Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

There has to be a hack to find Ditto.
I'm thinking there is a connection with the camera and Pikachu. Maybe something from Pokèmon Snap? No one has found one yet.
I def think theres something you have to do with the camera no idea what it could be. 
#TeamInstinct checking in
NT thinking of those Pokemon Easter Eggs

If there are still several out there (besides eevee)
I'm thinking
Surfing Pikachu
Squirtle Squad Squirtle (With the shades)

Trying to remember stuff from the show but it's been so long!

And something with the eggs
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Has anyone seen an at arcanine in the wild ? There was one yesterday close to me but I wasn't close enough [emoji]128532[/emoji]
Okay, so now I know it's pretty much impossible to catch a Pokémon that has a red difficulty ring, while using standard Pokéballs.

I see this 676 Weepingbell pop up while I'm chilling at the crib. I'm like cool, I can use this for some nice XP since I don't have one yet. 5 berries and 40 Pokèballs later......no results. No matter how good the toss was, it broke out.

Adding myself to the biggest L list for pkmn go. :smh:
Hearing rumors about a local park might be banning folks. Too much littering and people walking over flower beds :smh: this is why we can't have nice things. Me and some friends cleaned up a ship load of cigarette buds last time we went there.
Hearing rumors about a local park might be banning folks. Too much littering and people walking over flower beds :smh: this is why we can't have nice things. Me and some friends cleaned up a ship load of cigarette buds last time we went there.


They put a carefew at one of the hottest spot in the city here. After 11:00 police comes and tells people to go home. Why? Because they leave up too much of a mess :smh:
Hearing rumors about a local park might be banning folks. Too much littering and people walking over flower beds :smh: this is why we can't have nice things. Me and some friends cleaned up a ship load of cigarette buds last time we went there.


They put a carefew at one of the hottest spot in the city here. After 11:00 police comes and tells people to go home. Why? Because they leave up too much of a mess :smh:
It's unfortunate a few bad seeds can ruin it for everyone else :frown:
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