Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Hyperbeam is more damaging but DPS =/= Damage

DPS is damage per second meaning given the same time frame, dragon claw will do more damage

But there are pros and cons for short charge moves and long charge moves
Also have to take into consideration how fast you fill up the charge bar
never even seen a single Scyther, would have been ecstatic if I got that from a 10k
I already have a couple others although much weaker. Save this one for the Scizor though I guess.
Most I've done is 3.

It's too either 1) time consuming to help build the gym up or 2) easy to be taken down - SF has too many people playing.

I was lucky and probably 2 or 3 of those were already my team's color and had open space, so all I did was pull up and toss a mon in :smokin
3am scholar 3am scholar what site did you get that optimum moveset screen shot from? :nerd: I think I used that site before to check some moves but there's so many PoGo sites now I can't remember which one it is :lol:
Caught me a Tangela, Bulbasaur, and Seahorse at the Whataburger drive thru. Two new pokemon to the pokedex :pimp:. Nice way to start the day.

During my commute, I hatched three 5K eggs. A Venonat, Vulpix, and Exeggcute. I'm OK with the Vulpix and Exeggcute, but that Venonat was a wack hatch.
Just hit level 20 yesterday, and I started on 7/31. I got 73 on the dex, and my strongest mon is a 12xx vaporion. Thanks NT for the incite and understanding of how to play this game,. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting a Gengar. Unfortunately the mons in MA sick.
My best hatch was a 2km Pikachu with 402CP...  Everything else is whack...  I havent even gotten a 10km egg.  All 5s and 2s...  

yall expect too much from eggs, they can't be handing out Lapras' and Dragonites every other egg

It would be helpful encouraging to not get **** mons almost every single time. 3 outta 24 have been what I would call useful (add to pokedex, candies for a rarer mon, high CP) literally everything else has been garbage.
3 good/useful mons out of 24 isn't really bad in terms of odds. Hell plenty out there hasn't even gotten 5 10k eggs yet :lol:

I mean there are only 150/151 pokemons available right now and about 5-6 of those aren't even available.

Again, they can't just hand out the better mons like their pidgeys.

I just don't think it's a reason to rage quit :rofl:
The mons themselves I'm speaking of have been a Magmar I hatched when I first started playing, the Syther I posted even though I had two already and a Charmander that actually isn't rate at all come to find out. Pidgeys, Zubats, and Caterpies have been 95% of everything else.
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I haven't got anything lit from an egg. A pikachu and a squirtle a think. But I don't see any of those in the wild so it doesn't help me
2k egg yesterday hatched a Pikachu 480 CP. Started another 2k egg and ended up copping an incubator with my coins and started a 5k egg in that one. 

Trying to burn through these eggs to hopefully get some new 10k's
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