Pippen Says LeBron is "Best Player Ever"

I don't even know what to say about Pippen.....he probably said it to get people to talk about him.
Originally Posted by OnionSlice

LeBron is not on MJ's level, and I personally don't think he ever will be. It's possible, but I don't think he will reach MJ. He's hands down the Best player there has been since MJ, but he's not at MJ level yet.


"Pip" is just caught up in the moment. You don't see James Worthy going around saying "Such and such is better or could be than Magic". I mean, something are just left unsaid. Smh @ Pip. He's only gonna be perceived as a hater, for being under MJ's shadow for so many years.
Originally Posted by OnionSlice

LeBron is not on MJ's level, and I personally don't think he ever will be. It's possible, but I don't think he will reach MJ. He's hands down the Best player there has been since MJ, but he's not at MJ level yet.


"Pip" is just caught up in the moment. You don't see James Worthy going around saying "Such and such is better or could be than Magic". I mean, something are just left unsaid. Smh @ Pip. He's only gonna be perceived as a hater, for being under MJ's shadow for so many years.
ok lets look @ this
MJ had a better Coach, and Better all around team

%+# Lebron Had, Mike Brown and his starting 5 consisted of Anderson Mr Floppy Varejao and Boobie Gibson

Cmon Son

Give Lebron credit
ok lets look @ this
MJ had a better Coach, and Better all around team

%+# Lebron Had, Mike Brown and his starting 5 consisted of Anderson Mr Floppy Varejao and Boobie Gibson

Cmon Son

Give Lebron credit
Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

ok lets look @ this
MJ had a better Coach, and Better all around team

%+# Lebron Had, Mike Brown and his starting 5 consisted of Anderson Mr Floppy Varejao and Boobie Gibson

Cmon Son

Give Lebron credit
This stuff already has been discussed like 500 mil times.
Originally Posted by Cfranchise26

ok lets look @ this
MJ had a better Coach, and Better all around team

%+# Lebron Had, Mike Brown and his starting 5 consisted of Anderson Mr Floppy Varejao and Boobie Gibson

Cmon Son

Give Lebron credit
This stuff already has been discussed like 500 mil times.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

I think Cleveland expected too much from Lebron as a person. I think Lebron is the most complete player in the NBA right now, but pretty much before this season you could honestly say that Lebron had a lot of empty stat games.
8 assists arent as impressive if you refuse to make the simple cohesive offensive pass. That to me qualifies as being stat hungry and makes those statistics halo. It also makes your already pretensious nature extend to the basketball floor
One of the reasons I said I believed Rose was the MVP was cause he never played a pretensious on court game.
This isnt an argument about Rose though This is an argument about a guy who is in his 8th season playing for an NBA title for the second time
Physically unmatched, great basketball iq etc.
What a lot of fans have done is put it away that you cant be the greatest. With Lebron you dont get the 37 a game average while winning DPOY.
Believe it or not its the 5 seasons before Mike won a title that are seperating Michael and Bron.
If you cant match those 5 seasons you have no shot at even being considered.
I may or may not believe that, but no matter if its a conscious or subconscious thought its 100% fact
If an athlete cannot match the seasons Michael didnt win a title then your title victorys no matter the circumstance pale in comparison.

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

I think Cleveland expected too much from Lebron as a person. I think Lebron is the most complete player in the NBA right now, but pretty much before this season you could honestly say that Lebron had a lot of empty stat games.
8 assists arent as impressive if you refuse to make the simple cohesive offensive pass. That to me qualifies as being stat hungry and makes those statistics halo. It also makes your already pretensious nature extend to the basketball floor
One of the reasons I said I believed Rose was the MVP was cause he never played a pretensious on court game.
This isnt an argument about Rose though This is an argument about a guy who is in his 8th season playing for an NBA title for the second time
Physically unmatched, great basketball iq etc.
What a lot of fans have done is put it away that you cant be the greatest. With Lebron you dont get the 37 a game average while winning DPOY.
Believe it or not its the 5 seasons before Mike won a title that are seperating Michael and Bron.
If you cant match those 5 seasons you have no shot at even being considered.
I may or may not believe that, but no matter if its a conscious or subconscious thought its 100% fact
If an athlete cannot match the seasons Michael didnt win a title then your title victorys no matter the circumstance pale in comparison.

Lebron has the most talent? Do some people even think?

He is probably the best physical specimen and that is like 80% of what makes him a superstar. He does not have other talents that surpasses any of the greats.
Lebron has the most talent? Do some people even think?

He is probably the best physical specimen and that is like 80% of what makes him a superstar. He does not have other talents that surpasses any of the greats.
When Lebron loses this discussion will be forgotten. When Kobe wins again this discussion in a different form will arise.

It's nature of thinking in the moment.

Both discussions are ridiculous, Jordan is the GOAT and his career layout is something that may never get surpassed. Argue what you want but his era of basketball was a combination of before his time and now and yet he won at everything.
When Lebron loses this discussion will be forgotten. When Kobe wins again this discussion in a different form will arise.

It's nature of thinking in the moment.

Both discussions are ridiculous, Jordan is the GOAT and his career layout is something that may never get surpassed. Argue what you want but his era of basketball was a combination of before his time and now and yet he won at everything.
Originally Posted by OnionSlice

LeBron is not on MJ's level, and I personally don't think he ever will be. It's possible, but I don't think he will reach MJ. He's hands down the Best player there has been since MJ, but he's not at MJ level yet.
Originally Posted by OnionSlice

LeBron is not on MJ's level, and I personally don't think he ever will be. It's possible, but I don't think he will reach MJ. He's hands down the Best player there has been since MJ, but he's not at MJ level yet.
Originally Posted by xbiker47

Originally Posted by OnionSlice

LeBron is not on MJ's level, and I personally don't think he ever will be. It's possible, but I don't think he will reach MJ. He's hands down the Best player there has been since MJ, but he's not at MJ level yet.
so lebron has been a better player than shaq, kobe, and duncan?
Originally Posted by xbiker47

Originally Posted by OnionSlice

LeBron is not on MJ's level, and I personally don't think he ever will be. It's possible, but I don't think he will reach MJ. He's hands down the Best player there has been since MJ, but he's not at MJ level yet.
so lebron has been a better player than shaq, kobe, and duncan?
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by cornzilla

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

lol every single player on that cavs roster was better then everyone on the lakers roster besides Kobe and Lamar and we both know that, dont even try to go there with that argument...


Ok this is a semi valid point cause honestly both teams had the worst supporting cast that year. Which one is worse is hard to tell cause let's be honest it's like telling someone to pick their poison. No #1 option would want to be stuck with those group of player. 
Laker - Lamar Odom, Chris Mihm, Smush Parker, Brian Cook, Kwame Brown, Luke Walton, Devean George.... 

Besides Odom none of those other player would even start on another team. (Ok kwame started a couple of games with the bobcats but look at the past couple of season 32 starts in 3 years

Cavs -Big Z, Larry Hughes, Drew Gooden, Donyell Marshall, Damon Jones, Eric Snow, Varejao, Ronald Murray...

Yeah beside Varejao everyone else is either out of the league of riding the bench somewhere else.

So lets not argue about who had the worst supporting cast cause they both sucked


yea but one team went to the finals and the other one went straight to summer break after 1st round. 
one played in the west and one played in a weak east at the team
some of you are caught up in the moment, wait a few years when kobes done and lebrons on the decline and then everyone will be able to look back objectively....its easy to say these things now when kobe is no longer in his prime and lebron outplays him
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by cornzilla

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

lol every single player on that cavs roster was better then everyone on the lakers roster besides Kobe and Lamar and we both know that, dont even try to go there with that argument...


Ok this is a semi valid point cause honestly both teams had the worst supporting cast that year. Which one is worse is hard to tell cause let's be honest it's like telling someone to pick their poison. No #1 option would want to be stuck with those group of player. 
Laker - Lamar Odom, Chris Mihm, Smush Parker, Brian Cook, Kwame Brown, Luke Walton, Devean George.... 

Besides Odom none of those other player would even start on another team. (Ok kwame started a couple of games with the bobcats but look at the past couple of season 32 starts in 3 years

Cavs -Big Z, Larry Hughes, Drew Gooden, Donyell Marshall, Damon Jones, Eric Snow, Varejao, Ronald Murray...

Yeah beside Varejao everyone else is either out of the league of riding the bench somewhere else.

So lets not argue about who had the worst supporting cast cause they both sucked


yea but one team went to the finals and the other one went straight to summer break after 1st round. 
one played in the west and one played in a weak east at the team
some of you are caught up in the moment, wait a few years when kobes done and lebrons on the decline and then everyone will be able to look back objectively....its easy to say these things now when kobe is no longer in his prime and lebron outplays him
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by AirJordans23

Jordan at age 25, 26 would NEVER quit on his team against a superior opponent, such as Bird's Celtics or the Bad Boy Pistons, like Lebron clearly did in exasperation against the Celtics last year.  And Jordan would've NEVER signed as a free agent with two other stars to help carry the load. 
A few holes in your points.

1. Instead of focusing on the AGE of LeBron vs. Jordan, focus on the years of experience considering LeBron came out of HS.

Jordan's 7th year, he won a ring.
LeBron's 7th year, you know what was going on.

2. So since Jordan was already in the mix during his 7th year, OF COURSE he wouldn't go to another team to tear down his rivals. He was already the one winning. LeBron was not fortunate enough to be on a TEAM that was capable of winning.

This idea that the Cavs didn't win because of something LeBron didn't do just doesn't make much sense.

3. Quitting on a team that had ALLEGEDLY had sex with your mother (Dalonny) and kept it hush (rest of those dudes) is no every day situation. We can't judge a man based on a situation like that. Very, very, very unfair.

4. You can't say that Jordan would/wouldn't have joined forces with another top player because, again, he was already winning. If he wasn't winning, we don't know what he would or wouldn't do. So hypotheticals really have no place in this discussion.

Point is, LeBron wants to win. He put himself in a position to win. He is in a good position to win now. I am not seeing why he is being raped by everyone for doing this. Magic was blessed into a great situation. Jordan had Pippen to grow with, someone that was close to his level. LeBron didn't have those luxuries, so why are we comparing the path he took vs. two people that we blessed to be in better team situations?

Makes no sense to me.
But if the Bulls lost in the ECF or Finals instead of winning the title that year, do you think MJ would've left?? NO. Chicago was knocked out of the playoffs three straight years thanks to DET. Cleveland was knocked out by BOS twice and no team consecutive years.

Also, the Cavs were built to KEEP LeBron from leaving, not build towards something with him. The teams assembled were some of the best available players at the time to sign or trade for, not necessarily with potential in mind. That's not only the Cavs' fault, but LeBron's as well. Look at Chicago and the youth they had on their team -- it was built to create a dynasty. LeBron's tenure was not made that way and he had a major part in it ...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by AirJordans23

Jordan at age 25, 26 would NEVER quit on his team against a superior opponent, such as Bird's Celtics or the Bad Boy Pistons, like Lebron clearly did in exasperation against the Celtics last year.  And Jordan would've NEVER signed as a free agent with two other stars to help carry the load. 
A few holes in your points.

1. Instead of focusing on the AGE of LeBron vs. Jordan, focus on the years of experience considering LeBron came out of HS.

Jordan's 7th year, he won a ring.
LeBron's 7th year, you know what was going on.

2. So since Jordan was already in the mix during his 7th year, OF COURSE he wouldn't go to another team to tear down his rivals. He was already the one winning. LeBron was not fortunate enough to be on a TEAM that was capable of winning.

This idea that the Cavs didn't win because of something LeBron didn't do just doesn't make much sense.

3. Quitting on a team that had ALLEGEDLY had sex with your mother (Dalonny) and kept it hush (rest of those dudes) is no every day situation. We can't judge a man based on a situation like that. Very, very, very unfair.

4. You can't say that Jordan would/wouldn't have joined forces with another top player because, again, he was already winning. If he wasn't winning, we don't know what he would or wouldn't do. So hypotheticals really have no place in this discussion.

Point is, LeBron wants to win. He put himself in a position to win. He is in a good position to win now. I am not seeing why he is being raped by everyone for doing this. Magic was blessed into a great situation. Jordan had Pippen to grow with, someone that was close to his level. LeBron didn't have those luxuries, so why are we comparing the path he took vs. two people that we blessed to be in better team situations?

Makes no sense to me.
But if the Bulls lost in the ECF or Finals instead of winning the title that year, do you think MJ would've left?? NO. Chicago was knocked out of the playoffs three straight years thanks to DET. Cleveland was knocked out by BOS twice and no team consecutive years.

Also, the Cavs were built to KEEP LeBron from leaving, not build towards something with him. The teams assembled were some of the best available players at the time to sign or trade for, not necessarily with potential in mind. That's not only the Cavs' fault, but LeBron's as well. Look at Chicago and the youth they had on their team -- it was built to create a dynasty. LeBron's tenure was not made that way and he had a major part in it ...
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