Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

I wish there's a chat feature in this game of sorts especially on gyms.

Been holding down the same gym for a few days now (I think there's 8 trainers there now too) and we are pretty much all strangers to each other, would be awesome if we could leave messages for each other.
that would be pretty nice at least a gym chat. to chat with the people that are in the same gym as you. different chat rooms if your holding different gyms... also pokemon trainer markers would be nice so that markers show up on the map to display who are currently online
that would be pretty nice at least a gym chat. to chat with the people that are in the same gym as you. different chat rooms if your holding different gyms... also pokemon trainer markers would be nice so that markers show up on the map to display who are currently online

Probably best there is no chat feature. That's going down a road that could lead to some inappropriate interactions and could open the door for a lot of bad ****.

They probably thought about it but decided against it because of potential legal ramifications that could ensue.
Once we get trading..they will have to implement some sort of friends list

We will prob be able to chat with our friends only.
that would be pretty nice at least a gym chat. to chat with the people that are in the same gym as you. different chat rooms if your holding different gyms... also pokemon trainer markers would be nice so that markers show up on the map to display who are currently online

Probably best there is no chat feature. That's going down a road that could lead to some inappropriate interactions and could open the door for a lot of bad ****.

They probably thought about it but decided against it because of potential legal ramifications that could ensue.

"Hey little girl. Wanna see my caterpie? :evil:"
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"Hey little girl. Wanna see my caterpie?
You shouldn't even do that because there are plenty of dudes out there that use a female avatar :lol:

Chat can be easily monitored and limited though, plenty of MMOs out there that just blocks inappropriate words and problems there isn't too big of a deal.

And they could easily add a report button and have people banned if necessary.

They could also just make chat a feature between trainers in gyms because while you do have to go to the gym to interact with it, chances are you won't run into the other people that adds their Pokemon in that gym and it would just be a nice to be able to leave a message there for those helping you hold down the fort.
You shouldn't even do that because there are plenty of dudes out there that use a female avatar :lol:

Chat can be easily monitored and limited though, plenty of MMOs out there that just blocks inappropriate words and problems there isn't too big of a deal.

And they could easily add a report button and have people banned if necessary.

They could also just make chat a feature between trainers in gyms because while you do have to go to the gym to interact with it, chances are you won't run into the other people that adds their Pokemon in that gym and it would just be a nice to be able to leave a message there for those helping you hold down the fort.

You could always run around randomly going to everyone with their phone out and ask them if they're playing Pokemon Go.

IDK where the folks at that are holding down the gym. There's clearly fades being handed out but I don't see anyone around the water fountain the gym is at.

This **** def got me looking everytime I drive by.

Might be some real life static though if I catch one of these blues in the wild. It's valor gang ***.

[emoji]128514[/emoji] This game is def going to lead to some real life scuffles. Just wait for it.
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Found my first 10km egg
All the pokestops filled up my eggs 9/9 need to really walk now

Found a Dratini today so happy!
5km egg had a Psyduck nothing fancy
Gotta get rid of these 2km eggs to make room

So many potions and pokeballs

Park was great

Saw one car with 6 people jump out all on their phones playing go

Older people at least 25+
Gonna go Saturday in the afternoon mack on some shawtys after getting my level up

From 9 to 11 with the Lucky Egg
Scooped a sandshrew from my toilet smh! And a charmander from my bed. This is Pokemon stay so far

This game literally makes me wanna cop the new Pokemon dropping in November. Forgot how much fun the challenge of catching these lil things can be.
This game literally makes me wanna cop the new Pokemon dropping in November. Forgot how much fun the challenge of catching these lil things can be.
Ive been feeling the same way.

Either that or scoop a gameboy SP and pokemon red
hopefully they change the tracking to how far away you are and the direction the pokemon is at, like how they showed in the pokemonGo trailer... maybe leave the more rare pokemon like they have it now so it makes it a little more of a hunt for them
I don't want them to make it too easy. It makes it more fun/makes you interact with other players with the current system.

Plus it's not hard to triangulate and find Pokemon with the current system
It'd be awesome if they showed a direction with the footprints

I'm not asking for an exact address; just a general north, south, east, west.
I don't want them to make it too easy. It makes it more fun/makes you interact with other players with the current system.

Plus it's not hard to triangulate and find Pokemon with the current system
depends they should at least fix it... two nights ago i was trying to track down a rhydon, kadabra, and a poliwhirl with no success... i walked every direction possible for about 5mins each and the footprints didnt drop at all
hopefully they change the tracking to how far away you are and the direction the pokemon is at, like how they showed in the pokemonGo trailer... maybe leave the more rare pokemon like they have it now so it makes it a little more of a hunt for them

they definitely make it a challenge to track them down, trying to go all direction to see which way it is at, they need like a Dragonball Detector like system
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