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Jan 4, 2005
So I'll keep it short... My best friend of almost 12 years is now dating my ex. We were together for 2 years and she was trying to get back with me for almost a year ( it's been 2 years since we broke up). I have no feelings towards her anymore and I was the one who broke up with her. Now I'm actually engaged... I would like my ex to be happy but not with my best friend. It just makes things hella awkward... So I guess what I am trying to say is I'm upset not because I have feeling for her but that it is my best friend. So we won't be able to hang out when he is with her and I am pretty sure if it lasts it would make the wedding hella awkward cuz I don't really want her there and he was going to be my best man. This all happened right around the time when I got engaged.... Am I over reacting by being upset???


I'm over it and after listening to some of the replies I should just be happy for them and hope that they work out. Yeah it's not cool for my boy to do that but if something good comes out of it I'd be happy for him...
So I'll keep it short... My best friend of almost 12 years is now dating my ex. We were together for 2 years and she was trying to get back with me for almost a year ( it's been 2 years since we broke up). I have no feelings towards her anymore and I was the one who broke up with her. Now I'm actually engaged... I would like my ex to be happy but not with my best friend. It just makes things hella awkward... So I guess what I am trying to say is I'm upset not because I have feeling for her but that it is my best friend. So we won't be able to hang out when he is with her and I am pretty sure if it lasts it would make the wedding hella awkward cuz I don't really want her there and he was going to be my best man. This all happened right around the time when I got engaged.... Am I over reacting by being upset???


I'm over it and after listening to some of the replies I should just be happy for them and hope that they work out. Yeah it's not cool for my boy to do that but if something good comes out of it I'd be happy for him...
you should be mad...and he was probably smashing while yall were together
You can't say, "I have no feelings for her", and then desire unhappiness for her. To me, that's proof that you hold some kind of negative feelings toward her.

Let her do her, and let your boy do him. Don't meddle. You're being selfish in attempting to do so.

I can see your point, your friend should know better. Have you said anything to him?
I can see your point, your friend should know better. Have you said anything to him?
You can't say, "I have no feelings for her", and then desire unhappiness for her. To me, that's proof that you hold some kind of negative feelings toward her.

Let her do her, and let your boy do him. Don't meddle. You're being selfish in attempting to do so.

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

You can't say, "I have no feelings for her", and then desire unhappiness for her. To me, that's proof that you hold some kind of negative feelings toward her.

Let her do her, and let your boy do him. Don't meddle. You're being selfish in attempting to do so.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This.[/color]
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

You can't say, "I have no feelings for her", and then desire unhappiness for her. To me, that's proof that you hold some kind of negative feelings toward her.

Let her do her, and let your boy do him. Don't meddle. You're being selfish in attempting to do so.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This.[/color]
your "bestfriend" is not REAL

every REAL BRO knows the unwritten rule.

Once one dates a female and smashes while in a relationship, they cannot be touched by another bro.

SMH at your friend...srs
your "bestfriend" is not REAL

every REAL BRO knows the unwritten rule.

Once one dates a female and smashes while in a relationship, they cannot be touched by another bro.

SMH at your friend...srs
To answer a few comments... Only reason I care is because it is my best friend. If it was anyone else I could care less.... It's an unspoken law not to date ex's.... Especially your best friend doin it. I would like her to be happy and date who ever she wants but I think it is messed up that it is my best friend she decided to date. It's just hella awkward....
To answer a few comments... Only reason I care is because it is my best friend. If it was anyone else I could care less.... It's an unspoken law not to date ex's.... Especially your best friend doin it. I would like her to be happy and date who ever she wants but I think it is messed up that it is my best friend she decided to date. It's just hella awkward....
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