Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

that appraise option sucks

Does it do anything at all? Tells you "powerful Pokemon" when it's higher than 1k CP, and tells you it's a big one if it says XL next to its name. Anything else or am I missing something?

Has nothing to do with CP. It's a subtle way of having the team leader tell you what IV range your Pokémon falls into. Also let's you k ow which stat (Attack, Defense, HP) is strongest. Combine it with an online IV calculator and you can know your Pokémon's precise IV.


Here's a guide:
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I'm still hot that snorlax ran cotdam it
Speaking of Snorlax...I have 3, but how the heck am I suppose to power them up if I can't even find anymore in the wild? :smh:
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Took the Wife to Golden Gate Park/ union Square to do some huntin. As soon as we left the West Oakland Station(we bart it, never drive to frisco) that sighting/nearby poke finder whatever you call it kicked in, had us like :wow:

We were taking Muni to the Park and just got out 10 stops early :lol:

Them feels when that Pokefinder option went away though on the ride back :frown:

went to a lake nearby our pad last night to retake our Gym and I cursed up and down that the feature was gone, like did an exec blindfold themselves throw a dart at a map of the U.S. and had it land on San Francisco????

Why isn't the feature available anywhere else??

Not even feeling the game after playing with that.
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Took the Wife to Golden Gate Park/ union Square to do some huntin. As soon as we left the West Oakland Station(we bart it, never drive to frisco) that sighting/nearby poke finder whatever you call it kicked in, had us like :wow:

We were taking Muni to the Park and just got out 10 stops early :lol:

Them feels when that Pokefinder option went away though on the ride back :frown:

went to a lake nearby our pad last night to retake our Gym and I cursed up and down that the feature was gone, like did an exec blindfold themselves throw a dart at a map of the U.S. and had it land on San Francisco????

Why isn't the feature available anywhere else??

Not even feeling the game after playing with that.
Some other musts are aquatic park/fort mason, then walk your way down to fisherman's wharf, pier39, and down to the embarcadero.

You'll easily collect a Gyrados worth of Magikarps, Dratinis (usually about 6-8/day), pikachus, squirtles, charmanders, and the last couple of times I was there, notables: Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Scyther, and Dragonair.
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I went to Central Park today for the first time to play the game. It was quite an experience. It seemed like damn near everyone in the park was playing. You could tell who they were not by the age but by how glued they weren't to their phones LOL. Everyone was out there from little kids to middle aged dudes in suits. You could also tell by the charger cable coming out of there pocket connected to there phones.

At one point I see a wave of people heading in one direction; some running. I was like nah I'm not running but my brother who I was with for his lunch break from NT on 57th was like let's just check it out. I still was apprehensive but checked out the tracking app to see what the fuss was about. There was a snorlax in the park I'm oh I need that lol. Chase it down only to get this bastard [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128546[/emoji]

View media item 2143426
Some other musts are aquatic park/fort mason, then walk your way down to fisherman's wharf, pier39, and down to the embarcadero.

You'll easily collect a Gyrados worth of Magikarps, Dratinis (usually about 6-8/day), pikachus, squirtles, charmanders, and the last couple of times I was there, notables: Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Scyther, and Dragonair.

repped and thanks! Wife wants to hit up Jack London Square next time, she said it's crazy there too, but we'll do another San Francisco day again thats for sure!
Nah, perfect moveset, but weak IV . Should have waited, on a stronger one. 2686/3500 your mon has an IV of 76%

RIP stardust.
What's considered a great IV fellas, 80% and up?

Also, the placing of the option " Appraise " is a bit dangerous. It's above the transfer option. Almost transferred my 1.8K dragonite :x
Nah, perfect moveset, but weak IV . Should have waited, on a stronger one. 2686/3500 your mon has an IV of 76%

RIP stardust.
Why do you say that's a perfect moveset? Dragon Claw isn't that strong to me when I've seen it in battle, correct me if I'm wrong.
went to a lake nearby our pad last night to retake our Gym and I cursed up and down that the feature was gone, like did an exec blindfold themselves throw a dart at a map of the U.S. and had it land on San Francisco????
Niantic is based in SF, so it makes sense they're beta testing there first. I'm guessing they're working on rolling it out everywhere once the kinks are worked out.
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