Pointless Lies on Facebook Irritate Me so Bad vol. I Don't Know Why

Feb 13, 2013
I'm really not trying to be mean or confrontational when I do this because that's not the kind of person I am. But you don't know how many times a week I feel the need to shut people down on Facebook for random "lies" (for lack of a better word). For instance, that bottom comment is mine which links to this URL. Why do people feel the need to do this? It'd be one thing to just post it but people are always wording it in a way that makes it seem it's their situation or picture.

I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does. And I don't go Googling every picture I see but sometimes I just get a feeling... Sometimes people will either delete the comment or remove me as a friend without saying anything. Does anyone catch stuff like this? Does it bother you? I know it shouldn't; I can't help but to say something. 
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It's annoying. I would never randomly lie about something like this just to get 'likes'. And please spare me the whole first world problems and wasting time lecture as it takes about 7 seconds to paste an image into Google search. And I don't go to bed thinking about it at night; it's just one of those things. We all have something that irks us and this is mine. 
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damn you're such a bad *** for calling them out
Yes, please... let's take this to a whole 'nother level. Everyone here is just so morally superior I am not even worthy of being a member. 
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You wouldn't believe how many people annoy me with pointless posts and random lies. I got this one dude who will post random absurd facts like

FACT: Vaccines kill more people then they save
Fact: People who carry guns usually run around ingroupsof 5 or more (In regards to the police shooting that KIKI dude in Flatbush)

i swear, I have to shut him down way too often. dude unfriended me then requested me back too.
you're extra corny. They didn't even say it was their cat. or picture.

The picture doesn't even make sense in that context. maybe they're posting an idea and an image correlated with the idea.

The cat was anxiously waiting their arrival so they had a picture of the cat hanging on the window, (from inside) while they allegedly should be outside. not to mention it's only one cat in the picture.

sure people lie on fb, but you're just trying too hard.
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I hate the fake stories of gratitude. I.E. homeless man gets free meal at chillis or some random thing like that. Even the fake facts about Obama get under my skin as well.
Honestly this is one of the reasons i don't have facebook.

I love a good argument (not in the yelling sense but in the id like to learn more about the topic sense). So i would see things and comment nonchalantly and ask questions and people would take it as rude. I guess im just not used to blatant lies. People like "the bar was crazy last night" and il be like....wait chris said you guys played video games all night last night...he said you guys finally beat gears? Or like "finally passed my CPA level 2"....and il be like "for real? your mom told me you failed it again". Not even trying to be rude but i didn't realize that the internet is a complete parallel dimesion where you can do or say anything you want with no repercussions

I really deleted my facebook because its impossible to juggle women on there. They all posting on your wall getting tagged in pictures you don't want to be in....girls questioning who or what you were doing....na im good with just NT
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Jking i feel you on the female thing, as soon as a broad ask if I have a fb, the answer is no, these **** be wanting to post on ya wall, and tag you in pics, got other chicks texting me like why is so and so liking all your pics
What really annoys me is the super religious and "conscious" people on there. They say the most outrageous stuff that is never based in fact, and when you question it its like they simply cannot handle it. It goes from accusing you of being some kinda devil worshipped to giving you that fake pity "imma pray for your soul brother" then going "your truth is yours and my truth is mine". BUT THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN YOU THINKING THE PEOPLE IN HAITI DESERVED THE EARTHQUAKE BECAUSE THEY MIGHT'VE PRACTICED VOODOO WHEN THEY WERE SLAVES!!!!!!
Lol that posting wasn't even that bad for you to be bothered

Only time I would call someone out is when they say something about their fan hood. For example, last year a female friend was like "good to see my Knicks doing well" and then I immediately told her "you ain't no Knicks fan, stop hopping on the Lin bandwagon. Before this season even started, you said you were a Brooklyn nets fan (haven't moved yet)"

Now stuff like that bothers me a bit lol
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