Please tell me, is this grimey?

Originally Posted by 03silverbullet

2 kids, you say?

GesheOneLove10 wrote:
man up and talk to her. don't run away like a little %@#$@

i came in here to post the same thing. just be straight up and tell her its over with. you screwed up by having sex with her and now she thinks you and her are going to be a couple.
GesheOneLove10 wrote:
man up and talk to her. don't run away like a little %@#$@

i came in here to post the same thing. just be straight up and tell her its over with. you screwed up by having sex with her and now she thinks you and her are going to be a couple.
The trip she took should've been cancelled. You kinda messed up by starting up the conversation again and definitely by having sex. At this point, what you're doing is probably not best. You need to tell her that you're not interesting in continuing the relationship. Otherwise, if you leave it open-ended (like you're doing right now), she'll stick around and find SOME way to get in touch with you. TALK TO HER. It seems like her lifestyle (two kids) is what bothers you most. I think it's fair to say you have different plans. Talk it out and move on.
The trip she took should've been cancelled. You kinda messed up by starting up the conversation again and definitely by having sex. At this point, what you're doing is probably not best. You need to tell her that you're not interesting in continuing the relationship. Otherwise, if you leave it open-ended (like you're doing right now), she'll stick around and find SOME way to get in touch with you. TALK TO HER. It seems like her lifestyle (two kids) is what bothers you most. I think it's fair to say you have different plans. Talk it out and move on.
Thanks everyone who responded with sense..I texted her and told her to call me after work..I'm going to do it right. Thanks again 
Thanks everyone who responded with sense..I texted her and told her to call me after work..I'm going to do it right. Thanks again 
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