Phone Rings (my invention)... Updates on page 20

Quentin "Sticky Fingaz" Moormon

were you bit by a radioactive spider?


Your gastritis has nothing to do with me homie. Take some TUMS
Good morning, the first batch has been dropped off in the mailbox.
I know I initially said 11 but I passed by a mailbox and just got it out of the way to avoid having to rush on my lunch break.
^I got you covered fam. The mail doesn't pick up until 12 and I'm taking an early lunch to ensure every package will ship.

Also, that grip go hands free car mount that was posted a few pages back seems pretty legit. Solid pitch, too.
Just a reminder to those that ordered, my product was designed to work with the actual phone itself. Smooth metal/ hard plastic surfaces are ideal. I do not recommend use with rubber cases, such as an otterbox and Flexi, soft gel cases.

Also don't "activate" it until you're ready to use it. Application itself is pretty self explanatory, but I sent along instructions just in case. I forgot to include the otterbox disclaimer tho.

FYI, if you overlooked the photo in the OP, the product is called Phone Rings A.K.A. the 2013 version of the snuggie A.K.A. the "why didn't I think of that" item of the year A.K.A. my grandkids tuition A.K.A. the keys to my M3 (or M4, whatever they're calling it now).

Headed to the post office now to send off the few who's info I didn't have.
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^ strong username to post correlation.
It's a simple device that prevents you from dropping your cell phone.

FYI, if you overlooked the photo in the OP, the product is called Phone Rings A.K.A. the 2013 version of the snuggie A.K.A. the "why didn't I think of that" item of the year A.K.A. my grandkids tuition A.K.A. the keys to my M3 (or M4, whatever they're calling it now).
^ Nah son, that ain't my product. Mine is much more aesthetically pleasing.

Don't let me detour you from buying your feinger tho.
yo Q i respect your grind and hustle but you talked too much and asked for money....2 things you should've avoided.  You should just came on here with a website and product ready to sell. 
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