Phone Rings (my invention)... Updates on page 20

OP. You know I've been on your side since day 1. Paypalled day of and was on board. Even defended you on this thread. But after seeing the first picture, I can't lie and say I'm not a bit upset. Not because I paid, hell I'll pay any day to support a NT'er, but because of the product itself. Many times you've stated there are no products even remotely doing the same that yours does. I wasn't expecting something PHENOMENAL, but I was expecting something innovative and new. Aside from the video that was posted of the flygrip which does the same PLUS more acting as a stand with a much better production value (minus $30 tag) but someone else posted this link on amazon of the same exact product.

Amazon product ASIN B007O354AM
You can't really deny it after checking out that listing. It makes me question how much research you actually did do after having this amazing epiphany. I'll get mine tomorrow or after and I'm still going to use it and will still tell my friends so they can check it out themselves, but I want you to be aware of something.

I know you are I don't want to say "stubborn" in defending your product, but you have to realize that this may not be the amazing breakthrough you once envisioned. And if it isn't, that's fine. It's not the end of the road. But take your sights to a new product and do it better the next time around.

Still wish you the best of luck, and really hope you did not take this the wrong way.

Best wishes,


This. Son is acting like Floyd Mayweather without having one professional match.
Pride cometh before the fall.

Cmon son, look at the two amazon links posted. I know you addressed it last page but still.
4$ saved 

Hope you market correctly and take off like Snuggie... dont wish hate or failure on someone who at least tries new things and is reaching for success
How does it stick to the phone?  Suction cup or an adhesive?  Just wondering because I don't use a case for my phone and I don't want it to leave any marks...
why keep bringing up the snuggie?

ps...thanks for the prototype. 
now time to go talk to my 2 business partners.  One is a lawyer and the other is a graphic designer.  See you at the finishline.....
:lol: why keep bringing up the snuggie?

ps...thanks for the prototype.  :wink: now time to go talk to my 2 business partners.  One is a lawyer and the other is a graphic designer.  See you at the finishline.....

thats what Im sayin. The snuggie probably had a multi million dollar marketing campaign behind it and alot more going for it. Unless op id wrking on a catchy kid friendly rap to go along with the straps well then...
Subscribed. Make this work OP. Get on Shark Tank; Some kids from my college were on it a few weeks ago for a similar iPhone/smartphone accessory.
Like the other dude pointed out, there's a product identical to that on the market already. Also, the two times I cracked my iPhone screen it was because it 1) fell out of my pocket and 2) it got knocked off a table. Maybe you should go back to the drawing board and see if there is any way to address that.
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Not gonna lie, I laughed out loud when I saw the pic, but a part of me was disappointed.
I thought it was going to be a revolutionary skin that'd stick to your hands but not be sticky or something.
Though I did find the name sketchy with Ring in it.

OP, I'll help you out. Come out with a Gucci colorway, you'll sell a few.
You're welcome.
As a 10 year member, I knew what to expect from the skeptics. If I didn't sell 150+ beforehand, I would have never presented it on here. Anything short of the Iphone 6 with unlimited data and a built in juice maker and you guys would be loading the muskets. I figured that. But there's life outside of NT. Grandparents/ young teenagers/ adults that aren't as fashion conscience etc. When Kanye rocks his Hermes leather Phone Ring, cats will be singing a different tune. I know this. Not being cynical, just acknowledging the thought pattern of most clientele

I still feel that it's a useable product that will catch on if marketed correctly. Will it secure me a nod for the Nobel peace prize? Probably not.

Will it prevent you from dropping your phone? Yes. Is it less than the price of a (5 guys) burger? Again yes.
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The night I conceived the idea I searched for anything related. Every item I located that performed the same function looked totally different. The internet is very, VERY broad, it's easy to overlook something. Today someone posted something that indeed looks remarkably similar to my product and that was my very first time seeing it. It's not like I copied someone elses idea/ concept.
Ever heard of the Slanket? It was the Snuggie before the Snuggie. Despite being a local hit, It wasn't marketed strongly enough. The snuggie came along and the advertisers went ham for that cheese. The rest is history. The company behind the snuggie probably blatantly ripped of the small town creators of the slanket tho.

The Slanket wasn't patented his fault if you ask me. He did become a millionaire from it though.

And also I don't understand why you are getting so much hate. It is now not easy to invent and market something. I admire your drive and hope that one day eventually you receive a patent and garner success.

His idea may not seem original but the patent process is a very long process and [his vision will] changes over time. Who here in this thread has submitted a patent or actually acted on an idea they had in a dream or just having the light bulb hit?

Innovation is never a bad thing.
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I aint mad.

you right. not everybody whips da Range w/ da Jesus piece dangling around the Louie V. skin grafted neck, like 83.5% of the pop. round here.


do your thing, cuh.
Good luck OP. I'd cop but carrying my phone on my finger just isn't what's up for me. Will let others know about your product.
so your phone is attached to one hand (very useful if you're talking on the phone with phone up to your ear).

can the "grip" be used when you're texting / surfing web / emailing / using apps? or do you remove your fingers out when you use your phone as a "smartphone" (ie, not up to your face or watching content landscape)?

also, this is used for "naked" phones so you couldn't mount this to a case? Or from pics, i'm guessing the case should have a "smooth" surface that it can adhere to (that means no textured cases or rubber / silicone cases)?

and if you hold your phone in a pants pocket, do you run into difficulty removing / putting back your phone into your pocket? do you run risk of having the adhesive tear off?
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