Phone Rings (my invention)... Updates on page 20

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Good morning, and THANKS to the new supporters!

@Jking0821 My product is not a case. I too prefer my phone in it's natural form. I'm not clumsy either, but there are instances where an outside force can cause your phone to be jolted.

1) Have you ever been lying in bed on your back texting/surfing and your phone dropped on your face?
2) Have you ever been walking your dog, and he jerks the leash and your phone goes flying?
3) Have you ever been in a crowded area and someone bumps into you causing your phone to slip?

#'s 2 and 3 are what I was most affected by. So I did something about it.
I'm up to 14 supporters than were gutsy and curious enough to take a chance on my product. I foresee them being pleasantly surprised.

What I'm asking you to do is basically the same as asking someone to buy a CD from an artist you've never heard of.. Well this "album" is on par with College Dropout. Picture a young Kanye selling his first album from his trunk for $4 before it hit mainstream. A masterpiece for $4. Thousands of skeptics will walk away. Hundreds will support him, and later realize his brilliance.

NT detectives are pretty clever so I'm done dropping hints as to what it looks like. All Products will ship Monday, period.
Good stuff Op repped

That's all i needed really. Great sales pitch (i am a sucker for info-mercials). The "you could be a part of something huge" never gets me. But it being functional in scenarios you mentioned is awesome. Will donate later today when i get off work
Pretty hyped now to receive it :smokin

Even if its not amazing, who cares. Its $4 :lol: . Dudes in here acting like its $400
This dude's confidence is through the roof.

Thats a good thing...but this "invention" is gonna have to change the world to live up to it.

Im talking like, pants with pockets...sliced bread...the wheel. I cant wait to see it.
so did the patent go through?? i've been saying to myself i need to invent something... and i was thinking one day how do motorcyclists smoke and drive with a helmet on? i was thinking about a helmet with tubing inside and stuff so you can smoke hands-free
I applaud you OP. Sharktank is one of my favorite shows to watch and everytime I watch it, my mind gets to thinking of what I can invent. Youve already accomplished that task and seems like your on the right path to tackle this thing. I really do hope your successful with this thing :D
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that video had me in tears when I first saw it
^ I'm glad you asked. The "premier" of my invention will come by way of a infomercial-style youtube vid, which should be shot/ uploaded by Sunday. My reason for that is, when this thing hits the web, I want my name, face, logo, company name to be associated with it. Not just random pictures of the product floating around.

If the contributors want to post pics/ reviews of theirs once they receive them next week, that's fine by me.

Video coming soon tho.
Now that you gained enough money to submit your patent, you can go ahead and show us pictures of your product, right?
^ I'm glad you asked. The "premier" of my invention will come by way of a infomercial-style youtube vid, which should be shot/ uploaded by Sunday. My reason for that is, when this thing hits the web, I want my name, face, logo, company name to be associated with it. Not just random pictures of the product floating around.

If the contributors want to post pics/ reviews of theirs once they receive them next week, that's fine by me.

Video coming soon tho.

why do i have a feeling this is gonna be like a snuggy, or a forever lazy. :rofl:
cant knock the hustle though. props to you for having the drive to get this done :smokin
put a NT shout out in the video!!
@jordanxi45 Refer to my previous post. There's a method to my madness.


I will post a teaser pic of my product at work.
Yes, that is me.
Yes, that's my real name.

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I've expressed why I'm not sharing photos/ detailed information. If you're not up to take the risk, I totally respect your decision. I can assure you this tho, if for whatever reason you don't like this product or don't think that it's cool at least, I GUARANTEE a friend or relative will.
This product is going to blow up. This time next year, at&t and Verizon will be selling it to you for triple the price. They're also going to have the likes of Justin Beiber/ Nicki Minaj/ D Wade advertising it for them.
Have you ever seen Social Network? Remember when Zuckerberg was writing the equations on the dorm room window? That's where I am now: the "facesmash" phase. What started in a Harvard dorm room ended up on millions of computers worldwide.
In my case, what started on a website for sneakers will end up on billions of cell phones around the world.

This guy felt the same way though.


"Maybe this would work if the table was about 6 feet long and square. Perhaps instead of your arms you have some sort of hand held plastic thing. Also instead of a ball use kind of a flat round disk. But then make the table and disk really slick or something or maybe pump air through tiny holes in the table to reduce friction. And then have the disk returned to you after you score so you don't have to go chasing it every time."
- from youtube :lol:
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