Please Don't Call Me African-American....Im BLACK

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

AntonLavey is NT's Uncle Ruckus.

   Anton: Blackness is a symbol for perfection, fertility and life
NTer: Uncle Tom, smh.

I'm not going to agree with every single "black" person on this planet. "Black" people don't even agree with one another as evidenced by this thread and many threads on NT. Get out of here with all that B.S.

Anton makes thread about how I'm depressed that there was an attack by Islamic extremists that killed Ugangans ("black" people) watching the world cup.

Illionaire: Uncle Tom, smh. This dude stay making threads about how black people have the mental capabilities of apes. Smh.

Anton tells you that he's worked in a community for economically disadvantaged minority preschools as a teacher.
Illionaire: Uncle Ruckus *** negro. Self-hating negro. He probably wanted to bring that white devil's knowledge to the kids.

Anton: A lot of my fav musicians are black/ African. The fact that I also listen to stereotypically white genres of music doesn't change anything I just like music.
Illionaire: You a uncle Tom son. All your tastes are.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Black/African American/ Nigerian American works for me....I aint picky.

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.


I'm convinced certain NTers don't even know what that means. It's a general term for black person that doesn't share the same beliefs as you on a certain topic.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Black/African American/ Nigerian American works for me....I aint picky.

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.


I'm convinced certain NTers don't even know what that means. It's a general term for black person that doesn't share the same beliefs as you on a certain topic.
I'm not going to agree with every single "black" person on this planet. "Black" people don't even agree with one another as evidenced by this thread and many threads on NT. Get out of here with all that B.S.

Nobody is asking you to. But don't like your disagreeing with a few people when EVERY %%*%!@% topic that comes up you do the same $*%!
I'm not going to agree with every single "black" person on this planet. "Black" people don't even agree with one another as evidenced by this thread and many threads on NT. Get out of here with all that B.S.

Nobody is asking you to. But don't like your disagreeing with a few people when EVERY %%*%!@% topic that comes up you do the same $*%!
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm not going to agree with every single "black" person on this planet. "Black" people don't even agree with one another as evidenced by this thread and many threads on NT. Get out of here with all that B.S.

Nobody is asking you to. But don't like your disagreeing with a few people when EVERY %%*%!@% topic that comes up you do the same $*%!


The issue NT has with me is, I call black people out on the same bull$$## I call other races and groups of people out on.  It's just the way I am, deal with it. Black people are just as ignorant, hypocritical, hateful as everyone else. This is what NT calls me Uncle Ruckus for doing.

I have a few on NT who agree with me on certain topics which doesn't bother me at all. Herd comformity is one of the root causes of a lack of progress in the black community. I want no parts of it.

Now if I came out and said, black people are stupid, sub-human apes then you may have a point.

Carry on.  

Another thing I refuse to make up history for black people, this is a big one on NT. If it were up to certain NTers, they would make try to prove to everyone that black people built the great wall of China.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I'm not going to agree with every single "black" person on this planet. "Black" people don't even agree with one another as evidenced by this thread and many threads on NT. Get out of here with all that B.S.

Nobody is asking you to. But don't like your disagreeing with a few people when EVERY %%*%!@% topic that comes up you do the same $*%!


The issue NT has with me is, I call black people out on the same bull$$## I call other races and groups of people out on.  It's just the way I am, deal with it. Black people are just as ignorant, hypocritical, hateful as everyone else. This is what NT calls me Uncle Ruckus for doing.

I have a few on NT who agree with me on certain topics which doesn't bother me at all. Herd comformity is one of the root causes of a lack of progress in the black community. I want no parts of it.

Now if I came out and said, black people are stupid, sub-human apes then you may have a point.

Carry on.  

Another thing I refuse to make up history for black people, this is a big one on NT. If it were up to certain NTers, they would make try to prove to everyone that black people built the great wall of China.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Black/African American/ Nigerian American works for me....I aint picky.

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.


I'm convinced certain NTers don't even know what that means. It's a general term for black person that doesn't share the same beliefs as you on a certain topic.

Origin? Culture? What are you talking about?

who are you to tell anyone their roots? Ok I'll play

Africa itself is a concept invented by white folks, Africa by association denotes 1 people, or 1 place. Africa is hundreds of places-regions, and cultures- Languages, rituals, and other identifying concepts were stripped with the blanket term "African" What is Africa exactly? A continent- nothing more. Sorry to say it, but you are no more African as a Korean is "Asian"  

Do your parents identify as Egyptian? South African? Didn't think so.

I am an American because I have lived my whole life in America, love America, and it is my home. I do not know of any African languages, cultures, and damn sure don't have any origins there. If you want Irony I find it Ironic that you focus on "African American's" taking measures to erase their origins, when is not all man from Africa? You are apart of the problem-not the solution.

White people want to blanket us into one group- African, Negro, Black- You name it- well sorry fam. I refuse. Atleast uncle ruckus liked Ebony Brown, I don't think you would even whif a black womans loins.   
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Black/African American/ Nigerian American works for me....I aint picky.

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.


I'm convinced certain NTers don't even know what that means. It's a general term for black person that doesn't share the same beliefs as you on a certain topic.

Origin? Culture? What are you talking about?

who are you to tell anyone their roots? Ok I'll play

Africa itself is a concept invented by white folks, Africa by association denotes 1 people, or 1 place. Africa is hundreds of places-regions, and cultures- Languages, rituals, and other identifying concepts were stripped with the blanket term "African" What is Africa exactly? A continent- nothing more. Sorry to say it, but you are no more African as a Korean is "Asian"  

Do your parents identify as Egyptian? South African? Didn't think so.

I am an American because I have lived my whole life in America, love America, and it is my home. I do not know of any African languages, cultures, and damn sure don't have any origins there. If you want Irony I find it Ironic that you focus on "African American's" taking measures to erase their origins, when is not all man from Africa? You are apart of the problem-not the solution.

White people want to blanket us into one group- African, Negro, Black- You name it- well sorry fam. I refuse. Atleast uncle ruckus liked Ebony Brown, I don't think you would even whif a black womans loins.   
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.

hit the nail on the !++%%%% head

anton you're African right ? if so shut up, why wouldn't you accept the "African American" title it fits orgin is montgomery, moms orgin is montgomery dad orgin is nyc..his mom orgin is montgomery alabama...his dad orgin is nyc...get my drift

let's not get on the Africans that migrate here, most of them don't even consider us equal to them..kill all that 'Black folks disowning their orgin" my orgin is America just like my parents and grand parents and great grand parents
You don't really think America is your origin do you?
Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.

hit the nail on the !++%%%% head

anton you're African right ? if so shut up, why wouldn't you accept the "African American" title it fits orgin is montgomery, moms orgin is montgomery dad orgin is nyc..his mom orgin is montgomery alabama...his dad orgin is nyc...get my drift

let's not get on the Africans that migrate here, most of them don't even consider us equal to them..kill all that 'Black folks disowning their orgin" my orgin is America just like my parents and grand parents and great grand parents
You don't really think America is your origin do you?
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.

hit the nail on the !++%%%% head

anton you're African right ? if so shut up, why wouldn't you accept the "African American" title it fits orgin is montgomery, moms orgin is montgomery dad orgin is nyc..his mom orgin is montgomery alabama...his dad orgin is nyc...get my drift

let's not get on the Africans that migrate here, most of them don't even consider us equal to them..kill all that 'Black folks disowning their orgin" my orgin is America just like my parents and grand parents and great grand parents
You don't really think America is your origin do you?
Yeah, Dude is from America. Do you guys know what Origin means?

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.

hit the nail on the !++%%%% head

anton you're African right ? if so shut up, why wouldn't you accept the "African American" title it fits orgin is montgomery, moms orgin is montgomery dad orgin is nyc..his mom orgin is montgomery alabama...his dad orgin is nyc...get my drift

let's not get on the Africans that migrate here, most of them don't even consider us equal to them..kill all that 'Black folks disowning their orgin" my orgin is America just like my parents and grand parents and great grand parents
You don't really think America is your origin do you?
Yeah, Dude is from America. Do you guys know what Origin means?

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People aren't paying attention to my approach to this thread. I'm not telling anyone what to call themselves. I said it's interesting and ironic that African Americans on this thread complain about how they lost their roots yet many of them have a problem with the label "African" American. -Many African Americans can't trace their roots back to their exact tribe in West Africa their ancestors were taken from as slaves. However, getting rid of the label Africa does in a sense kill that last missing link. Just an observation, wasn't telling anyone to identify with a specific culture in Africa. I'm just saying don't complain about how the white man stripped you of your heritage. A lot of yall are doing it to yourselves.

You and I do agree that Africa and the black diaspora is very diverse....but this thread contradicts a lot of $#$% I've heard from African/Black Americans.

Call yourself whatever the hell you want. refer to where I said I don't mind being called African American/ Nigerian/ American/ Black American/ Earthling...etc. I certainly won't care enough about a label enough to create a damn thread about it.

Now here's where you ideology turns from sensible to downright ******ed:
I love how you point out that "black"/ African and all those other definitions is just a term invented by white people yet acknowledge the fact that it does exist in the same sentence.

White people want to blanket us into one category....yet I'm supposed to exclusively like the said socially constructed blanket category of black women.

You don't agree that all "black" people have the same culture, language, tastes, etc and that it is an all-inclusive term, yet you agree with a common ideology of what it means to be be black by referring to people as Uncle Toms and Uncle Ruckuses?


Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

People aren't paying attention to my approach to this thread. I'm not telling anyone what to call themselves. I said it's interesting and ironic that African Americans on this thread complain about how they lost their roots yet many of them have a problem with the label "African" American. -Many African Americans can't trace their roots back to their exact tribe in West Africa their ancestors were taken from as slaves. However, getting rid of the label Africa does in a sense kill that last missing link. Just an observation, wasn't telling anyone to identify with a specific culture in Africa. I'm just saying don't complain about how the white man stripped you of your heritage. A lot of yall are doing it to yourselves.

You and I do agree that Africa and the black diaspora is very diverse....but this thread contradicts a lot of $#$% I've heard from African/Black Americans.

Call yourself whatever the hell you want. refer to where I said I don't mind being called African American/ Nigerian/ American/ Black American/ Earthling...etc. I certainly won't care enough about a label enough to create a damn thread about it.

Now here's where you ideology turns from sensible to downright ******ed:
I love how you point out that "black"/ African and all those other definitions is just a term invented by white people yet acknowledge the fact that it does exist in the same sentence.

White people want to blanket us into one category....yet I'm supposed to exclusively like the said socially constructed blanket category of black women.

You don't agree that all "black" people have the same culture, language, tastes, etc and that it is an all-inclusive term, yet you agree with a common ideology of what it means to be be black by referring to people as Uncle Toms and Uncle Ruckuses?


Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.

hit the nail on the !++%%%% head

anton you're African right ? if so shut up, why wouldn't you accept the "African American" title it fits orgin is montgomery, moms orgin is montgomery dad orgin is nyc..his mom orgin is montgomery alabama...his dad orgin is nyc...get my drift

let's not get on the Africans that migrate here, most of them don't even consider us equal to them..kill all that 'Black folks disowning their orgin" my orgin is America just like my parents and grand parents and great grand parents
You don't really think America is your origin do you?
Yeah, Dude is from America. Do you guys know what Origin means?

In realistic terms, yeah dude is from America. His family is from America and has been for generations. There is nothing wrong with saying he is purely American.

In theoritical terms, unless you are Native American, most of our families did not originate from America. At some point there was an immigration to America. Whether it be forced immigration (slavery) or opportunistic immigration, most of our ancestors came from somewhere else. So technically he originated from somewhere else but i understand it isn't necessary for people to look back that far.

As for Africa being invented by white people i disagree. "African" is not a term that stripped individual cultures and societies of their identities. I believe it is the opposite. It is a unifying term that brings a continent together. Just like the term American can be used to describe people of all different backgrounds, African can be used to describe people from Nigeria to South Africa to Egypt and so on. Its more of a geographic thing than a racial thing.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by Keithdajuiceman

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Ironic, how African Americans complain about their culture and roots being stripped from them....yet insist on taking measures like this to erase all traces of their origins.

hit the nail on the !++%%%% head

anton you're African right ? if so shut up, why wouldn't you accept the "African American" title it fits orgin is montgomery, moms orgin is montgomery dad orgin is nyc..his mom orgin is montgomery alabama...his dad orgin is nyc...get my drift

let's not get on the Africans that migrate here, most of them don't even consider us equal to them..kill all that 'Black folks disowning their orgin" my orgin is America just like my parents and grand parents and great grand parents
You don't really think America is your origin do you?
Yeah, Dude is from America. Do you guys know what Origin means?

In realistic terms, yeah dude is from America. His family is from America and has been for generations. There is nothing wrong with saying he is purely American.

In theoritical terms, unless you are Native American, most of our families did not originate from America. At some point there was an immigration to America. Whether it be forced immigration (slavery) or opportunistic immigration, most of our ancestors came from somewhere else. So technically he originated from somewhere else but i understand it isn't necessary for people to look back that far.

As for Africa being invented by white people i disagree. "African" is not a term that stripped individual cultures and societies of their identities. I believe it is the opposite. It is a unifying term that brings a continent together. Just like the term American can be used to describe people of all different backgrounds, African can be used to describe people from Nigeria to South Africa to Egypt and so on. Its more of a geographic thing than a racial thing.
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