pill addiction how serious is it?

Originally Posted by rillo561

It's an epidemic in Florida, sad really.

I believe Broward, Florida has the highest number of dispensed controlled drugs vs all other 49 states combined if I'm not mistaken. 
Controlled drugs is big money. 

Originally Posted by rillo561

It's an epidemic in Florida, sad really.

I believe Broward, Florida has the highest number of dispensed controlled drugs vs all other 49 states combined if I'm not mistaken. 
Controlled drugs is big money. 
I got 34 days sober, I was smoking oxys and percs, started sniffin benzos. Was popping/sniffin thizz 4 a short period 4 years ago, And yea pills took over a big part of my life for 6 or 7 years, started poppin, went 2 sniffing after a year of popping after 2 or 3 years of sniffing I started smoking pills. I didn't care about life, I would steal from my family if I needed 2 get by, and in the end of my addiction I was debating on trying heroin since most ppl I kno do or tried heroin since oxycontin prices went up. All I can say is pills truly ruined my life, I can't see/find joy in my life, I very scarcely smile or laugh, my parents still don't trust me. It sucks
I got 34 days sober, I was smoking oxys and percs, started sniffin benzos. Was popping/sniffin thizz 4 a short period 4 years ago, And yea pills took over a big part of my life for 6 or 7 years, started poppin, went 2 sniffing after a year of popping after 2 or 3 years of sniffing I started smoking pills. I didn't care about life, I would steal from my family if I needed 2 get by, and in the end of my addiction I was debating on trying heroin since most ppl I kno do or tried heroin since oxycontin prices went up. All I can say is pills truly ruined my life, I can't see/find joy in my life, I very scarcely smile or laugh, my parents still don't trust me. It sucks
^ I know how you feel A Town. The pill game took over my city and HS. It was the chill thing to do. It was a pharmaceutical, so kids knew it was "safe" and made it a lot easier to try it. When it first started out, the prices werent nearly as bad, and when you only doing it here and there it wasn't a big deal. But its tough to just do it "here and there" when everyone doin it and its so available. One of the main reasons my hs graduating class got so into it was A: it was a rich suburban area and kids could afford it and B: Its a drug thats really hard to tell that your on it. So kids could pop a couple before going to class, and you don't smell like anything, you really don't show many signs of being high (unless your completely BASED). Man that $#$ took us all by storm. And we all got caught up in it. I didn't get as deep as a lot of my friends, but I was to the point where i was crushin and sniffin up pills daily on weekly stretches. And when you start doing em like that, it really hurts your pocket. When you literally are droppin 65 bucks on ONE oxy, you are deep. Luckily, I never let that lead into anything else (H, or any other hard drug. Ive never tried anything except for trees and alc). But man, some of my friends went down that road and there is no coming back unless you get help, and sometimes its still to late. Stealing, jail, OD, death.... smh they start making people do things you never could have imagined your friends doing. Ive completely cut ties with at least 5 good friends because they couldn't get out the game and I had to start looking out for myself. I did an outpatient treatment last summer and did a suboxone program and have been clean since august. For me, it never affected me to the point where I fell off the face of the earth, or I was robbing, or stealing, or couldn't complete my school work. But I could definitely feel the toll it was taking on my mind and body and eventually I had just had enough.

But happy to say 8 months done with that and definitely not going back.

Trust, I know that stuff can be fun once in a while, but sometimes once is all it takes. And if your in the right enviroment, with the right people, you ultimately will lose yourself in that hole and its a tough, long, hard crawl out of it. Please, from the bottom of my heart, don't play with that stuff. Especially if you ahve a history of addiction, or even just "overdoing" it with any sort of drug, whether it be alcohol, weed, X, anything.

anyways, thats my two cents. I hope that helps. Feel free to ask any questions.
^ I know how you feel A Town. The pill game took over my city and HS. It was the chill thing to do. It was a pharmaceutical, so kids knew it was "safe" and made it a lot easier to try it. When it first started out, the prices werent nearly as bad, and when you only doing it here and there it wasn't a big deal. But its tough to just do it "here and there" when everyone doin it and its so available. One of the main reasons my hs graduating class got so into it was A: it was a rich suburban area and kids could afford it and B: Its a drug thats really hard to tell that your on it. So kids could pop a couple before going to class, and you don't smell like anything, you really don't show many signs of being high (unless your completely BASED). Man that $#$ took us all by storm. And we all got caught up in it. I didn't get as deep as a lot of my friends, but I was to the point where i was crushin and sniffin up pills daily on weekly stretches. And when you start doing em like that, it really hurts your pocket. When you literally are droppin 65 bucks on ONE oxy, you are deep. Luckily, I never let that lead into anything else (H, or any other hard drug. Ive never tried anything except for trees and alc). But man, some of my friends went down that road and there is no coming back unless you get help, and sometimes its still to late. Stealing, jail, OD, death.... smh they start making people do things you never could have imagined your friends doing. Ive completely cut ties with at least 5 good friends because they couldn't get out the game and I had to start looking out for myself. I did an outpatient treatment last summer and did a suboxone program and have been clean since august. For me, it never affected me to the point where I fell off the face of the earth, or I was robbing, or stealing, or couldn't complete my school work. But I could definitely feel the toll it was taking on my mind and body and eventually I had just had enough.

But happy to say 8 months done with that and definitely not going back.

Trust, I know that stuff can be fun once in a while, but sometimes once is all it takes. And if your in the right enviroment, with the right people, you ultimately will lose yourself in that hole and its a tough, long, hard crawl out of it. Please, from the bottom of my heart, don't play with that stuff. Especially if you ahve a history of addiction, or even just "overdoing" it with any sort of drug, whether it be alcohol, weed, X, anything.

anyways, thats my two cents. I hope that helps. Feel free to ask any questions.
To all the people struggling (or have struggled) with addiction, I feel for you.

I used to be addicted to Cocaine, had an episode... stopped for a year, then recently just got caught up in it again this past August. 5 months later and a lot of holes in my nose after, I have decided to stop and clean for a month and a half. It's a brutal cycle and I never should of went back to it after I stopped for so long, but the company you keep defines you and you have to choose wisely.

Wish you all the best as I'm sure you do for me.

Good luck.
To all the people struggling (or have struggled) with addiction, I feel for you.

I used to be addicted to Cocaine, had an episode... stopped for a year, then recently just got caught up in it again this past August. 5 months later and a lot of holes in my nose after, I have decided to stop and clean for a month and a half. It's a brutal cycle and I never should of went back to it after I stopped for so long, but the company you keep defines you and you have to choose wisely.

Wish you all the best as I'm sure you do for me.

Good luck.
I OD'd on them a couple years ago. But i was mixing them with alcohol. They're really dangerous. You don't think you're addicted at all until it's too late.

I OD'd on them a couple years ago. But i was mixing them with alcohol. They're really dangerous. You don't think you're addicted at all until it's too late.

Yea man its terrible when u get 10 grand in less than 45 days and 45 days later u have nothing 2 show 4 it
Yea man its terrible when u get 10 grand in less than 45 days and 45 days later u have nothing 2 show 4 it
whoever said pills can be 10 - 100 times more potent than Herion is an idiot. There is some liquid forms of opiates that are though. (fentanyl)
Anyway, Pills are HIGHLY addictive, and can be very bad news. I see people tripping on them all the time, and I cant stand it.
Pills are wack.
whoever said pills can be 10 - 100 times more potent than Herion is an idiot. There is some liquid forms of opiates that are though. (fentanyl)
Anyway, Pills are HIGHLY addictive, and can be very bad news. I see people tripping on them all the time, and I cant stand it.
Pills are wack.
Originally Posted by ChamWillJam23

Big money pharmaceutical companies and political lobbyists push pills like Tony Montana (except this is real life) and hundreds of thousands of lives are being lost and ruined by these MIND-CONTROLLING substances- which [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]LITERALLY[/color] change the chemistry of your brain to rely upon and crave them. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]POISON[/color]

Realest stuff I've read all day.
Originally Posted by ChamWillJam23

Big money pharmaceutical companies and political lobbyists push pills like Tony Montana (except this is real life) and hundreds of thousands of lives are being lost and ruined by these MIND-CONTROLLING substances- which [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]LITERALLY[/color] change the chemistry of your brain to rely upon and crave them. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]POISON[/color]

Realest stuff I've read all day.
It is really serious. Like the other dude said, they are poison.

I have a prescription for Ambien cr. But as you can see from the time that I'm posting, I don't take them anymore.
It is really serious. Like the other dude said, they are poison.

I have a prescription for Ambien cr. But as you can see from the time that I'm posting, I don't take them anymore.
i was taking xanax like it was nothing in HS for like 3 weeks, then i took way too much one day... i took a piss and it was no lie, Forrest green in color... i was like, i need to quit this bs before it kills me. I stopped it early and never looked back. Thank God.
i was taking xanax like it was nothing in HS for like 3 weeks, then i took way too much one day... i took a piss and it was no lie, Forrest green in color... i was like, i need to quit this bs before it kills me. I stopped it early and never looked back. Thank God.
Just started a job at a rin patient rehab facility...

honestly, being addicted to opiates/benzos or alcohol is LITERALLY the closest to being dead as you can be...you're not even living you're life, in the end, the drug of choice is priority and everything else comes after...its not always this bad, but what people don't realize is once you start abusing, it just gets worse and worse...
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