Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

looks like you got small, check that, tiny balls. Usually, when you have small balls, you have difficulty in those crucial moments.

But seriously, close out the game reopen, and check your Pokémon by most recent (don't use the journal, use the actual Pokémon list) hopefully it's there.[/quo

Threw up a Lure Module and posted out there hoping to get something good... and got 10 BILLION RATATATAS AND PIDGEYS  
For you Arcanine owners... Is a 437cp Growlithe worth evolving or wait it out?

I have a 330 eevee that I don't want to evolve but I haven't come up with anything higher in days.

Why can't I even find a growlithe tho
Bruh they are everywhere where Im at! Seen 20 and caught 15 so far

Growlithe, Geodudes, Ekans and Paras EVERYWHERE

why cant i have this luck
Im sayin...

Nothing but these damn pigeons and rats, son.....wtf
Can barely get the game to load and the lures don't do ****

All that pops up is ratatas
God this app crashes so hard on me sometimes 

End up wasting so many Pokeballs just to end up with nothing. 
This is unacceptable at this point. They are releasing this game in multiple countries but dont even have the capacity to power one. I am legit piss and i was never pissed about servers til now
Might as well not eem try to play the next couple days..servers dew dew as hell and this thing bout to drop in Asia and Japan .. RIP to the servers
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