Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Gen 3 dosent give us any new evolutions...

But in gen 4...
2 more eevee evolutions

Probly more but thats all i can remember off the top of my head
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Rhydon evo ugly af :lol:

Had to google him. I have no clue when it comes to gen3+

Doubt i'll be playing this game when gen 3 drops. Then again i said that for gen 2
Gotta love (actually, hate) how Miltank is classified as "Ultra Rare" and yet my last two 10k eggs have both been Miltanks 
  I've got two 10k eggs in incubators right now, hoping at least one is a Lapras, since it's the only 10k mon I don't have at least one of.
I just wished at this point theyd give us trading so that I could get the regionals to complete the whole damn dex before another gen comes out. Walking the hell out of the last couple evo's I need. 
I just wished at this point theyd give us trading so that I could get the regionals to complete the whole damn dex before another gen comes out. Walking the hell out of the last couple evo's I need. 

Dont know if youve heard but its not gonna be online trading.
Youll actually have to be close to someone to trade
Originally Posted by calibeebee  

It's lit fambs!!!!!!

Bout goddamn time!! ALL MY LIFE I HAD TO FIGHT! Real ******. All day! By myself! Just me!
Nice! I don't think I've ever seen a wild Dragonair or Dragonite. Bet that feelsgoodman.jpg

I've been grinding up my lone Dragonite when I find a dratini for candy (about once every 2-3 weeks). I'm low on Stardust, but when I get enough tomorrow I'll power him up to CP2503.
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good thing i upgraded my pokemon storage recently. i hope LApras show up too during the event. time to get more charizards, typhlosion, cloysters....
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