Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Saw a Snorlax on the map today......

He had 15seconds left before he vanished.....

I'm hurt fam I missed him
I feel so defeated, another 10k egg hatched and another Jynx ... That's my 3rd straight Jynx from my 10k egg and they agent even 1k.

I just want a Snorlax man. I can't hatch them or catch them. SMH

Might say Yolo ...
Out here in San Antonio and the Riverwalk is nothing pokestops and gyms and the spot we renting has a pokestop close enough I'm bout to pop a lure and see what I get. Got a weak Omelyte at the restaurant. Saw a muk and a jinx on the radar but didn't get em
Found a nice little magikarp spot.

In 1 hour:

12 magikarps
5 slowpokes
2 Eevees
2 abras

Any new maps? :nerd:

PokeAlert is trash now and all it shows is Pidgeys / Spearows / etc
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walked around like an idiot the other day trying to catch this charmeleon in my neighborhood, 

i find squirtles and bulbs every so often but pikachus and charmanders are rare for me.

i live 30 mins from downtown that flooded with stops and great places to catch pokes, pidgeys, rats, weedles,zubats,spearows, is all i see at home.
Level 25 $0 put into the game no cheating. 

So hard to get a damn Dragonite.

Currently working on racking up pokecoins to get those 25 lucky eggs. 

Tentacruel is such an underrated mon in this game. 

Pretty sure its been posted but this should def help https://skiplagged.com/pokemon
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For those of you that have Gyrados, where did you find it in the wild? 
My fave Poke encounter: one week after release we came across one while driving across the Golden Gate Bridge at the Poke stop in the center of the bridge. My wife (passenger) caught it for me.
My fave Poke encounter: one week after release we came across one while driving across the Golden Gate Bridge at the Poke stop in the center of the bridge. My wife (passenger) caught it for me.
Damn, that's awesome.
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