Pics of the XIX's from the CDP

The nineteen written on the back of the straps is black, on the og it was red.
I wanted the white and flint 19's then i might have got the pack but i got these in my closet 2.
[color= rgb(0, 153, 153)]These were soooo *$%$+%# comfy...2nd behind the XIIs...i'm just mad that i still don't havethese (i think my friend sold them)[/color]
Originally Posted by WILLINC

damn marquee sole pics makes any shoe look good

i was thinking the same thing. cause i thought i didn't like XIX's? but these pictures make them look clean...
glad this pack is wack. i've been taken a beating coppin multiple cdp's. i need a rest. but if i see some black red iv's 99's i'm gonnahave to cop......
its funny how shoes like the 16's and 19's look just like how they did when they first dropped but the 4's look like bananas inpajamas...................and those 19's aren't new they the same ones from outlets that no one bought JB just recycled them
don't have the XIX's or the IV's so it's a def cop for me. but just like everyone else, i've got my issues w/ the IV's but i cantolerate them.
Thanks for the pictures
2 black base shoes ... and they should of gave us something new with the XIX's ...
I mean there just like the OG's ...
Not sure if im going to cop this pack yet.
First off -- GREAT pics.

As for the shoes...I think the XIX is THE worst's an easy pass on this pack.

I personally would've liked to have seen a black marble toe. Something subtle that draws from an original concept that was sampled up but never made it toproduction.

Oh well....I'm NEVER paying $310 for IV's that retail for $125 (which is still high) and XIX's that I paid $40 for 2 years ago.
This pack will sit just as long as the 2/21 is going to. XIX are so comfortable, but that big @$+ lace cover just kills the shoe, plus i already have them sothis pack is an easy saved $310. After the 16/7 im done until the 20/3.
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