Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

hopefully they change the tracking to how far away you are and the direction the pokemon is at, like how they showed in the pokemonGo trailer... maybe leave the more rare pokemon like they have it now so it makes it a little more of a hunt for them

they definitely make it a challenge to track them down, trying to go all direction to see which way it is at, they need like a Dragonball Detector like system

They should put in an item like a "Pokefinder" that you earn or find at pokestops that are one time use.

For the times that Charizard is 3 footsteps away and you really want it..
read somwhere that if you turn in a circle and youve locked on to a pokemon that itll pulsate to indicate what direction that pokemon is which would be cool if

1. it actually worked 

2. if the tracker wouldnt pulsate or pulsate the same color whenever it updates the list with the pokemon around you.
They should put in an item like a "Pokefinder" that you earn or find at pokestops that are one time use.

For the times that Charizard is 3 footsteps away and you really want it..
that would be cool too, if they didnt wanna make it "too easy" cuz it doesnt even guarantee youll be catching that pokemon anyways 
I've been meaning to go to the river trail in hopes of finding a Gyrabruh
i work by all lawyers and man its insane at the amount of them who are playing lol grown men in suites out here tryna catch em all. 

gonna hit up the Schuylkill river later on and go on a smoke walk tryna catch some water pokemon 
I'm a Level 7

Went to the Mall w/ my chick and tried out the Gym Game while she hit the BrowBar

Man, I got past the 1st round

then Got Murked the next!
the only thing that I don't like about this game is the battle system. There is absolutely no depth. Just tap tap tap...I would like to have at least a little bit of strategy just like the RPG games.

Also, instead of feeding pokemons barry's to make them more catchable, maybe fight them to weaken them?

This type of battle system would most likely not make its way to this game, but it would make this x100 better.
I don't want them to make it too easy. It makes it more fun/makes you interact with other players with the current system.

Plus it's not hard to triangulate and find Pokemon with the current system
Show me how to rectangulate fam

There was a magmar on my block and I walked all over and coudnt find it
Man, flourished during lunch. Used my lucky egg, hatched an Omanyte cp 116, evolved my Pidgeotto to Pidgeot cp 616, caught a Machoke cp 315, caught a Magnemite cp 243, caught some zubats and pidgeys to farm for candies. Finally gettin a solid squad.
Down by cityhall in NYC is crazy. I'm a level 4 and I saw a few 200cp+ Pokemon plus there's a stop every 10 ft. Def worth a walk around.
I don't want them to make it too easy. It makes it more fun/makes you interact with other players with the current system.

Plus it's not hard to triangulate and find Pokemon with the current system

Show me how to rectangulate fam

There was a magmar on my block and I walked all over and coudnt find it

Go in one direction until the bruh gets either closer or farther (not necessarily with just steps but by its placement on the list)

If it gets farther about face and go the opposite direction the continue as follows.
Continue walking until bruh starts getting farther way then turn around and go back half the distance you've walked.
At that point pick a direction 90 degrees from your original path and repeat the steps above.

With this, plus the radius that the game offers, you should be able to find whatever. I hope this was clear enough but its what I've used and haven't missed on at least finding everything on my list. Plus gives you them KMs for eggs and such
Finally caught myself a Bulbasaur. First time today something good has shown up while I'm sitting at my desk. Praise be whoever has this lure going constantly at the pokestop in my building.
By my house is trash :x only pidgeys and rattatas :smh:

At what lvl do you get great balls? I'm level 11s and these pokeballs are ******* me over with the Pokemon that like to run :smh:
Go in one direction until the bruh gets either closer or farther (not necessarily with just steps but by its placement on the list)

If it gets farther about face and go the opposite direction the continue as follows.
Continue walking until bruh starts getting farther way then turn around and go back half the distance you've walked.
At that point pick a direction 90 degrees from your original path and repeat the steps above.

With this, plus the radius that the game offers, you should be able to find whatever. I hope this was clear enough but its what I've used and haven't missed on at least finding everything on my list. Plus gives you them KMs for eggs and such

Wish I would have know about the pulse thing
Lost a bulbasur
My work moved me about 1000 feet for where I'm usually at (downtown san jose area), now i have a pokestop where I sit :smokin
There's also a gym but their pokemon are all 1200+ :smh:
I see it get battled often though lol
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No pokestops or gyms near my work but my work is near the landfill (I work for republic services) and a gravel company and I am constantly getting rock type pokemon pop up over here :smokin
Im in a group text with like 6 ppl and only 3 of us actually go out and play at night while we blaze. The other 3 ppl are straight debbie downers tryna rain on the parade talking bout how is that even fun to walk around ect. like fam use chill and play xbox all night lol whats the difference ? id still be out chilling and smoking instead i got a game now to play while i do it

i guess they just haven't explored yet to really understand how fun it can actually be by interacting with new ppl and what not 

i know its not gonna be for everyone but ppl gotta give it a chance first before they start hating lol

i told myself i can never see myself playing this game yet here i am having a blast at 25 yrs old oh well
Surprised at some of my friends who got hooked to the game

Dudes who are usually never down to try anything new
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