Polar Vortex Will Bring Sub Zero Temps to Over 50million Americans vol 100+ Car Pileup on i35 in Ft Worth- Be Safe Bros


He'll probably get re-elected :smh:
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Again, go and riot at their door steps ASAP. Let’s see those 1st and 2nd amendments at work

and man, people sure do easily hack these accounts just to post 1 thing and never do it again..... very..... normal
Barely cell signal sometimes at only around 3am-about 6am. No power since about 4am 2/15 came back on 3 times for about 2 minutes then the 4th time back off since about 7pm 2/16. Nearing 48 hours now. Waters been gone since 2/16 in the am. Down now to a loaf of bread to eat and a box of cookies. Nothing in Baytown is open and I can't get to anywhere. There isnt any way out that there's not a bridge to cross and they've been closed. Replies below I've tried to post throughout, but never enough signal to, replies are probably outdated just didn't re-read them. Stay safe yall, my neighbor down the street said we could be stuck without water or power here in Baytown until the weekend his boss told him. He works at ExxonMobil plant.
No BS. As I’m reading this post, I hear someone yelling outside. Actually no too uncommon the past few days. I hear him again but I couldn’t really make out what he was saying, “muh muh POWER!” I look up see the red light on on the TV! :wow: When the power clicked on I can only imagine dude running outside like Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning. :rofl:

blastercombo blastercombo I am at my moms in Sugarland. These are the rich boys. :smh:
It's crazy that some politicians actually think like that when it's their ******* civic duty to serve the people... guess it's no different from a police force that terrorizes it's citizens. Greatest nation in the world... right?
No BS. As I’m reading this post, I hear someone yelling outside. Actually no too uncommon the past few days. I hear him again but I couldn’t really make out what he was saying, “muh muh POWER!” I look up see the red light on on the TV! :wow: When the power clicked on I can only imagine dude running outside like Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning. :rofl:

blastercombo blastercombo I am at my moms in Sugarland. These are the rich boys. :smh:
Not familiar with the area but I hope that means you’re OK
The sprinkler system froze. If you live in an apartment I’d get your **** outta there

2 more days of this cold
Houston cats don’t bother lining up at HEB for food. Phoenicia is open and not busy at all. It’s an European grocery store. Lots of good stuff. They are cranking out fresh pita for everyone and there’s lots of water. Got me some good *** food.

not even a line to get in and still plenty of groceries left. And they are making hot meals too.
I hate to ask this when I’m seeing a lot of the country struggling right now & maybe it’s been discussed
But I’m curious if the brutal 8 month summers in Florida will be not as miserable this year....
Now would be a great time to start investing in a mobile plumbing company. Pipes EVERYWHERE are going to be bursting especially since a good amount of pipes are older and more liable to events like this.
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