Phone Rings (my invention)... Updates on page 20

Trust me, I was prepared for all types of attacks when I decided to show NT. Only one thing would've surprised me/ made me upset and it's highly unlikely it will be done.

I've seem a looooot of roasts on here since 2002 so I knew what to expect.
The night I conceived the idea I searched for anything related. Every item I located that performed the same function looked totally different. The internet is very, VERY broad, it's easy to overlook something. Today someone posted something that indeed looks remarkably similar to my product and that was my very first time seeing it. It's not like I copied someone elses idea/ concept.
Ever heard of the Slanket? It was the Snuggie before the Snuggie. Despite being a local hit, It wasn't marketed strongly enough. The snuggie came along and the advertisers went ham for that cheese. The rest is history. The company behind the snuggie probably blatantly ripped of the small town creators of the slanket tho.
It took me literally under a minute to find that product on Amazon. Amazon is the biggest internet retailer in the world. They sell everything; from dildos to cereal. 

It's just hard for me to believe that you didn't come across a similar product in your search of the web.

The Snuggie was a hit in a novelty sort of way. People were  buying it for other people as a joke (firstworldproblems?). Is your product a novelty? 
Trust me, I was prepared for all types of attacks when I decided to show NT. Only one thing would've surprised me/ made me upset and it's highly unlikely it will be done.
I've seem a looooot of roasts on here since 2002 so I knew what to expect.
What's that? That someone would've patented an idea that you took from someplace else? 

You can patent that all you want and if the guys are watching porn instead of doing their job at the PTO like they do at the SEC, I guess you can get one.

However, this isn't a winner. If it is, you'll have every chinese factory cranking these out at $1.00/pop into the US market soon thereafter. 
Props to OP for actually creating something and manifesting his thoughts into reality.

Wish you nothing but success with this project and everything else you do bruh.

Preciate the support bro. With this being the Holidays, I'm sure I could move several units to those looking for stocking stuffers.

250+ units moved so far, looking to do 500 by new year.
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The night I conceived the idea I searched for anything related. Every item I located that performed the same function looked totally different. The internet is very, VERY broad, it's easy to overlook something. Today someone posted something that indeed looks remarkably similar to my product and that was my very first time seeing it. It's not like I copied someone elses idea/ concept.
Ever heard of the Slanket? It was the Snuggie before the Snuggie. Despite being a local hit, It wasn't marketed strongly enough. The snuggie came along and the advertisers went ham for that cheese. The rest is history. The company behind the snuggie probably blatantly ripped of the small town creators of the slanket tho.
It took me literally under a minute to find that product on Amazon. Amazon is the biggest internet retailer in the world. They sell everything; from dildos to cereal. 

It's just hard for me to believe that you didn't come across a similar product in your search of the web.

The Snuggie was a hit in a novelty sort of way. People were  buying it for other people as a joke (firstworldproblems?). Is your product a novelty? 
This and the snuggie has a bigger market. Not everyone drops their phone by holding it in their hand...if they do, it's a rare incident where someone is checking their phone over a toilet while pissing and they fumble their phone.

As for the snuggie, everyone gets cold, but they dont want to wear a sweater/sweat pants while watching tv. My office gave out snuggies to their employees as a joke bc there were complaints of being cold.

Op, you remind me of the guy who made bullet ball. I think he finally found some success bc his product is use in PT/rehab centers for the elderly with neuromuscular disease or children with cognitive impairment.  
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The night I conceived the idea I searched for anything related. Every item I located that performed the same function looked totally different. The internet is very, VERY broad, it's easy to overlook something. Today someone posted something that indeed looks remarkably similar to my product and that was my very first time seeing it. It's not like I copied someone elses idea/ concept.

Ever heard of the Slanket? It was the Snuggie before the Snuggie. Despite being a local hit, It wasn't marketed strongly enough. The snuggie came along and the advertisers went ham for that cheese. The rest is history. The company behind the snuggie probably blatantly ripped of the small town creators of the slanket tho.
It took me literally under a minute to find that product on Amazon. Amazon is the biggest internet retailer in the world. They sell everything; from dildos to cereal. 
It's just hard for me to believe that you didn't come across a similar product in your search of the web.

The Snuggie was a hit in a novelty sort of way. People were  buying it for other people as a joke (firstworldproblems?). Is your product a novelty? 

This and the snuggie has a bigger market. Not everyone drops their phone by holding it in their hand...if they do, it's a rare incident where someone is checking their phone over a toilet while pissing and they fumble their phone.
As for the snuggie, everyone gets cold, but they dont want to wear a sweater/sweat pants while watching tv. My office gave out snuggies to their employees as a joke bc there were complaints of being cold.

Op, you remind me of the guy who made bullet ball. I think he finally found some success bc his product is use in PT/rehab centers for the elderly with neuromuscular disease or children with cognitive impairment.  

These Continuous snuggie and bulletball comparisons :lol:
Yes. Is it less than the price of a (5 guys) burger? Again yes.

I have to be brutally honest. I can see a glimmer of potential in the idea, but in its current iteration it has less value to me than 99% of the things at the Dollar store.
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This is going to be OP when his invention takes off..

i hope you make 1 batch of like a billion and sell them as fast as you can. cause as soon as it hits the market, there will be COUNTLESS replicas for cheaper.
so was:
-pet rock
and many many more...

Was gonna use the pet rock & chia pet as an example earlier. :smokin

OP is 100 steps ahead of everybody who's ever had an idea dumb or good. He's actually taking action.

And people talking about dude stealing the idea. :lol: Welcome to capitalism

Only suggestion I have is if you get the patent I would sell the idea off as soon as possible. But good luck.
OP just to give you a heads up, your patent application is guaranteed to to get rejected. I worked at a firm that handled a lot of patent stuff and the one thing I learned is that if there's even one slight chance that a part of your product could be infringing on another patent, then they reject the application. I'm not "hating" but the reason I say your app will be rejected is because your product is so simple and has been done before so many times (as proven in this thread) that it will without a doubt infringe on some other patent out there.

You seem to have the right mind set of getting your start up going. If you're that serious of blowing up or becoming the new snuggie, you should definitely invest the money into getting a good patent attorney and doing it right from the jump. I've dealt with a few start ups before and your mind set is good but you can't cut corners if you wanna get ahead. Just my 2cs
OP just to give you a heads up, your patent application is guaranteed to to get rejected. I worked at a firm that handled a lot of patent stuff and the one thing I learned is that if there's even one slight chance that a part of your product could be infringing on another patent, then they reject the application. I'm not "hating" but the reason I say your app will be rejected is because your product is so simple and has been done before so many times (as proven in this thread) that it will without a doubt infringe on some other patent out there.

You seem to have the right mind set of getting your start up going. If you're that serious of blowing up or becoming the new snuggie, you should definitely invest the money into getting a good patent attorney and doing it right from the jump. I've dealt with a few start ups before and your mind set is good but you can't cut corners if you wanna get ahead. Just my 2cs
Good advice...and you should paypal him your 2 cents. He needs it
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