Pizza delivery driver urinates on customer's doorstep for not tipping (video)

I likes to tip

Cause they gotta see my phat *** crib then see my black face once I open the door ...The shock in there face is worth an extra $3-5 :pimp:
Yea yea yea, come up with some new material on this topic.

Go dig up the last tipping thread and the one before that and the one before that and look where I've clearly stated many times on this topic that anyone who is tampering with food/dinging cars is a scumbag.  I've been a valet before, never dinged a car on accident or on purpose, regardless of tip.

Anyways, you provide no solutions to the problem that you pose.  If tipping were ousted, then restaurants would have to pay their servers a decent wage to keep the "good ones" there.  Your food prices are going to jump that 20% regardless if this were to happen.

So why not just let it lie and give the server the INCENTIVE to do a good job for you, and when they do you tip them accordingly?  Paying a server a set wage gives them no incentive at all if they can just go work at target and make the same amount of money... Apparently you want a server who doesn't give a **** in the first place to be waiting on you, being slow with your drinks/order because whether they do a good job or not, they make the same amount. 
at your logic. the waiter represents the company they're working for and if they provide ****** or poor service, why would the customer go back to eat? like someone said before why are we paying for both their wage and our food and if a waiter doesn't have any incentive to provide good customer service then they should be fired and i'm pretty sure there will be workers who would work hard without caring whether they get tipped or not. i dont get why people complain about their jobs (especially the low skills workers). they should be happy they have an opportunity to be making money. and no i'm not a cheaper tipper
You're right, they'll do the bare minimum it takes for them to get by!!! Thats great!

You're paying 4x to 5x MARK UP on the food to pay for the chef that cooks it! Why aren't you harping on that???? Because you want to be waited on and to have someone else cook for you. You get the face to face interaction with the server who is there to provide exceptional service and in return our society returns the favor by tipping at 15-20% or however much a person see's fit. 

Do you think at the end of the day all the waiters at the chili's on your block walk out with the SAME amount of money? Nope. Because some go above and beyond and that shows up right back in their pocket.

I'd love to see a restaurant try to pay every server $8 an hour and see how good their customer service is...

For the record I'm not complaining about my job or my former job, I've never been a waiter.  I'm an Event's Manager at a Hilton... We have unionized banquet staff... They get paid from the 21% gratuity that is included per person, no matter how good the service is, they get that money... Most of them probably make more than me over the course of the year.  And I STILL see them being lazy and not going out of their way to help, because it doesn't matter as long as they get by they'll be splitting up that 21% at the end of the night.
I don't take kindly to the people I have delivered to in the past (pharmacy) that pay via check or credit card and don't tip me. Like, you have the extra money in two of those methods of payments to spare, but they for some reason don't. Or the worst was when they would ask for change and still no tip. It always irked me. I understand it isn't food I am handling, but that shouldn't be an excuse.

However, I would never make a scene about not getting a tip.
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So far, some of these responses are just >D :x, but I say this, what if you live in a building and they ring the bell and you have to come either outside or all the way down the stairs to get your stuff? Do you tip then?
The only think that bothers me is people who take jobs that they know are reliant upon tips. You knew the risks

You thought there was a chance you would get paid more than your colleagues but you fell on your face underestimating the cheapness of Americans
I likes to tip
Cause they gotta see my phat *** crib then see my black face once I open the door ...The shock in there face is worth an extra $3-5
i tip the whole bill, have to let the little people know that you are stacked
i use to do valet parking. man i got heated when i go get their car and they dont tip.
5, 20
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Nobody tips you so you're not gonna tip nobody.

7% tax on a damn 15 dollar order is like a dollar bruh.  Swing by the grocery on your way home, pick up some pizza dough, ragu, and some fresh mozz if u wanna get fancy and make your own pizza for half what you pay for a pie from your local joint if you wanna save that $$$. 

You don't gotta be a millionaire to spare $2 for someone bringing hot food to your door step.

theyre already getting paid for it. like i said bro i know u got money coming out your A*S but i dont bro and im not tipping if im paying a delivery fee or tax. plain and simple. and after raising the fare for yellow cabs like 3 times in the past 3 years, they get no tip from me either. what am i suppose to tip my fellow nters when i buy sneakers from them? huh? id rather donate to charity or a relief fund. by the way support the hurricane sandy relief effort everybody
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What are you talking about? Tipping is not an option.
what are you talking about?
you have the option to tip or not...all that other **** you talking about is irrelevant. there is not a requirement to can choose to...or choose not to. the definition of optional.
Tipping for me is standard dining in or delivery.  I always tip 20% or higher.  But I never got why there's a space for tip on the receipt for CARRYOUT?  Like, I picked up the food myself and nobody served me?
What is reasoning behind this thought process that tipping is mandatory for service you're already paying for? The person that takes your order and carries your food from the kitchen to your table deserves to be paid? I can do that my ******g self.
Outrage over this? I sweat yall living too comfortably.

If you want to be cheap, then be cheap. But to say "single mom" on the receipt is making an excuse....just write 0 dollars, be a douche bag, and be on your way.

Nothing worse than a douche bag in denial.

...and yes, the server deserves to be paid. If you go out to eat at a nice restaurant and the service is excellent during the entire night, re-filling your drinks,making sure everything is great and giving you an excellent experience with whomever you're with, providing knowledge of the menu and information on wines that compliments your meal....its all part of the experience and it's a service.

If I receive great service I'll tip 20% or higher, average service I'll tip 15%, bad service I'll tip very lowly if at all.
What is reasoning behind this thought process that tipping is mandatory for service you're already paying for? The person that takes your order and carries your food from the kitchen to your table deserves to be paid? I can do that my ******g self.
Outrage over this? I sweat yall living too comfortably.

If you want to be cheap, then be cheap. But to say "single mom" on the receipt is making an excuse....just write 0 dollars, be a douche bag, and be on your way.

Nothing worse than a douche bag in denial.

...and yes, the server deserves to be paid. If you go out to eat at a nice restaurant and the service is excellent during the entire night, re-filling your drinks,making sure everything is great and giving you an excellent experience with whomever you're with, providing knowledge of the menu and information on wines that compliments your meal....its all part of the experience and it's a service.

If I receive great service I'll tip 20% or higher, average service I'll tip 15%, bad service I'll tip very lowly if at all.
It's not even about if she's cheap. I'm saying does what she wrote on the bill necessitate outrage. You haven't really addressed that. Even if I accept she's cheap and a douche bag why is the response to this outrage? :lol: **** is incredibly unimportant.

It's not about if the server deserves to be paid. You're obviously not thinking straight. It's if they deserved to be tipped and the answer is no. Of course they get paid. It's their job to do everything you just said every night. They get paid to do their job. The fact that you accept that some servers will not do their jobs right sometimes and thus it should result in some fluctuation on how much they get tipped or if they get tipped is the real problem. Low standards.

There aint no sound reasoning behind thinking servers deserved to be tipped.

Tipping is obviously feeding in to this corrosive entitlement culture. Never tip.
If you want to be cheap, then be cheap. But to say "single mom" on the receipt is making an excuse....just write 0 dollars, be a douche bag, and be on your way.

Nothing worse than a douche bag in denial.

why does it matter what they wrote on the receipt? either way, you've labeled this person as "cheap" and a "douche bag".

...and yes, the server deserves to be paid. If you go out to eat at a nice restaurant and the service is excellent during the entire night, re-filling your drinks,making sure everything is great and giving you an excellent experience with whomever you're with, providing knowledge of the menu and information on wines that compliments your meal....its all part of the experience and it's a service.

If I receive great service I'll tip 20% or higher, average service I'll tip 15%, bad service I'll tip very lowly if at all.

so then the restaurant needs to compensate their employees more or they need to mandate tips. the way it is now, tipping is optional. i seriously doubt any of you tip employees where tipping is not expected by society.
You're right, they'll do the bare minimum it takes for them to get by!!! Thats great!

You're paying 4x to 5x MARK UP on the food to pay for the chef that cooks it! Why aren't you harping on that???? Because you want to be waited on and to have someone else cook for you. You get the face to face interaction with the server who is there to provide exceptional service and in return our society returns the favor by tipping at 15-20% or however much a person see's fit. 

Do you think at the end of the day all the waiters at the chili's on your block walk out with the SAME amount of money? Nope. Because some go above and beyond and that shows up right back in their pocket.

I'd love to see a restaurant try to pay every server $8 an hour and see how good their customer service is...

For the record I'm not complaining about my job or my former job, I've never been a waiter.  I'm an Event's Manager at a Hilton... We have unionized banquet staff... They get paid from the 21% gratuity that is included per person, no matter how good the service is, they get that money... Most of them probably make more than me over the course of the year.  And I STILL see them being lazy and not going out of their way to help, because it doesn't matter as long as they get by they'll be splitting up that 21% at the end of the night.
Maybe because the food I'm paying 4x to 5x more is food I can't make myself? :lol: your logic is bad man. and people take these jobs KNOWING it relies on tips so why get mad when something optional doesn't happen. people should work hard because working hard usually mean they will get to keep their jobs? lol youre rant is ridiculous, im a generous tipper btw but i was just trying to play devil's advocate.
so then the restaurant needs to compensate their employees more or they need to mandate tips. the way it is now, tipping is optional. i seriously doubt any of you tip employees where tipping is not expected by society.
Adding a mandatory gratuity fee to the check isn't a bad idea, but saying that restaurants need to compensate their employees more is unrealistic.  Restaurants have a hard enough time getting by as is.  The vast majority of them fail within their first year.  They don't pay such low wages and hire illegals out of greed.  They do it out of necessity. I don't know about you guys, but I'll shell out the extra money to support local eating establishments than to have only large chains survive.
Your job is too deliver pizza. My job is to pay for the pizza. That's it. ANYTHING ELSE IS OPTIONAL.
Just because you don't tip the person doesn't mean you piss on their doorstep. If you are getting that upset about customers not tipping you, then that isn't the business for you.
I don't care if it's deemed cheap or not, or whatever the case may be, tipping is OPTIONAL. THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT.
You are 1000 % right, I do not condone what he did and I dont think I ever said that I did. She should have just drove and got it, simple as that. 
"n-word shut up" = mad and sounding like a female...
yeah you just rustle my jimmies like no other Mr. Boss
Edit: let me add something substantial to the thread other than me telling Clam Sandwich up here to shut up
tipping is customary in restaurant settings and delivery settings. correct. but as a teenager i've ordered pizzas with the dollars i had in my jar + some change and the only tip i had for them was drive safely. as an adult (still a teenager technically, but i'm in college and on my own now) i always tip, but if you just need that pizza and you ain't got that extra for whatever reason then man get that pizza. the driver will be okay. the world won't end.
Clam sandwich? 
  damn bro dont hurt my feelings now....

You dont "need" that pizza, you could have just as easily cooked something. Im only talking about tipping the driver for doing what your lazy *** didn't do, he brought you the pizza thats his job, you could at least be grateful and give the man something. But judging by your age you wouldnt understand, I forget Nt is full of kids that just passed drivers ed. 
Adding a mandatory gratuity fee to the check isn't a bad idea, but saying that restaurants need to compensate their employees more is unrealistic.  Restaurants have a hard enough time getting by as is.  The vast majority of them fail within their first year.  They don't pay such low wages and hire illegals out of greed.  They do it out of necessity. I don't know about you guys, but I'll shell out the extra money to support local eating establishments than to have only large chains survive.

in california, servers are paid at least minimum wage. as far as i know about other states, servers have to make at least minimum wage when their tips are included in their hourly wages. so, if people are seriously going to complain and resort to childish behavior because customers choose an option they're given, restaurants obviously need to provide incentives for their employees to do what they were hired to do.
why does it matter what they wrote on the receipt? either way, you've labeled this person as "cheap" and a "douche bag".

I know times are hard on many people and being a single mom is especially hard but she spent 100+ on her meal. If she is tight on money, she shouldn't have eaten out in the 1st place. Better to have bought something and home cooked it since it would be cheaper.
Adding a mandatory gratuity fee to the check isn't a bad idea, but saying that restaurants need to compensate their employees more is unrealistic.  Restaurants have a hard enough time getting by as is.  The vast majority of them fail within their first year.  They don't pay such low wages and hire illegals out of greed.  They do it out of necessity. I don't know about you guys, but I'll shell out the extra money to support local eating establishments than to have only large chains survive.

in california, servers are paid at least minimum wage. as far as i know about other states, servers have to make at least minimum wage when their tips are included in their hourly wages. so, if people are seriously going to complain and resort to childish behavior because customers choose an option they're given, restaurants obviously need to provide incentives for their employees to do what they were hired to do.

Minimum wage for tipped employees in Texas is 2.15 an hour

I wouldn't want some that makes that much handling my food.

In a perfect world inner city schools would have proper funding and you wouldn't have to tip but that's not way the game works.
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If you tip on carryout who does that go to?

If you tip at a regular *** cashier register like walmart and be like "keep the change" do they actually keep that or does that go to the store?
so then the restaurant needs to compensate their employees more or they need to mandate tips. the way it is now, tipping is optional. i seriously doubt any of you tip employees where tipping is not expected by society.
Adding a mandatory gratuity fee to the check isn't a bad idea, but saying that restaurants need to compensate their employees more is unrealistic.  Restaurants have a hard enough time getting by as is.  The vast majority of them fail within their first year.  They don't pay such low wages and hire illegals out of greed.  They do it out of necessity. I don't know about you guys, but I'll shell out the extra money to support local eating establishments than to have only large chains survive.
Most small businesses fail too in the first yr but they still have to pay their employees minimum wage. That logic is ******** and you know they do do it out of greed. And in most states, they have to pay their employees minimum wage if their tips don't add up anyways, but if you can use guilt to defer that expense onto the customers that's even more gravy for the business.
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