Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

You guys should check through your local facebook and any other social media to see if there is any type of community already set up for group raiding.

I was battling a Machamp by myself last week when 2 people walked up to me from opposite directions and asked if I was so and so. I said no and they proceeded to tell me that they were waiting for another person to show up so they could battle together and recommended that I download this app called "Discord". It is pretty much a group chat for gamers. They shot me the invite link, I got signed up, and now through that app I go group battling level 4 raids whenever I have time in my local area. It is pretty cool getting coordinated together and meeting other players in your area.

I use Discord, too. I found it through raiding in San Francisco at a Lapras raid and a couple talked to me about it, got the invite link and it's been helpful since then. It's pretty active in my area.
This game is really boring right now. Don't even have any interesting nests in my area to hit up this cycle.
Should I just spend my coins?

I have like 700 at the moment

I remember earlier in the game it spend like 200 by itself and bought some lucky eggs
I'm gonna have to buy some incubators... almost all of my waiting eggs are 10ks, and ain't nobody got time for walking those one at a time...


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Every time I get down to needing 1-2 for a full dex they come out with more. Down to needing Ampharos (7 more candies) and unown. These rare candies have been a god send.


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I hatched Mantine, the damn tree, and Rudolph multiple times.

Those really hurt me.
I did hatch a dratini, though. Felt amazing :smile:
So from what I'm reading we that aren't actually going to the fest still have a part to play in eventually getting Legendaries to spawn worldwide.

Yea im reading that on reddit. Also it seems like the event flopped and Niantic is refunding people's ticket money and giving $100 worth of pokecoins
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