Pizza delivery driver urinates on customer's doorstep for not tipping (video)

yes it is, you spend 100+ dollars but use the single mom excuse for not tipping?
She's just a cheap *****.
Learn to cook if you refuse to tip for service, if you don't tip after receiving excellent service you're just a clown.
Yeah don't make excuses either you are cheap or you aren't. Dont come out and eat and have a 100 plus bill and not tip.  They should've kicked her a big dent in her car and then left a note "no insurance only a waiter, sorry". 
and the elevator button pressing kat, and the door opening dude, and the mailman, and the check your bags at the airport person, and the shuttle bus from the airport to parking person, and the barista who makes your whip cream sugar coffee; the list of people who give you the stinkface if you don't tip them continues to grow daily. Only a matter of time before we will be expected to tip cashiers and people are saying, "if you don't want to tip, use the self checkout."

Do people tip their realtors? I didn't tip mine. She's fine, she made like 7 stacks off me with at most an hr of "work."
I tipped Meth and Dirty 4 times today

:rofl: Now its the delivery mans fault that a business pays taxes.  Ya'll have ALL of the excuses.:lol:

man just shut up bro i understand youre a millionare and u tip a whole lot. if im gonna pay tax or a delivery fee im not tipping. i dont care how much money i got in my pocket i dont get tip from anywhere so why should i give away my hard earned cash for sometihng theyre already getting paid for u crazy?
a couple days ago i had a discussion with one of the top bosses at my firm on tipping. he told me he tips the dude at the pump at a full service :wow:

hell no im not tipping the guy who pumps my gas. boss said, yo they're out there in the cold n ****...>D no they're chillin inside until a car pulls up.

anyone tips a full service?
Now its the delivery mans fault that a business pays taxes.  Ya'll have ALL of the excuses.
man just shut up bro i understand youre a millionare and u tip a whole lot. if im gonna pay tax or a delivery fee im not tipping. i dont care how much money i got in my pocket i dont get tip from anywhere so why should i give away my hard earned cash for sometihng theyre already getting paid for u crazy?

Nobody tips you so you're not gonna tip nobody.

7% tax on a damn 15 dollar order is like a dollar bruh.  Swing by the grocery on your way home, pick up some pizza dough, ragu, and some fresh mozz if u wanna get fancy and make your own pizza for half what you pay for a pie from your local joint if you wanna save that $$$. 

You don't gotta be a millionaire to spare $2 for someone bringing hot food to your door step.
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Reading this thread......I can see who folks are trying to avoid for the Secret Santa.

Dude going to hand deliver yoru package 2 months late to save money on postage and send you some regifted item he doesn't want. Enjoy!
hahah you mad bro? 

You sound like a female
"n-word shut up" = mad and sounding like a female... :lol: okay
yeah you just rustle my jimmies like no other Mr. Boss

Edit: let me add something substantial to the thread other than me telling Clam Sandwich up here to shut up

tipping is customary in restaurant settings and delivery settings. correct. but as a teenager i've ordered pizzas with the dollars i had in my jar + some change and the only tip i had for them was drive safely. as an adult (still a teenager technically, but i'm in college and on my own now) i always tip, but if you just need that pizza and you ain't got that extra for whatever reason then man get that pizza. the driver will be okay. the world won't end.
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end of the day good service warrants a good tip, average service warrants an average tip, and poor service warrants no tip.

to my knowledge, in california, the waiters receive minimum wage plus tips, but that's not how it is in other states.

tampering with someones food is unacceptable however you look at it but being cheap is a terrible look.

if someone goes above and beyond and does more then what their required to do when you go out to eat and they don't tip then stick to take out and fast food, or eating at home.

when it comes to tipping though, if enough people don't tip i could eventually see more and more restaurants just automiatically adding 15-20% gratiuity charges on any order.
Yea yea yea, come up with some new material on this topic.

Go dig up the last tipping thread and the one before that and the one before that and look where I've clearly stated many times on this topic that anyone who is tampering with food/dinging cars is a scumbag.  I've been a valet before, never dinged a car on accident or on purpose, regardless of tip.

Anyways, you provide no solutions to the problem that you pose.  If tipping were ousted, then restaurants would have to pay their servers a decent wage to keep the "good ones" there.  Your food prices are going to jump that 20% regardless if this were to happen.

So why not just let it lie and give the server the INCENTIVE to do a good job for you, and when they do you tip them accordingly?  Paying a server a set wage gives them no incentive at all if they can just go work at target and make the same amount of money... Apparently you want a server who doesn't give a **** in the first place to be waiting on you, being slow with your drinks/order because whether they do a good job or not, they make the same amount. 
:lol: at your logic. the waiter represents the company they're working for and if they provide ****** or poor service, why would the customer go back to eat? like someone said before why are we paying for both their wage and our food and if a waiter doesn't have any incentive to provide good customer service then they should be fired and i'm pretty sure there will be workers who would work hard without caring whether they get tipped or not. i dont get why people complain about their jobs (especially the low skills workers). they should be happy they have an opportunity to be making money. and no i'm not a cheaper tipper
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A lot of you nt'ers who don't tip have probably had extra seasonings of pubic hair, spit, or jazz on your next orders. :x :x :x
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Enlighten me with your logic...

Your job is too deliver pizza. My job is to pay for the pizza. That's it. ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL.

Just because you don't tip the person doesn't mean you piss on their doorstep. If you are getting that upset about customers not tipping you, then that isn't the business for you.

I don't care if it's deemed cheap or not, or whatever the case may be, tipping is OPTIONAL. THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT.
Delivery man shouldn't have pissed on the doorstep, but the chick is fat so let's make fun of her.

Nobody wins.
I've always wondered why we as country decided that tipping, for the most part was the expected norm but in countries like Asia it isn't. Did it have to do w/ our wage system?

Enlighten me with your logic...

Your job is too deliver pizza. My job is to pay for the pizza. That's it. ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL.

Just because you don't tip the person doesn't mean you piss on their doorstep. If you are getting that upset about customers not tipping you, then that isn't the business for you.

I don't care if it's deemed cheap or not, or whatever the case may be, tipping is OPTIONAL. THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT.

What are you talking about? Tipping is not an option. You have to tip because employers aren't paying drivers and wait staff enough for their work. If you don't they're going to raise the price of the food. (Which is somehow justified.) :rolleyes

I think we're all in agreement that people should be compensated fairly for their job. There are definitely deserving servers and drivers who do their job more than sufficiently that get paid next to nothing, but who's responsibility is it make sure they are? The customer or the employer? Tipping is no longer actually tipping. It's no longer gratuity or an option. It's a fee. If you go to that place again you're going to pay for it eventually. Even if you got the bare minimum/standard service. Or even poor service.

I could somewhat understand a modest/small restaurant having trouble paying employees a fair wage, but so do a lot of places of employment where people don't receive tips and unless it's a shady business, the potential employer will tell you how much you'll earn beforehand. But even the most successful highest earning places are victims of exploiting the North American tipping system. A major chain or a 5 star restaurant with a lot of business should be able to pay their employees a fair wage. Simple and plain..
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

lol but why?
Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

lol but why?

You missed "Blessing in the skies" and "Pre-Madonnas" :tongue:
yes it is, you spend 100+ dollars but use the single mom excuse for not tipping?
She's just a cheap *****.
Learn to cook if you refuse to tip for service, if you don't tip after receiving excellent service you're just a clown.
What is reasoning behind this thought process that tipping is mandatory for service you're already paying for? The person that takes your order and carries your food from the kitchen to your table deserves to be paid? I can do that my ******g self.

Outrage over this? I sweat yall living too comfortably.
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