Pics of my recent trip to Vietnam


formerly ricer yo
Dec 11, 2003
It's about 6:45 am here on the west coast and I've been up since about 4 am yesterday cause of this damn jet lag. So what better way to kill time than to post pictures of my recent trip [1/8-1/25] to Vietnam.

I took over 800 pictures and towards the end of the trip I was home-sick and tired of taking pictures

Started off by flying from LAX to Hong Kong for a 9-hour layover
Killed some time by making multiple visits to the john. Upon my first initial visit tho I noticed there weren't any toilet seat covers, so I was ready to hover till I noticed this little contraption next to the toilet.

After two rounds, we went on a mission to find some authentic dim sum, but we were mislead to some strip mall by a non-english speaking taxi driver. Fearing that we would have a long wait to get back through customs we decided to just head back to the airport.

Saw this guy snoozin' for a few hours in this position.

Arrived in Saigon later that night, was dead tired so decided to call it a night. Woke up the next morning and we decided to do some shopping so we trekked on over to the Ben Thanh Market.

Saw this in the middle of the park/square. I was speechless.

Inside of Ben Thanh Market, basically an indoor swap meet you find anywhere in the states. Careful here, workers are EXTREMELY pushy and grabby. Some chick almost yanked my arm off trying to get me to stop at her fake watch store.

Stopped here for lunch even tho it was like 90 degrees and 100% humidity out. Supposedly where former president Bill Clinton once ate.

Don't know why but I 
everytime I look at this pic. It was like, he was posing for camera but he wasn't.

If some of you didn't know, there are MILLIONS of motorbikes in Vietnam. It's the primary mode of transportation.

 Here are some random shots I took of how motorbikes are utilized.

Probably one of my favs

thats it for now, probably gonna do some laundry and head to costco for pizza and hot dogs.
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