Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Gym purge dude.
I see why they did it though since most level 10 gyms weren't being touched. But now niantic went the whole other extreme and it is pointless in building up gyms. They need to find a common ground.
I'm appreciating all the extra items at stops, but why do they only implement these things temporarily? They had people's interest again during the Halloween event and this has probably got a few more folks playing again but then what, back to the same grind or a new gimmick every week or so?
Whats the new update on gyms? And why are level 10 gyms easy to take down?

It's easier for people to take down gyms, every mon you take down is worth 1k prestige and when leveling up, they cut that in half, so say you would normally get 500 perstige for trying to level up the gym, well now you get 250 with the update

It sucks, gyms are a test of strength.
I thought there were a lot of Eevees before, but now it's just ridiculous. I feel like I have to beat them off of me at every turn... 

It's gotten to the point that unless it's high-level, I just throw a single ball at it before running to avoid wasting balls on one that refuses to be caught.

Currently 352 seen, 300 caught, so right around 3 caught per day for me, but in the current post-Halloween environment, I probably have an opportunity at ~10+ per day...
Besides the one time naming thing are they anything that determines Eevee evolutions? I've done close to 50 and all but 7 have been Vaporeon(6 Flareon and 1 Jolteon).
Besides the one time naming thing are they anything that determines Eevee evolutions? I've done close to 50 and all but 7 have been Vaporeon(6 Flareon and 1 Jolteon).
yea its a hit or miss for me, idc at this point anymore i have like 6 vaporeons and 6 flareons, saving the rest of my candies for gen 2 for umbreon and espeon, have 3 eevees (2 for umbreons and 2 for espeon) that are 500plus-600plus to put in gyms asap
Besides the one time naming thing are they anything that determines Eevee evolutions? I've done close to 50 and all but 7 have been Vaporeon(6 Flareon and 1 Jolteon).
yea its a hit or miss for me, idc at this point anymore i have like 6 vaporeons and 6 flareons, saving the rest of my candies for gen 2 for umbreon and espeon, have 3 eevees (2 for umbreons and 2 for espeon) that are 500plus-600plus to put in gyms asap
Wow, lucky! I have mostly gotten Flareons and Jolteons, with a few Vaporeons.

Agreed, definitely looking forward to Umbreon and Espeon, as well as Crobat, Scizor, and Kingdra,  when they release Gen 2 mons. I'm actually waiting to evolve my Zubats and Horseas in the hope that I'll save 25 candies per, if the cost for first evolution goes from 50 down to 25 when the final evolutions are added (probably 100 candies). Unfortunately, Crobat will probably be nerfed like all other fast mons since there is no speed stat in Go 

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Finally caught a second Pikachu! Evolved it with the quickness then disappointed with a Raichu that was not very good at all.Whats a good move set for Raichu? I got spark and thunder punch.
Finally caught a second Pikachu! Evolved it with the quickness then disappointed with a Raichu that was not very good at all.Whats a good move set for Raichu? I got spark and thunder punch.

My second raichu got spark and thunder
Finally caught a second Pikachu! Evolved it with the quickness then disappointed with a Raichu that was not very good at all.Whats a good move set for Raichu? I got spark and thunder punch.

Thunder punch is ok..

Spark and thunder is the best moveset
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Haven't played for weeks now. Thought about starting back up during the Halloween event but..... well I didn't
 Maybe if a major update drops I'll come back..

Still finna be lurkin dis thread doe 
During my recent trip to LA, I was catching Growlithes left and right. Got up to 208 Growlithe candies. And I caught this bad boy.


100% IV.
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I don't know how many 100% IV mons i transferred based on low CP. It is a give and take.
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