks would rather speed up and come close to rear-ending the person in front of them instead of letting you in...
I swear, merging brings out the worst in people...


i dont recall doin that too many times but the +#%+ happens to me often
oh well what can you do? some people are just like that

I would merge all the way to the far lane just to go past you only to merge back in front of you for doing some *!%% like that.
I pray to God that one of you morons doesn't hit me or my family one day.

Sure enough though, most of you have already been in or will be in a car accident...and you still won't learn.

Being worthless people FTL.
^all part of the selfishness trending in our society.... everyone is only out for themselves with little or no regard to anyone else

Sad state of affairs
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Or when people BEEP at you as SOON as the light turns green. I beep right back at them
Standard in DC, if you sit longer then 3 seconds after light turns green, automatic beep
@this thread, 90% of the complaints describe DC drivers perfectly
cant stand that !*+$, why speed up to 70 just not to let me pass then stay chillen at 40 ...
Originally Posted by Gmills23

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Or when people BEEP at you as SOON as the light turns green. I beep right back at them
Standard in DC, if you sit longer then 3 seconds after light turns green, automatic beep
@this thread, 90% of the complaints describe DC drivers perfectly

One shouldn't be sitting that long unless you see an emergency vehicle.
strange, ill signal to let the driver know im making a right turn into a business and they will tailgating me! have me thinkin, c'mon now i can'tmake a turn going 40mph, give me some room please.. i swear drivers are in a rush to go anywhere
i dont run into this problem a lot and i dont speed up either. I might change lanes without signaling if no one is behind me
Kind of off topic, but I was stuck at an empty 2 lane highway (92 in the Bay Area) behind 2 fools cruising next to each other under the speed limit for a goodminute or so.
Most of this stuff is definitely unappreciated. Some lady cut me off the other day so I speed up beside her, roll down my window and threw a granola bar @ hercar. Her reaction was priceless.
Road rage takes me over sometime.
I regretted it later cause I got hungry on the way to work. Oh this happen inSeattle on I-5, coincidence? Nah.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

I do it only where you're in a lane that's about to end, and you can see up a mile ahead that your lane is merging, signs, blinking arrows, cones, etc. There's all this space behind me, you can just tap the breaks a bit to slow down and merge right in, but your *#@*+%% wants to try to speed up all the way up to the damn cones and shoe horn your %!! in when there isn't any space. Or if there's a left exit coming up within a 1/2 mile and we're both in the left most lane and you try to zoom around me in the slow lane or even using the merge or exit lanes then get back in with such little room to complete such a manuever. %*%$ that. You're getting behind me or missing your turn


Guy below, yeah I don't understand those crazies that mess with truck drivers. One mistake and they are dead $#$##@*.
both QFT i let them trucks cut me off on purpose i aint trying to beat that huge beast
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

Gmills23 said:
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Or when people BEEP at you as SOON as the light turns green. I beep right back at them
Standard in DC, if you sit longer then 3 seconds after light turns green, automatic beep
@this thread, 90% of the complaints describe DC drivers perfectly

One shouldn't be sitting that long unless you see an emergency vehicle.
i wait a few seconds before i go once a light turned green. i aint tryingto get hit by somebody not paying attention or trying to beat the light.

"first one in, first one hit"

plus whenever somebody beeps at me, ill wait even longer. especially on them protected lefts. ive done this on numerous occasions where they beeped at me on aprotected left, i waited until the light turned yellow/bout to turn red then i would go. they end up sitting on a red again.
I always let people merge it's not that serious. only thing i hate is when somebody changes lanes into mine and slows down.
Man.....go to South America and THEN you'll see some real a-holes.

Roads with 3 lanes automatically become roads with 5 lanes and nobody stops at stop signs. Dudes will cut you off inches away from you.

But in NY I hate when dudes drive slow in the fast lane.
I do it all the time. If you're in the lane already and I see you try and jump ahead I don't let you through. You ain't special. And if youdon't signal, you don't get in. If you have no courtesy for others then I'm not gonna have any for you.
Originally Posted by silverswoosh

Originally Posted by Gmills23

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Or when people BEEP at you as SOON as the light turns green. I beep right back at them
Standard in DC, if you sit longer then 3 seconds after light turns green, automatic beep
@this thread, 90% of the complaints describe DC drivers perfectly

One shouldn't be sitting that long unless you see an emergency vehicle.
Man I don't sit that long. It will literally be a SECOND after the light turns green. I don't cuss but I might cuss when that happens tome
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