Pokemon Go (ios and android) - TEAM ROCKET

Bet you'll switch it up if another team becomes poppin like Man U...

:lol: probably why they do not show the avatar of other trainers in the wild

and yesterday I lost a charizard and today I lost out on this :frown:

View media item 2099352

Who's that? You missed a Charizard too, right? Tough week!
I missed out on a Scyther this morning. Tried finding it but never got close... SMH

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No pokestops or gyms near my work but my work is near the landfill (I work for republic services) and a gravel company and I am constantly getting rock type pokemon pop up over here :smokin

The algorithm they use is crazy
My mans is a firefighter and he catches charmanders in the station all day.
Looking at these lit squads makes me sick lol. All I got that's good is a pidgeot and a eevee ready to evolve but I can't find enough of them to get enough candy smh
Is there any point to keeping more than 1 of the same type or should anything lower level that gets caught just be changed to candy?
I see all these "Stop Playing Pokemon, People are dying in the Streets"??? posts

on IG and Twitter?

People need to lighten up..


We Been Wasting Our Time for Years.. Why mad cuz it's on Pokemon now?
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Ya'll dont wanna see my trash line up.

Was leveling up my Machoke and accidentally transferred him :lol:.
There is 1 poke stop in my immediate area at work and it's at the basketball courts just off of the freeway

I dropped a lure module and collabo with some incense and got nothing worth mentioning.

But within 5 mins a car pulls up and he parks next to me and another car pulls up with hello kitty stickers all over and dudes on bicycles. It was kind of weird just seeing how people are behaving. These weren't kids also and I work on a business campus and this Was during working hours.

I know for a fact non of the people I seen work here.

On a side note, I caught my magmar at wal mart.
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Just got a pikachu....CP 37 though [emoji]128529[/emoji]
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My brother got a Chancey from a 10k egg and it was od in HP.

CP189 with 200HP, good for leveling up your gyms prestige.
You just need some timing and luck and you'll run into a gym like this.
but thats only the first pokemon. i went to a gym because i was lured in by the pokemon on dispaly that was low level and then proceeded to get washed by the rest of the team which were high level.
I'm praying I get something good in my 10km.. Should unlock it today since I'm gonna hit up some spots later today and walk around
Lost out on a Dratini this morning. Once I got settled into my desk, I stepped out to look for it and couldn't find it again. This was around Park ave.
Lapras and Electabuzz came out of my 10km eggs.

Working on getting the CP up for both of those.

There has to be a more efficient way to get stardust. The module + incense + spam evolutions + lucky egg brought me up from level 12 to 14.
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